View Full Version : Pathfinder, Sundays or Weekday Evenings

January 1st, 2016, 19:14
Hey folks, I was looking to start a Sundays or weekend evenings Pathfinder group. I've DM'd for a while, but recently made the conversion to FG. I'd love to run a smaller adventure line (2-3 modules) to fully understand FG, then move on to a campaign or AP.

FG License: Full
Game System: Pathfinder
Time Zone: UTC -7 Mountain
Day of week and time: Sundays or weekend evenings
Planned start date: 1/17/16 - 1/31/16
Frequency: Weekly
Term: Long; ideally we would play and complete a module, then jump into an AP or campaign.

Text or Voice: Predominately voice, as RP'ing preferences allow.
Voice software used: TBD
Roleplay & Combat mix: 40/60, I'll most likely be running pre-made adventures to start.
Number of Players in game & needed: I have interest from three players, and would enjoy taking on one or two more.
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level, use class starting gold
Character restrictions: DM approval of characters.

I'd like to meet beforehand over chat or voice with players to discuss expectations, characters and desires for the group. If interested go ahead and post or send me a PM.

Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=1764

January 3rd, 2016, 01:03
I've definitely got some interest in this. My saturdays and sundays are open after 8pm EST (6pm MT), with sundays freeing up completely starting on the 31st.

January 4th, 2016, 21:09
sending you a PM

Davidious Hurst
January 18th, 2016, 22:52
Hi Bongo pathfinder. I am also learning and would love to bring a character to the group and not feel like I am the only one that's a new dude on the block. I have placed Gadicus Cleric of Abadar on the Players list. Thanks

January 18th, 2016, 23:24
Greetings, program.

I hope I haven't missed this. If this is on Saturdays, I'd love to join. I host a Pathfinder game at my home on Sundays. I'll happily play whatever fills out the party the best, I'll hold off on anything final until the first session/meet and greet. I'm a novice at FG, but quite familiar with Pathfinder.

Is anything not allowed? Like non-unchained Summoners/Barbarians or certain Occult classes/builds? How power-gamey are the characters? Is it feasible to build a character for role play instead of being almost forced to min/max just to remain viable? Any 3rd party stuff (I'd love to try out an Aegis or soulknife from Dreamscarred Press)? I guess these questions are better left to a session 0/meet and greet type thing.

January 19th, 2016, 02:52
I would love to learn the pathfinder system.... I have played 2nd edition DnD and now 20 years later 5 edition (now on FG) but would love to try something different. I am open to play Sunday evenings after 6 MST, and I am open to any class though probably play a human to start with.

January 19th, 2016, 09:45
May i please joinwould love to play a sunday game what time?

January 19th, 2016, 13:04
Hey! Very interested in this! A which time in the evening do you expect to start? (I'm in europe so I will be playing at night)
Any way, I applied on the calendar and I hope this gets started!

January 19th, 2016, 21:09
Not sure if this is happening anymore :( srbongo has not been replying to any of my PMs either :(