View Full Version : I want to use a PC template for an NPC.

December 24th, 2015, 10:12
Is there an easy way to make a NPC with the PC template, without having it show up in the PC tab? Does that make sense? I have an NPC I created using the players handbook and I want to use this character as an NPC. Should I just strip him down so he fits in the encounter template?

December 24th, 2015, 10:48
No you can use him as an NPC. Start a second instance of Fantasy Grounds, select the PC which will tag it as belonging to you. Close down the second instance of FG. When your players join your campaign they won't be able to see or select that PC becasue it belongs to you. You, however, can select it and control that PC just like you control an NPC.

Oh, and welcome to the forums and to Fantasy Grounds.

December 24th, 2015, 10:53
PCs show up in the Character Window. So you open a second instance of FG and connect using a different username and the alias localhost and grab the "NPC" and then it will not show up fr the players. You need do this once only for a NPC/PC.


December 24th, 2015, 11:13
PCs show up in the Character Window. So you open a second instance of FG and connect using a different username and the alias localhost and grab the "NPC" and then it will not show up fr the players. You need do this once only for a NPC/PC.


But you explained it better :)

December 24th, 2015, 11:35
Brilliant!!! Thanks so much. I haven't played DnD since 3.5 so I got some catching up to do.

Hecklerus Prime
December 28th, 2015, 05:25
Welcome, Bubba! I gotta say, if you're running 5e you'll be amazed at how easy FG is to use. I first got the program in 2011 and am constantly blown away by how far it's come.

Anyway, check out my post on this thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27457-Can-a-DM-play-a-player-character-if-a-group-is-short-a-player) that's dancing around the same thing you are. I wrote a few tips that you might want to read. Nothing major, but it's the little things, you know?

August 12th, 2018, 10:08
That's a tad clunky, but I'll give it a shot. Because any good campaign requires villains that level with the PCs.

August 12th, 2018, 10:27
That's a tad clunky, but I'll give it a shot. Because any good campaign requires villains that level with the PCs.

You can now right click on the PC in the Characters window and take ownership as the GM.

August 12th, 2018, 11:16
Thanks for that, just discovered that myself. Great to be part of an evolving system that's client responsive.:square: