View Full Version : Don't know where its getting it.......

January 4th, 2016, 09:58
Hello All,
Working on some stuff in a D20 Modern based ruleset. I am adding 2 new stats Education and Social Rating. I got them both in and the die Rolling with Modifiers added works fine. The only thing I cant figure out where it gets it from is when you do a Stat check Education is fine it comes up "Education Check" but when I do a Social Rating check it comes up "Socrating Check"
Where do I find the area to get it to output "Social rating Check"?


To make it simple I have just copied the D20-Modern ruleset and Renamed it to the new ruleset. So everything is the standard Modern Ruleset.

January 4th, 2016, 10:29
So I think I might have found where it gets it. This is from the "manager_action_ability.lua"

function getRoll(rActor, sAbilityStat, nTargetDC, bSecretRoll)
local rRoll = {};
rRoll.sType = "ability";
rRoll.aDice = { "d20" };
rRoll.nMod = ActorManager2.getAbilityBonus(rActor, sAbilityStat);

rRoll.sDesc = "[ABILITY]";
rRoll.sDesc = rRoll.sDesc .. " " .. StringManager.capitalize(sAbilityStat);
rRoll.sDesc = rRoll.sDesc .. " check";

rRoll.bSecret = bSecretRoll;

rRoll.nTarget = nTargetDC;

return rRoll;

The Bold is what I think generates the message. but looks like it just takes whatever you named the stat and capitalizes the first letter. is there a way to get it to take the stat identifer and look it up in the strings_35e.xml and report the string name assigned to that stat?

January 4th, 2016, 10:29
Is the new social rating entryfield called "socrating"? The code might be getting the output from the name of the object.

January 4th, 2016, 11:40
Is the new social rating entryfield called "socrating"? The code might be getting the output from the name of the object.

Yes thats what it is named

January 4th, 2016, 11:52
rename the object to SocialRating....

January 4th, 2016, 12:42
Thanks Damned
That Works. Not 100% what I wanted but it will work for now

Having a space Social Rating would be nice. But this is good for now....

Thanks again guys

January 4th, 2016, 12:52
you may have to rework your code but this is taken from the Maelstrom Ruleset and I had a similar issue.

this is a code snippet from the character sheet:

<number_charabilitytemp_physical name="Missile Skill" source="abilities.missile-skill.temp">
<anchored to="missile-skill" offset="12,0" />

you can see my data has a node (db location) defined and a friendly name.

this is the number_charabilitytemp_physical template:

<template name="number_charabilitytemp_physical">
<tooltip><text>Current Ability Score. Click to Edit. Double Click to Roll. Roll under this value (- Armour Penalty) for Success.</text></tooltip>
<rollable />
<anchored position="right" width="32" />
function action(draginfo)
local nodeWin = window.getDatabaseNode();
if nodeWin then
local sMyName = nodeWin.getChild(".name").getValue()
local sSkill1 = self.getValue();
local sSkill2 = self.getName();
local nTotal1 = getValue();
Debug.console("nTotal1:" .. nTotal1 .. "!");
local nPenalty = window.penalty.getValue();
Debug.console("nPenalty:" .. nPenalty .. "!");
local nTotal = nTotal1 - nPenalty;
Debug.console("nTotal:" .. nTotal .. "!");
local sDesc = sMyName .. ": [ABILITY] " .. sSkill2 .. " check [TARGET " .. nTotal .. "]";
Debug.console("sDesc:" .. sDesc );

local rRoll = { sType = "ability", sDesc = sDesc, aDice = {"d100","d10"}, nMod = 0 };
ActionsManager.performAction(draginfo, rActor, rRoll);

return true;

function onDragStart(button, x, y, draginfo)
return action(draginfo);

function onDoubleClick(x,y)
return action();

If you see the lines on bold - I collect both the value for use in determining the result and the name for use in posting to the chat window....