View Full Version : FG Con questions

February 8th, 2016, 17:39
So, as a new user, I am really excited about this platform. I am also interested in upcoming FG Cons... and possibly running something. A few observations however...

1) I don't see an active forum for Con discussions. I see sub categories for each of the past events, sure. But a current forum to discuss future participation, projected dates, tips for teaching newer GMs, etc... this might be helpful.

2) Speaking of teaching newer GMs, there is no overall document of how to participate, as player or GM, that i can find. Not only would this be great, but training sessions also. Maybe this exists, but again, I find no info on it. (I admit, maybe I am looking in the wrong places). If this doesn't exist already, meeting a weekend before the Con as a GM group to go over hosting etiquette, test connections, etc.... might not be a bad idea.

3) What a great resource this would be to test out new rule sets or extensions or whatever! I think that would be a strong selling point for some, and generate interest. Maybe even those who write modules might offer them to a GM (if not run them themselves) for the exposure it might get on the weekend.

4) Do the games get streamed? It might be worth having a main twitch account, and for each game that will be streamed, add them as a player to that game and stream it to generate even more interest.

Sure the list could go on, but these were the ones off the top of my head. So, are there resources I just haven;t fond yet? Any way to be more engaged in this to plan ahead earlier if one wants to participate?

February 8th, 2016, 17:56
Hi 13ullesye

1. When it gets nearer the time a new thread will be started for the next CON. You can follow the links in the existing ones to see how to participate.

2. As 1 above

3. This is exactly what happens in the CONs. Not necessarily with new rulesets (there isn't exactly an avalanche of those) but it does give people a taster of what's available.

4. Some people do but it's not generally done; for example I wouldn't because I don't have a good enough connection to handle the stream.

February 8th, 2016, 18:11
Thanks for the info! I will stay tuned.

February 8th, 2016, 18:12
1) General FG Con discussions can be added to the base FG con tread here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?94-FG-Con-–-Fantasy-Grounds-Virtual-Convention

2) Lots more info on FG Con on the FG Con website: https://www.fg-con.com/ See the links under the Events dropdown for some info for players and GMs.

3) Yep, people can test new rulesets etc. at FG Con. But, don't wait for FG Con, what is great about playing online is that you can do this *any time*. Post a thread advertising that you need playtesters and off you go! As far as publisher support goes, we've had GM support from publishers for most of the FG Cons that have ran in the past - FG Con 7 had support for Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder.