View Full Version : Effect durations

December 15th, 2015, 16:12
When making an effect and setting it to expire after 1 round I noticed fantasy grounds removes the effect ,literally, when the combat tracker ends the round, after the character with the lowest initiative takes their turn. When that character is last in the combat tracker the effect expires as soon as his turn his over. The problem is I need an effect that lasts until the beginning of the players next turn. Is this working as intended and is there a way to have an effect expire at the beginning of the players next turn? For example a barbarians reckless attacks feature.

December 15th, 2015, 16:24
If you have a look at the combat tracker along the line of the effect you will see two boxes, one for duration and one for initiative to adjust on. The latter defaults to the initiative value of whomever applied the effect. So, for example if a character whose initiative was 10 applied an effect to another creature then the initiative to adjust on box will show 10. So as you have discovered this effect will be removed when the initiative comes back to count 10 which will be the beginning of the character's turn.

The DM can edit this number and so if, taking the same example as above, you wanted the effect to come off at the end of the player's turn rather than at the start you can enter a value of 9.9 into the initiative to adjust on.

For more information on this topic see the Wiki article on the Combat Tracker (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Combat_Tracker).