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View Full Version : Module idea

December 10th, 2015, 20:44
How difficult would it be (or even better does it already exist) to create a module where the GM could say, you're in town, and prices here are = 100% of PHB prices, and open up a shop -- where you could just "buy" a thing (rations, longsword, etc) and your gold would be reduced by the appropriate amount, or if you don't have enough it will tell you that you're too poor. Less important, but nice would be money changers who would take your coppers and (for a slight percentage) convert them to gold (or even platinum) etc. Even less important than that would be a place where the GM could drop an occasional magic item for a large amount of gold on occasion.

December 10th, 2015, 21:01
I haven't used this but I believe that this (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20794-DOE-Locations-Extension) does at least some of what you might want to do.

December 10th, 2015, 23:04
While my questions are valid, they should probably go in the thread for that extension ... so I've asked them there.

Original Questions:
[Indeed it does, Awesome! So ... for 5e, has anyone exported a module with a full set of shops with equipment/supplies from the PHB? If not, would sharing one be a copyright violation? If not, is there interest for me to create a basic set of shops, with unlimited inventory, for all of the non-magical items in the PHB?]