View Full Version : Character sheet to PDF

December 12th, 2015, 17:33
Hey guys even when I'm DMing offline I use FG for refference and to make calculations, etc, would be nice if we have a option to export the Fantasy Grounds character sheets to PDF, what do you guys think?

December 12th, 2015, 17:54
I think that would be nice but considering the features that are currently being worked on, it is a very low priority I would think.

Having the conversion to Unity and all the benefits that will bring us is more pressing.

Might be something a community programmer could do if there was enough demand and it wasn't too difficult. Plus what rule set would you need this for? Each one uses a different character sheet so each would have to be formatted for export seperately, which i think would be rather laborious.

December 12th, 2015, 18:52
I think that would be nice but considering the features that are currently being worked on, it is a very low priority I would think.

Having the conversion to Unity and all the benefits that will bring us is more pressing.

Might be something a community programmer could do if there was enough demand and it wasn't too difficult. Plus what rule set would you need this for? Each one uses a different character sheet so each would have to be formatted for export seperately, which i think would be rather laborious.

I want it for d&d 5e, but would be nice have it for everything hahaha

December 12th, 2015, 20:43
for 5e, you can download your xml file, and print it out at https://www.alonlinetools.net/FGCharacterSheet.aspx

December 12th, 2015, 20:53
Oh, thank you, I'll take a look.

December 13th, 2015, 02:43
for 5e, you can download your xml file, and print it out at https://www.alonlinetools.net/FGCharacterSheet.aspx

Very nice!

December 13th, 2015, 16:12
for 5e, you can download your xml file, and print it out at https://www.alonlinetools.net/FGCharacterSheet.aspx

Awesome! Thanks!

June 30th, 2016, 03:02
In case you have not seen this already, I have used this to print PDF copies for my players for backups:

July 8th, 2022, 21:25
Question since you have used it: where does the file go? I uploaded the FGU XL file and it says it took it...so, where does the PDF actually materialize?

July 9th, 2022, 02:59
Question since you have used it: where does the file go? I uploaded the FGU XL file and it says it took it...so, where does the PDF actually materialize?

It doesnt work anymore...