View Full Version : Bit of a duh moment

February 10th, 2016, 19:12
So, while working on my campaign this morning, I placed a story link in an NPC segment...then realized I needed to do the exact opposite (place the NPC in the story). I right clicked the link, double-clicked, checked the forums, and could not, for the life of me, figure out how to delete an erroneously placed link!

Then my 16 year old daughter looked over my shoulder and said, "try backspace..."

Uh huh...I'm not worth a salt till my coffee...

February 10th, 2016, 21:33
Brilliant! Let's start a marketing campaign to get this slogan everywhere! T-shirts, television adverts, print magazines, a cologne line.. everywhere! It'll make us millions.. everyone will be chanting our phrase whenever they get stuck in life... "Always Try BS!"

February 10th, 2016, 23:24
So, while working on my campaign this morning, I placed a story link in an NPC segment...then realized I needed to do the exact opposite (place the NPC in the story). I right clicked the link, double-clicked, checked the forums, and could not, for the life of me, figure out how to delete an erroneously placed link!

Then my 16 year old daughter looked over my shoulder and said, "try backspace..."

You can also do a "Ctrl-1".