View Full Version : Forgotten Realms Atlas?

February 10th, 2016, 02:38
Hello! I saw that years ago there was a Forgotten Realms Atlas on CD. Since SmiteWorks obtained the D&D license, will we obtain something like that in the future?

February 10th, 2016, 03:21
I doubt it - I believe that that atlas was priduced using the Campaign Cartographer software for TSR/WOTC. I can't see SmiteWorks getting or even wanting to produce something like that.

But there's no reason the original won't work with FG - after all, the maps are just jpgs or pngs (or can be exported to those formats).

Let's not forget what FG is and what it is not - its a Virtual Table Top, not a character generator, nor a cartography application. :)

February 10th, 2016, 03:33
And remember that Smiteworks doesn't have a licence for everything D&D ever. It is only for D&D 5E products.

February 10th, 2016, 05:13
Its okay. It's just that I also use FG as a D&D database.

February 11th, 2016, 04:12
Grab a copy of Fantasy Grounds - D&D Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/415570/ss_299bacec69dff566cc9d7307c88a9b442a20fb68.600x33 8.jpg?t=1447378731

here (https://store.steampowered.com/app/415570/)

February 11th, 2016, 05:00
Or, if you have the older book in PDF... you can do some of the legwork. I am currently adding maps, area info, etc... from the 3.5E Domains of Dread to set up a 5E Ravenloft campaign. I wont say it is quick to do, but it isn't difficult thus far.

February 11th, 2016, 05:42
Hello! I saw that years ago there was a Forgotten Realms Atlas on CD. Since SmiteWorks obtained the D&D license, will we obtain something like that in the future?

I actually have that Atlas. The maps are very crude by today's standards and it was rather difficult to navigate. I have several of the Forgotten Realms resources which have been published over the years for various versions of D&D, and I find the Atlas to be the last one I resort to. It is one of the oldest resources so the content is rather dated.

I have been able to find great value in the PDF versions of the Forgotten Realms resources that are now available on the https://www.dmsguild.com/. Using a good PDF reader that can export images you can use this to build your own database of maps and lore.

February 11th, 2016, 08:00
Awwww, the good old 2nd edition. I hate reading PDF on the desktop PC. What is it like on a 10' tablet? Is it comparable to reading on a Kindle?

February 11th, 2016, 18:00
10' tablet?? I'd say that would qualify as a rather large "tablet" :D

I use my 10" tablet for reading PDFs - works great IMO...

February 11th, 2016, 18:19
10' tablet? Game table in the works!

February 11th, 2016, 18:26
Awwww, the good old 2nd edition. I hate reading PDF on the desktop PC. What is it like on a 10' tablet? Is it comparable to reading on a Kindle?

Kindles are optimized for anti-glare and reducing eye strain. Tablets and apps try to resolve this through different levels of brightness, so your mileage may with the total experience. But if you are simply wondering about convenience and the ability to read a PDF page-by-page (i.e., without having to scroll up and down), then I would say a tablet offers a wonderful experience. I'm partial to the Microsoft Surface products and have both a Surface Pro 3 (10") and a Surface Book (13"). Viewing PDFs in full-screen read mode with touch navigation is quite nice.

On the other hand, when I am reading a PDF for reference, I'm not usually interested in reading it like a book. I'm using it as a reference tool so I *want* the desktop experience.

February 17th, 2016, 03:31
TMO is right, the FRA is crude. I was around back when it was being created and almost joined in the project. It was created by a portion of FR fans using Campaign Cartographer 2. The vast majority of maps were created by enthusiasts, not professionals.

I've gotten it for use in the Undermountain, where I don't need professional level maps. But that I do want the maps as previously published (which is what the UM maps are).

IMO, you can find better maps through Google or in a few hours using the latest version of Campaign Cartographer (3+) which has come a great long way since CC2.