View Full Version : Fantasy Grounds running slow

December 3rd, 2015, 22:57
on my desktop pc the program runs very slow. About a 1.5 second lag on every mouse click or keypress.

When hosting a game I can also login on my laptop and it runs fine.

None of my players are having problems. They are 1-6 states away.

It seems to be a problem with my desktop pc. My specs shouldn't be an issue.

i5-3570 3.4GHz 32GB Ram GeForce GTX 550 ti

Where to start?

Moon Wizard
December 4th, 2015, 00:10
If running through Steam, make sure to disable the Steam overlay.

Otherwise, you can also look at the options on your graphics driver. Oftentimes, the graphics driver control panel interface will allow you to adjust settings on a per application basis, such as antialiasing and other settings.

A check to make sure you have the latest graphics driver is probably in order as well.


December 4th, 2015, 00:13
No steam

Nvidia geforce experience runs in the tray. Its relentless with driver updates. Ive probably had 20 different drivers since buying fantasy grounds. :)

December 4th, 2015, 00:30
Do you have the cross-platform compatibility checked in your FG Settings? If so, turn this off if you are running on Windows.

December 5th, 2015, 00:39
no. that is not enabled.

Moon Wizard
December 5th, 2015, 01:54
Have you looked at whether there are per application graphics settings available?

Was this running on your desktop PC at regular speed before, or has it always been slow on this machine?

Usually, we only see this issue when trying to run FG on a graphics card without strong 3D (i.e. Onboard graphics) or when Steam overlay enabled. There have been a couple instances where settings on the driver were impacting. (Thought it was something to do with aliasing, but don't remember exactly. )


December 5th, 2015, 02:02
Where would i look for that?

I know its nothing ive setup. All of my graphic settings are default.

Graphics card is a nvidia geforce 550ti.

Its always done this.

No other issues with this pc.

December 5th, 2015, 02:02
Where would i look for that?

I know its nothing ive setup. All of my graphic settings are default.

Graphics card is a nvidia geforce 550ti.

Its always done this.

No other issues with this pc.

Moon Wizard
December 5th, 2015, 02:09
Here's a link on the NVidia website which mentions this feature.


December 5th, 2015, 02:24
Yes. I'm not using that.

December 5th, 2015, 02:36
when I first open the program and load a campaign I'll go throw a few dice. It works fine. Then I'll open a window. Any window. A pc. Part of a story. The map window. Anything. Now try to move that window, everything is lagging 1 second or so behind. Go throw a die and it lags too. Like a strobe light is on. Fluid motion in the animation is gone.

December 5th, 2015, 03:05
when I first open the program and load a campaign I'll go throw a few dice. It works fine. Then I'll open a window. Any window. A pc. Part of a story. The map window. Anything. Now try to move that window, everything is lagging 1 second or so behind. Go throw a die and it lags too. Like a strobe light is on. Fluid motion in the animation is gone.

It does sound like an activex / graphics driver issue...
can you try updating activex?
can you also see if you can set up a specific graphic profile for FG in the nvidia settings? exactly what to change i dont know - but sometimes you can set different settings for specific apps and you can experiment with that profile.

December 5th, 2015, 03:21
Try disabling a few of the advanced graphics card settings. Anti-aliasing is a good one to start with. Disable a graphics setting one at a time to try to identify what might be causing the issue.

December 5th, 2015, 03:52
Oh boy, I'll try. Those types of settings I have always adjusted in the programs themselves. At this point I don't know where to find anything like the card's "default" settings.

I'll see what i can find. I know the kind of settings you're talking about. And i'm positive they are at their default settings.

December 5th, 2015, 04:08
I'm not finding any way to adjust the settings of my graphics card. I have never seen anything like that. Only settings inside of a game for example. I've tried compatibility modes with windows 8 and 7.

can you try updating activex?

I don't know what this means. I've seen web browsers ask about updating activex so certain websites could work properly, but I've not seen a place to update activex on my pc. Can you explain this more?

December 5th, 2015, 04:22
Try this: https://www.ehow.com/how_10048391_disable-antialiasing-nvidia.html

December 5th, 2015, 16:04
Try this: https://www.ehow.com/how_10048391_disable-antialiasing-nvidia.html


I dont have those settings.


December 5th, 2015, 23:18
That looks like to me your nvidea drivers and customization program wasn't installed correctly.

December 5th, 2015, 23:24
Agreed. Your control panel should have more options than that, for sure.


December 5th, 2015, 23:27
Alrighty. I'm uninstalling everything nvidia in add/remove programs and then reinstalling fresh drivers/control thing from the website.

