View Full Version : Yet another dynamic lighting question

January 22nd, 2016, 18:35
I understand that dynamic lighting (fog of war ) has been a highly sought after feature for FG for some time but, I was wondering if it's possible to make a stop gap by using an extension. My thinking is that having a round marquee for unmasking an area that would approximate 30 foot radius would make lighting much easier and allow for a more fluid game. The question I have is, can this be accomplished by use of an extension? Or is unmasking hard coded into the software?

Thanks for any input

January 22nd, 2016, 18:42
The question I have is, can this be accomplished by use of an extension? Or is unmasking hard coded into the software?
It's hard coded so and extension can't be made to do this.

The most that might be potentially done is having a large opaque image that had a hole in the middle, then deploy the image as a token (for a quick use case - but you'll encounter token stacking issues) or do an extension that uses the blackout image as a widget rather than a token. This would probably work better in something like the image layer extension, where you won't get token stacking issues. But the "lighting" layer would have to be above everything else - and you'd only really work with one blackout image as the black areas of multiple blackout images would override the "light" areas of others. This approach would also provide viewing beyond walls, etc. so there would still be a need for the base mask to control that. Not ideal, but it might provide more options than available now.

The extra layer on top, for spell effects and other things like this, is something I've been playing with off-and-on based off the layer extension (more off than on, as I'm really busy at the moment). Layer extension here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20231-Enhanced-Images-%28layers%29-for-FG-3-0-CoreRPG-%28and-rulesets-based-on-CoreRPG%29

January 22nd, 2016, 19:47
Any chance unmasking could utilize the shapes menu option -cone and circle as well as box and free draw? That would help with unmasking options.

January 22nd, 2016, 21:10
Any chance unmasking could utilize the shapes menu option -cone and circle as well as box and free draw? That would help with unmasking options.
It would, to a point, but with the rewrite of Fantasy Grounds to the Unity platform Smiteworks will not be making changes like this to the current FG platform as the plans are for the mapping functionality to be redesigned - some info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?26242-SmiteWorks-is-growing!-We-have-acquired-Tabletop-Connect

January 23rd, 2016, 19:29
Thanks for the quick reply, I had the suspicion that it was hard coded. I guess it's back to thinking up another inane question.

Thanks again

Ken L
January 23rd, 2016, 19:44
It could be possible if an extension could duplicate maps, send each player a seperate map, then unmasked fog dynamically and synced token movements.

But that's kitchen sink territory and not worth it given the rewrite.