View Full Version : New to Fantasy Grounds

January 12th, 2016, 01:11
I'm new to this set up, having just recently gotten the game on steam, and would love to be able to start playing a game. I've also never really done d&d or pathfinder over the internet so I'll likely need some advice. Thanks in advance.

January 12th, 2016, 01:14
Hiya Panzer and welcome to a super friendly community. Posting here was your first good step, add the times you are available, the time zone, if you have any game preferences, Watch the threads for GM's posting games and if you see something that works for your time and interest contact the GM, don't be shy.

January 12th, 2016, 01:18
Oh, sorry pacific standard time. I should be good to play any time after 3:30PM on any day but Monday and Wednesday. Pathfinder or D&D 3.5, 5e are the ones I'm most interested in.

January 18th, 2016, 03:31
Hola Panzerfaust
The fastest way into a game is to post on threads when a GM advertises a new game.
Stay active on the boards and express an interest on anything that looks like it fits your availability and style.
Many games fill up fast so the GMs dont need to go looking for players...

I am going to run a One Shot game this Saturday - its at an odd hour but let me know if it interests you.