December 5th, 2015, 23:52
nope. No change.

Removed it all, reinstalled. Same settings are available in that control panel that I screen shot above.

December 6th, 2015, 05:09
Maybe you can try to reinstall these drivers, but using an earlier version of them. The result could be different.
You can download specific versions of Nvidia GPU drivers here: https://www.nvidia.es/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us

December 6th, 2015, 15:51
yes that is where I got my drivers.

Nvidia stays on top of their drivers. I have update notifications probably every 9-10 days. I always update. I have the same driver installed as what is found there. That is the driver that the geforce experience software auto installs as well and keeps updated. If I search manually, like you suggested I do get the same driver.

I am confident that I have a clean default driver install with nothing tweaked in any direction. I'm not a settings tweaker. I used to be. Don't have the energy for it anymore. :)

My laptop has an nvidia card in it as well. (I use the term card loosely here) I'll see what its nvidia control panel settings look like.

December 6th, 2015, 17:18
I decided to grab one of these. Price/time seems right.

EVGA GeForce GTX 960 2GB GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 Graphics Card

I'll swap that out and see what's what.

Full Bleed
December 7th, 2015, 10:10
I don't want to hijack the thread, but since I believe I have a graphics/performance related issue I thought I'd chime in here.

First, I'm not experiencing the lag on clicks that the OP is. But I recently installed FG on my system (having finally picked up a license over the holiday weekend) and have noticed that the dice animation is not smooth at all. As I drag the die around by mouse before tossing it into the chat box the die lags behind, kind of stutter-stepping to keep up with the mouse pointer (same with the roll animation in the chat window and the fade out). It's been a long time, but my recollection on older/slower computers was that the animation was much smoother. I polled a friend of mine who recently picked up an ultimate license and he reports smooth animations.

I don't play a lot of games on this computer, but the ones I do are far more demanding and perform without issue... so I'm wondering if there is something more at play here.

December 7th, 2015, 11:58
But I recently installed FG on my system (having finally picked up a license over the holiday weekend) and have noticed that the dice animation is not smooth at all. As I drag the die around by mouse before tossing it into the chat box the die lags behind, kind of stutter-stepping to keep up with the mouse pointer (same with the roll animation in the chat window and the fade out).

Just in case: what you're saying here indeed happens if one keeps awakening the computer after multiple hibernations. I've seen this happening in a number of Windows 7 and 10 PCs with NVidia cards, which made me to start this thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?14466-Problem-with-behavior-of-FG2-Dice-and-graphics).

If you think that it can be your case as well, just restart the computer and, before using Fantasy Grounds remember to restart it again after two or three consecutive hibernations.

December 7th, 2015, 12:04
If I search manually, like you suggested I do get the same driver.

I meant to manually get an older driver there, a version that can be exempt of the particular problem affecting you here. It doesn't involve tweaking.

Instead, cleaning any graphics card related info for previous driver installation by using DriverSweeper and such, yes, that would be a bit of tweaking I guess.

Now, let's see if the problem still is there with that new card.

December 7th, 2015, 13:22

No changes.

Same nvidia control panel options.

I cleaned all old drivers out and did brand new drivers. No change in anything FG related.

I never use hibernation. All i do is set my monitors to shut iff.

December 7th, 2015, 14:12
In this thread, people reported a similar issue and that it went away after performing a full reboot. It was as-if video drivers were updated (perhaps by windows or another maintenance software) but that FG wasn't able to use the latest version until after a reboot.

December 7th, 2015, 14:40
I can confirm it happens with a clean boot.

I probably reboot 5x a week.

My ocd keeps my machine pretty tip top. I'm on a clean windows 10 install. I can provide any other details you may want. I can try a reinstall of FG if that would help. I just need help in backing up my in progress campaigns.

December 7th, 2015, 17:24
I can say that it happens whether or not I am hosting or joining a game as well.

And its 100% of the time. Since day 1 with Fantasy Grounds.

December 7th, 2015, 17:41

I dont have those settings.

This looks like it's not a fully featured control panel. See page 16 (page 21 of the PDF) for a screenshot of the control panel that shows a lot more options: https://www.nvidia.com/content/geforce-gtx/GTX_550_User_Guide.pdf

December 7th, 2015, 17:47
Yeah, definitely should have more options: https://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/359.06/359.06-nvidia-control-panel-quick-start-guide.pdf

December 7th, 2015, 17:55
I hear ya.

And its not there. Never has been. Have never needed it for anything.

Not really sure what to do here.

