View Full Version : Fantasy Grounds on Twitch/You Tube Live

January 11th, 2016, 00:40
I have noticed that the live streaming of Fantasy Grounds games is getting more popular, and call me a nerd, but I think its great TV. It can be kind of hard to find them though. Is there any mileage in having a thread or something on the forums where people could post up that they have a live session running?

January 11th, 2016, 00:44
I seem to recall seeing such thread in the tavern but not sure if it was stickied or not. Hoping a moderator can chime in on that.

January 12th, 2016, 21:38
Youtube live is really bad for streaming if you want to exclude countries. So far i only know of germany being excluded and need access by a proxy which makes it usally to slow to watch the streams. I recommend twitch but sadly i dont really know anyone who streams fantasy ground.

January 13th, 2016, 00:57
Here's who I watch on twitch

January 16th, 2016, 21:28
I recently caught up on a session of a campaign I am in and in which Rob2e is a player when I came across a reference to his twitch recording. These are great to recall exactly where you were at the end of the last session (and to have a laugh seeing the session again).

January 28th, 2016, 13:43
Youtube live is really bad for streaming if you want to exclude countries. So far i only know of germany being excluded and need access by a proxy which makes it usally to slow to watch the streams. I recommend twitch but sadly i dont really know anyone who streams fantasy ground.
Odd that 16% of people watching my YouTube vids are from Germany.

February 1st, 2016, 05:50
We tend to also play Fantasy Grounds and host the session on twitch, although it is my friend Sean who tends to record it. We play every saturday night, and start at around 11pm CST.


We use a custom campaign setting, and not all of us are complete experts, but we have a lot of fun, and I often use the stored videos on twitch to review the last session.