View Full Version : [LFP] Monster of the Week - Jester of Puppets

January 24th, 2016, 10:15

A monster lurks in the shadows... Most people don’t believe in monsters, but you know the truth. They’re real, and it’s your task to bring them down. This revised edition of Monster of the Week brings that adventure to life. Monster of the Week is a standalone action-horror RPG for 3-5 people. Hunt high school beasties a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer, travel the country to bring down unnatural creatures like the Winchester brothers of Supernatural, or head up the government investigation like Mulder and Scully. This book contains everything you need to tackle Bigfoot, collar a chupacabra, and drive away demons.

When? (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Monster+of+the+Week+-+Jester+of+Puppets&iso=20160130T22&p1=179&ah=3)
What's the rule system? It's Monster of the Week, a variant of games like Dungeon World and Apocalypse World.
Where? On FG's teamspeak channel (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?17071-Voicechat!-Community-TeamSpeak3-Server)
Calendar link (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1805)
Any experience required? Nope, no experience with Fantasy Grounds or Monster of the Week are required.
Do I need a license or the Monster of the Week add-on? Nope, I have an Ultimate License and as long as the host has the material/dlc, you do not need to have/purchase it.
Which character can I play? The playbooks (characters) are located here (https://www.evilhat.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Monster-of-the-Week-Revised-Playbooks.pdf). For this game, only The Chosen, The Crooked, The Expert, The Flake and The Spooky are available and there can only be one of each. You are not A Chosen, you are THE Chosen. Once you sign up on the calendar you can claim one playbook. We'll settle any disputes concerning playbooks over there.
Requirements: You must have a mic/headset, TeamSpeak and Fantasy Grounds installed. You must be willing to read the playbook of your choice (2 pages).

January 24th, 2016, 11:00
Ooooohhhhh yeah. Ive been really thinking about running this!
I miss Buffy.

January 24th, 2016, 12:57
this looks awesome !

January 24th, 2016, 13:06
this looks awesome !
So I'll be seeing you and your wife on FG Saturday night then? ;) hehe

January 24th, 2016, 13:41
Oh man I wish, your adventures and preparation looks great and unique ! Alas, we fall asleep around 11:30 to 12:00 pm. If for any reason you ever have a morning weekend session I ll jump in like crazy. Have a great Sunday :)

January 24th, 2016, 16:10
I'd like to join Mask.

I've never even heard of this game, but last one shot was fun and I hadn't heard of that one either :)

January 24th, 2016, 16:19
Thinking about this one. Sounds like fun.

January 24th, 2016, 16:43
You two were in the Dungeon World game. It's based on the same system, plays the same way. It's just that the playbooks (classes) are different and it takes place in the modern world.

Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Grimm, Trueblood, Constantine, Ash vs The Evil Dead, Sleepy Hollow and The Dresden Files. That's the "genre".

January 24th, 2016, 16:51
Very nice, Dungeon Worlds was fun.

January 24th, 2016, 17:48
Okay I'd like to play in this one. I'll take the Divine, or, if someone really has their heart set on the Divine then I will play the Spell Slinger. If that is okay.

edit - Oops, I didn't read the instructions very well regarding which playbook slots we were using, man how did I miss that! Okay have to pick something else for my playbook.

January 25th, 2016, 00:58
Okay I'd like to play in this one. I'll take the Divine, or, if someone really has their heart set on the Divine then I will play the Spell Slinger. If that is okay.

edit - Oops, I didn't read the instructions very well regarding which playbook slots we were using, man how did I miss that! Okay have to pick something else for my playbook.

The reason I limited the selection to a few is because I'm making this module for Fantasy Grounds from scratch. It takes me about an hour to create each playbook. Right now I got the Chosen, Crooked and Expert done. If you really want the Divine, I can make it next instead of the Flake or Spooky.

Also, if you want to take a look at the Basic moves, here's a link to the Hunters Reference Sheet. (https://www.evilhat.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Monster-of-the-Week-Revised-Hunter-Reference-Sheets.pdf)

January 25th, 2016, 01:08
If it is really the same to you then that'd be great, but I am happy to try something else if that is what you'd prefer to make up, maybe the Flake or the Expert, or whatever is left. Got the basic moves sheet, thanks, will look over. Should be pretty good, I did very much enjoy the Dungeon World game and this sounds like it will be a similar kind of fun.

