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View Full Version : I think we will endorse this

March 3rd, 2005, 08:39

My name is Clark Peterson. I run Necromancer Games. I think I am going to send all our fans over to this site to check this software out. I am absolutely floored by the demo and if the real program even delivers on 1/3rd of what it seems to promise, this software will be the best thing I have seen in some time. Truly amazing!

I emailed the developers. Hopefully they will send me buttons to put on our main page. I want to get everyone I can to use this stuff!


March 3rd, 2005, 12:40
[...] if the real program even delivers on 1/3rd of what it seems to promise, this software will be the best thing I have seen in some time [...]

In my oppinion this program delivers everything it promises and more.

March 3rd, 2005, 12:53
Parallel modules of your pen and paper products offered thru say prgnow.com, pre-modularized for FG use would be swell < grin >

God bless,


March 3rd, 2005, 14:04

My name is Clark Peterson. I run Necromancer Games. I think I am going to send all our fans over to this site to check this software out. I am absolutely floored by the demo and if the real program even delivers on 1/3rd of what it seems to promise, this software will be the best thing I have seen in some time. Truly amazing!

I emailed the developers. Hopefully they will send me buttons to put on our main page. I want to get everyone I can to use this stuff!


Awesome...I would love to see cooperation between FG and Necromancer.

BTW, Clark...thanks. I can't think of something you guys have put out that I don't really dig...

March 3rd, 2005, 16:58
I would love to offer parallel pre-modularized-for-FG versions of our products.

By the way, if anyone wants to do a conversion of our free adventure the Wizard's Amulet, I am by this email giving blanket permission for anyone to convert and distribute a FG-modularized version of that adventure.

(obviously, anyone can convert and use a module for their personal use or the use of their game group, but there would be restrictions on distribution beyond personal use without permission, which is why I am giving the permission that I give above so you know you dont have anything to worry about if you make and distribute a FG version of the Wizard's Amulet).


March 3rd, 2005, 17:07
Hey, thanks!


March 3rd, 2005, 17:13
No problem!!!

I love the idea of a virtual table top. I loved playing on the original Scared Lands online chat game when d20 first started. But I really found the interface lacking. So this has been a little pet interest of mine.

I havent yet been contacted by the software developers (guys, if you are listening, email me at clark -at- necromancergames -dot- com) but when I am contacted I'd like to talk about a way to give people permission to convert and create FG-modularized version of Necro modules. I dont know how to do it yet and would need help doing it. But I would love to help pump up this whole genre of gaming! And I am pimping this site hard on our message boards (and even on ENWorld).

So someone please go do a Wizard's Amulet conversion!!!


March 3rd, 2005, 17:19
Adventure can be found here:


for the inet search impaired. :)

I took a real quick look though and it seems pretty good. No maps though that I saw.


March 3rd, 2005, 17:30
Here is a link to the revised edition of the Wizard's Amulet:



March 3rd, 2005, 17:45
And another Necromancer employee joins the fray over here....

Scott Greene
Necromancer Games

March 3rd, 2005, 17:50
Well, we had the Code Monkeys here for a while and now Necromancer's. I guess as long as you guys don't merge and become the Undead Code Monkeys we'll be ok.



March 3rd, 2005, 17:58
hmm necromancer undead monkeys..what would their stats be like :)

March 3rd, 2005, 18:02
There is a great tool for getting large amounts of text into FG here:

but it requires that the text start out in Word. It breaks it up into pages, dm text and chat box text.

Would it be possible for either you to use this to get the text into a FG module and then give us the .mod to work with or

supply the adventure in word/text form so we can do the above. Retyping in all the text is quite a chore. If you want to you can email it to me at [email protected] and I'll work on converting it over the weekend (as time permits) and make it available.



March 3rd, 2005, 18:10

I'll email you the Wizard's Amulet in text (Word) format tonite. And I will also include the cheesy maps, though map updates in Dundjinni might be better.


March 3rd, 2005, 18:55
aww..i just scanned the whole pdf !!!!!

still the word file would be better

send it all over here and i will sort it over the weekend

[email protected]


March 3rd, 2005, 19:01
Responding to the Summon Vampire spell that Orcus cast....

Cool stuff.

March 3rd, 2005, 19:10
I'm also from the Necromancer Games boards. I've been looking for the best virtual tabletop for quite awhile. Orcus' recommendation goes a long way with me.

I think that if you guys want to be successful you really need to partner with module publishers out there. Necromancer Games would be a great partner, I suggest that you do a deal!


March 3rd, 2005, 19:14
Whether Necro's stuff or any other publisher's stuff gets out there through an agreement between Necro and FG, or however else, I think we can all agree as players that we just want the stuff out there...

I dunno about you guys, but the thought of having a couple of key publishers on board with this app just totally rocks. I would love to see guys like Monte and the Goodman Games guys follow suit!

March 3rd, 2005, 19:59
aww..i just scanned the whole pdf !!!!!

still the word file would be better

send it all over here and i will sort it over the weekend

[email protected]


Ha! I'm lazier then you. :)

How about you work on the text and I'll work on some maps?


March 3rd, 2005, 20:56
This all sound very promising. I would like to see the conversion of the Wizards Amulets as a cooperative commnunity work. msd started a discussion at his site about the conversion.

March 4th, 2005, 00:09
Wow, that is a very nice adventure. I like the different options that are given and the side bars. Are all your modules that good?!

Sigh... I guess I'll have to buy some.



March 4th, 2005, 00:25
Wow, that is a very nice adventure. I like the different options that are given and the side bars. Are all your modules that good?!

Not to pimp Necro on someone else's board but seeing as Necro is pimping FG, dude...yeah. If you don't have The Crucible of Freya, definitely good pickup, The Grey Citadel, The Lost City of Barakus., etc.

All good stuff...

Dark Mistress
March 4th, 2005, 04:44
Registered, joined and posting as commanded oh dark lord and master, Lord Orcus.

March 4th, 2005, 07:08
I am very good at maps and such....... Photoshop/illustrator user... I could help if you like, as I am trying to expand my portfolio anyways....

Also, I am working on a workaround for the importing of Etools characters, Monsters and such. (I am going a different route, making the program output an xsl style sheet that mimics the format of FG so you can manually cut and paste the entries into your xml file)

Anything that I can do to help... let me know.

The Sandman

March 10th, 2005, 10:44
Sweet! Necormancer stuff is awesome! Let me know when you get that mod finished, I'd love to use it. Also, I would love to see Necromancer modules converted to FG format -I'd buy that for the same price (perhaps a bit more, like 25%-30%) than a module PDF.

March 10th, 2005, 10:45
Not to pimp Necro on someone else's board but seeing as Necro is pimping FG, dude...yeah. If you don't have The Crucible of Freya, definitely good pickup, The Grey Citadel, The Lost City of Barakus., etc.

All good stuff...[/quote]

I second that! I own a bunch of Necro products, and all of it is top notch!

March 10th, 2005, 11:31
just a quick update..the mod is coming together nicely, expect to see it posted here soon
