View Full Version : Distributing campaigns with regular versions of SRD monsters

February 27th, 2005, 12:42
Hi all,

Not strictly a FG question, but I'm sure someone in here would know. I've noticed that most of the lower CR monsters in the SRD are all beefed up by a warrior level or something equivalent.

Looking at, say, Kobolds, the Kobold in the SRD is a 1st level warrior. Now I want my players to meet regular Kobolds, but I'm also hoping to distribute my campaign later to all you guys.

If I include the regular Kobold monster in my campaign, am I in violation of Wizards' IP if I distribute the campaign?

Secondarily, does anyone know why all these monsters were beefed up in the SRD? It seems an almost deliberate move to make the SRD less useful.

February 27th, 2005, 14:40
I hope not, You mean that I bought all this D&D books, and then i cant take information from them to make my own Campaign, this is most strange i tell you.

February 27th, 2005, 15:21
I'm pretty sure no. But what you probably can't do is copy all the fighter text from the players handbook and include it in your module.

You should be safe.


February 27th, 2005, 15:33
I'm pretty sure no. But what you probably can't do is copy all the fighter text from the players handbook and include it in your module.
You should be safe.

The safest thing to do is just copy things directly from the d20 SRD when it comes to any WoTC product. You can find a copy of it at:



February 27th, 2005, 16:45
Its says that .."Permission to copy, modify and distribute the files collectively known as the System Reference Document (“SRD”) is granted solely through the use of the Open Gaming License, Version 1.0a. "... this is there words.

April 20th, 2005, 11:56
You are only permitted to use d20 content that is specifically marked as "open content" and it must be accompanied by the OGL/System licence where appropriate as per the rules on opengamingfoundation.org.

For monsters, this means that you many not use their flavour text in any other product, but may use the stat block.

If you look at the current as printed PHB and other WotC books you may find that they do not contain ANY open content, despite being a part of the d20 system. Since WotC own the whole shebang, anything that they release as open content from the core game appears in the System Reference Document sets.

While I think on it, free reprints of out of print AD&D adventures are NOT open content. Downloading the adventure, even if it was free from WotC's site does NOT mean that you can cut and paste chunks of it and make FG modules to distribute to other people. I think I'm fairly sure that you cannot share published commerical adventures, or indeed any adventures, that you did not write yourself using FG unless you have written permission from the original copyright holder.