January 25th, 2016, 02:42
IrishBouzouki (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?27608-IrishBouzouki) .

No problem. I'll get working on the Divine.

Only one spot left.

I shared more information to players as an announcement in the game's calendar page.

January 25th, 2016, 04:07
Hiya Mask, I would love to play the spooky if there is space.

January 25th, 2016, 04:37
Hiya Mask, I would love to play the spooky if there is space.
Looks like you just took the last spot. The Spooky it is! Welcome aboard!

January 25th, 2016, 04:48
Hehehe looks like you will have a good crew or this one Mask!

January 25th, 2016, 05:15
Hehehe looks like you will have a good crew or this one Mask!
No doubt. Honored to have such an all-star cast for this one.

January 25th, 2016, 06:43
Your chosen one has arrived. Expect ghost rider's chain wielder meets the big lebowski as this beach bum hero is out to fullfill the prophecy handed down to him

January 25th, 2016, 07:24

January 25th, 2016, 23:57
Haha... the Chosen sounds quite interesting, dude. Who are the other two pc playing?

January 26th, 2016, 03:17
I gave it a look thru and I'd like to play the Flake if that's ok. But did you see the pic on that Mounstrous? He's so fluffy!!!

January 26th, 2016, 07:57
I signed up on the calendar as a backup. I will play whatever character is left if someone backs out. Thanks!

January 26th, 2016, 08:44
I gave it a look thru and I'd like to play the Flake if that's ok. But did you see the pic on that Mounstrous? He's so fluffy!!!


January 26th, 2016, 23:02
The Monstrous might be fluffy and cute, but he could also eat your brains if he is hungry.

January 26th, 2016, 23:23
A lot of the playbooks look quite good in this game.... I do like the Spellspringer or the initiate.... are you sure Mask that you won't make this a campaign.... pretty please with a cherry on top ;)

January 26th, 2016, 23:52
A lot of the playbooks look quite good in this game.... I do like the Spellspringer or the initiate.... are you sure Mask that you won't make this a campaign.... pretty please with a cherry on top ;)

I need to kick the tires first but it's possible. I'm trying to put a group together. The time may not work for you though. Check out this thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27790-LFP-Checking-Interest).

January 27th, 2016, 00:09
Mask, I had a stitch in my side from laughing so hard. I swear I would be a white and pink unicorn with a fluffy and sparkly mane, but I know you would give me a persistent -1 soooo I won't ;)

January 27th, 2016, 00:18
I run a wide variety of games, but this (https://www.rpgnow.com/product/125583/Ponyfinder--Campaign-Setting) is something I'll never run. Unless you get me to do acid and we get to have an epic pillow fight afterwards.

January 27th, 2016, 00:55
Oh no, no acids. Could you image the bad trip you'd have if you dropped acid and GM'd bright shiny sparkly unicorns and ponies?

January 27th, 2016, 03:12
I need to kick the tires first but it's possible. I'm trying to put a group together. The time may not work for you though. Check out this thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27790-LFP-Checking-Interest).

I am keeping my fingers crossed.... this hunter game looks more interesting the more I look at the info.

January 27th, 2016, 03:14
Oh no, no acids. Could you image the bad trip you'd have if you dropped acid and GM'd bright shiny sparkly unicorns and ponies?

I think it would be like a bad HP fanfic I read that had a man eating unicorn in it.

January 30th, 2016, 12:24
We're on schedule for tonight. I'll meet you guys on TeamSpeak. I look forward to it!

January 31st, 2016, 06:33

Awesome game of #monsteroftheweek (https://plus.google.com/s/%23monsteroftheweek) tonight on+Fantasy Grounds (https://plus.google.com/103619950996682740172). The Hunters were investigating a mystery involving a Pinnochian demon wreaking havoc in Yorktown for the Jester of Puppets case file. Thanks to +John Storfer (https://plus.google.com/111941195982651689123) +Daniel McLaughlin (https://plus.google.com/114845223060452699641) +Squeeker Mouse (https://plus.google.com/109417676305460467421) sctorchwoodfan and John (irishbozooki) for bringing their hunters to life. It was my first game running this game and I enjoyed it quite a bit!

January 31st, 2016, 13:59
Thanks Eric and all involved for a fun and unique experience. The group were some wild and crazy improv players! Amazing!

January 31st, 2016, 19:57
Yeah, our session was good but it ended unfortunately without us seeing what the puppet really could do plus its toy minions. :)