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View Full Version : LFP: Need 1-2 players for AD&D 5E, every other Sunday at 1PM MST

December 27th, 2015, 01:45
FG License: DM has ultimate license with PHB, DMG and MM
Game System: AD&D 5th Edition

Time Zone: MST = Mountain Standard Time
Day of week and time: Sunday starting at 1PM MST
If new game, planned start date: Next Session = 1/10/2016
Planned Frequency: Every other Sunday
Term: Long term

Text or Voice: Voice required
Voice software used: Teamspeak (private server)

Roleplay & Combat mix: Averages 40/60. Depends on the session, though.
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently have 4-5 players. Need 1-2 more.
Character starting level & equipment: Coming in at 5th level with starting gold (based on class) + 200gp
Character restrictions: Character creation open to anything in the 5E Player's Handbook. Only potions and scrolls may be bought outside of that.

Details of your scenario:

We are looking to add 1-2 players to our long-running gaming group. Three of us have been gaming together for over a year, and the rest of our group joined up about 5 months ago. We play every other Sunday from 1PM MST in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. We began this campaign a couple of months ago, but the adventure is designed to take us through level 15, so you are coming in at a good time (you're not too squishy, anymore)! Our friend who recently left the game for changes to his work schedule was playing a frontline role, so it would be beneficial if you could help the group with that.

I have been roleplaying off-and-on since 1994. I have played every edition of Dungeons & Dragons except first, and I have DM'ed for a total of seven years. In addition, I have also enjoyed Shadowrun, White Wolf, GURPS, and Star Wars. There are many experienced players in the group, but don't feel intimidated; we have had new and veteran players in the past.

Feel free to inquire here on the forum, so that the other players in the group can get to know you. Private emails will also be accepted. Tell us about your experience roleplaying and what you are looking for from a group/game. Also, tell me about your favorite gaming moment. I have to get to know you somehow! :)

December 27th, 2015, 01:47
I would love to join your game and I can play any class you need.

December 27th, 2015, 02:00
I appreciate your enthusiasm! I was trying to get the introductory post up, and I forgot to ask prospective players to tell me something about yourself or your favorite gaming experience.

December 27th, 2015, 17:22
I would like to join the party. I have played some D&D on pen and paper but never online. I play a Female half-elfin warriors my favorite things about gaming used to be when everyone would meet around my table and stay up for multiple hours a night playing it would begin about 6 and go to about 4 on Friday and Saturday nights every weekend.

December 29th, 2015, 05:33
Position still open.

Let me know if you've played 5th Edition, or if you're new to the ruleset. Tell me about a memorable experience in-game.

I would like to hear more than, "pick me." Tell me about yourself, what happened in your favorite adventure, or how you choose/build your characters.

Just give us something to talk to you about.

December 29th, 2015, 12:37
I have played 5th edition and when I played with my party the GM loved to see if we were paying attention to our surroundings by asking some of us what we were doing all the time. I like to play an in your face aggressive player because I in real-life am the mouse type of person.

December 29th, 2015, 21:28
Sent a private message. Would be fun to join up.

December 29th, 2015, 23:51
I have been role playing for more years than most. Played Empire of the Petal Throne, D&D 2nd, 4th and 5th editions; Runequest, Shadowrun, Star Wars, Space Opera, etc. I love to be in character and will use a voice pertaining to race and class. I try to think of the group and give other players their time in the game. I like the inter actions of the characters. I've been running a game in FG for 1 year and fully aware of its abilities to the max. So let me know if I will do. My favorite experience was when I was at full HP in 5e as a dark gnome wizard and dodged past an enemy that hit me with a critical after I cast a controlling spell for the group. I failed 2 and passed 2 death saves and finally in a desperate gasp to the group 'take these guys out' I failed my third roll.

Also, my wife would also like to play. She's new, about 9 months in D&D 5e. She has a big heart and likes the game. But if you only want experienced players then I will play and she will watch and learn. Thanks.

December 30th, 2015, 08:46
Now I might've just let you go with that until you let on how long you've been playing. You've gotta have more stories than that, though. ;3

(I play the rogue for the group, btw)

December 30th, 2015, 17:25
Sent you a PM, sounds like a good time in a good time slot

December 30th, 2015, 18:20
Probably more running as a DM. Though I did have a War Cleric that his bond was to defeat all undead but his flaw was he feared intelligent undead. He ended up in a campaign against a powerful liche. So encountering Liche Lieutenant was common. He had to roll alot to avoid deficating himself. They even followed my deficated trail to find their way out of a cave complex because I ran first.

To add how I build characters. I try to vision who the character is and what I want his main approach to life is. Sometimes it depends on how the GM runs the percentage of RP to Combat. Lately, as far as generation goes, most are using the point buy system. Which is fine. Sometimes it depends on who the GM is and how he runs his games.

January 2nd, 2016, 21:19
I would really like to join you. I am new to FG, but I have played D&D off and on since 3rd Edition. Memorable sesions would boil down to 2. One I had a lawful good fighter that was knocked down and lost his sword. When he reached back and grabbed the pommel a voice entered his mind. "I am so hungry. I must feed." The urge to kill increased. He had grabbed a magical blade. I waded into the fight again and when it was done my fighter was fully healed. When the fight was over I could feel the malevolent presence within the sword and I put it back and retrieved my own sword Telling the others about the evil I could feel when I held it. It ended up the sword was cursed and I had to return and retrieve it. Each day after I had first held it I had to use it to kill at least one humanoid creature or suffer damage to myself to feed it. Any day we didn't fight I would spend two hours before settling in at camp searching for a monster to kill. That was a rough campaign.

The second most memorable was a D&D 5e home brew game where my friend played a badger lord. At one point we encountered a traveler spreading the word of his order and offering any aid he could. We had a four day trip ahead of us with only three days of food. The badger lord looks at everyone and nonchalantly asks "So, can we kill it and eat it?" Everyone just sat and stared in disbelief. Then I asked "Why?" The response: "We've only got three days worth of food and badgers eat a lot." In the end we talked the badger out of eating the traveler.

January 4th, 2016, 04:37
Positions have been filled. Thanks for applying!

January 5th, 2016, 00:03
Thanks for letting me know. Maybe we'll see each other another time. Have fun and enjoy your adventure.