Pretend it is there, then what? Those that do have these parts of the control panel, what are they then doing to make this run properly?

December 7th, 2015, 18:01
Not really sure what to do here.
Contact NVIDIA support?

Pretend it is there, then what? Those that do have these parts of the control panel, what are they then doing to make this run properly?
As I mentioned above - remove some 3D settings. I've seen a few users fix lag/dice issues by disabling anti-aliasing. Table 3.1, page 25: https://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/359.06/359.06-nvidia-control-panel-quick-start-guide.pdf For starters: set antialiasing - mode to off.

December 7th, 2015, 18:30
This might help: https://superuser.com/questions/708547/nvidia-control-center-only-lists-3d-settings

December 7th, 2015, 18:51
I contacted Nvidia.

He talked me through updating drivers. Nothing changed. We tried an older one too. No change.

I sent him a screenshot of what my nvidia control panel looks like. Waiting to hear back.

I also just updated my bios. Cuz why not....

I'll check that link you just posted. Thanks.

December 7th, 2015, 18:52
I did come across this is my own searching too. ( https://superuser.com/questions/708547/nvidia-control-center-only-lists-3d-settings )

Same problem, but none of the rest of it applies to me.

December 7th, 2015, 19:12
I did come across this is my own searching too. ( https://superuser.com/questions/708547/nvidia-control-center-only-lists-3d-settings )
Yeah, that's what I linked above in post #36.

Have you tried disabling the onboard graphics in the system BIOS? As per this in the link: "If your BIOS has an option to define the nVidia Geforce as default, this might fix the problem..."

December 7th, 2015, 19:15
Yes I know the setting you are talking about there. It was set properly.

I did just update the bios though, so I need to check that again now.

December 7th, 2015, 22:21
ok I DID get nvidia control panel to show properly.

Here are my 3d settings. They are restored to default just in case anything got adjusted.


December 7th, 2015, 22:22
deleted double post

December 8th, 2015, 20:37
Contact NVIDIA support?

As I mentioned above - remove some 3D settings. I've seen a few users fix lag/dice issues by disabling anti-aliasing. Table 3.1, page 25: https://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/359.06/359.06-nvidia-control-panel-quick-start-guide.pdf For starters: set antialiasing - mode to off.

I turned anti-aliasing off and there is no change.

Still a lot of lag. Unfluid dice animations.

December 8th, 2015, 20:39
I turned anti-aliasing off and there is no change.

Still a lot of lag. Unfluid dice animations.
Keep reducing/changing the 3D settings. Try reducing until you have minimum 3D settings running.

It's a case of playing around with the settings to see if there is something in there that is causing the system to not perform with the FG 3D dice.

December 8th, 2015, 20:47
I turned off every option that I could.

Its way worse.

Honestly this is the end for me. It'll just be what it is. Maybe a future update fixes it. Any further down the rabbit hole requires a level of comfort with tweaking stuff that I don't possess. If it we're a car, I'm at the spot where I'd have to take it to somebody. I'm looking at an open hood and its all over my head from here.

The trouble is, with this kind of stuff there is nowhere to take it.

December 8th, 2015, 21:49
I turned off every option that I could.

Its way worse.
That sounds like it is definitely related to your graphics card setup.

If there is a generic maximum performance/speed setting then try that. Don't go for maximum quality.

December 8th, 2015, 22:21
If there is a generic maximum performance/speed setting then try that. Don't go for maximum quality.

There is not, but I went through each setting and read what it does. Now I am not a hardware engineer so I doubt I understood half of it, but if it had a recommendation for performance (vs quality) I went for performance. Many options had things like this. Overall antialiasing was off. Other things were set to performance, some were at defaut. (ones that didnt have a performance vs quality setting).

No difference.

I restart. Load up FG, load a campaign. throw a few dice. its clunky. open a map. its clunkier. open a pc. start to click and move windows around. Lots of lag.

I play world of warcraft and have played a few minutes of grand theft auto V on this same PC. As well as Project Cars. It runs everything else superbly. WIth whatever the default settings are. Again, nothing is adjusted off of the defaults. Until these Nvidia control panel recommendations.

Moon Wizard
December 9th, 2015, 07:21
I'm at a bit of a loss on this one.

One of the things that is unique to FG graphics wise is that we are still running DX9 libraries, which may be why you don't see in any games using newer libraries with the issue. It's not something we can not fix with the current architecture, which is one of the reasons why we have a big rewrite going on in parallel. My guess is that it's something specific to your video card, hardware and/or driver configuration that doesn't like the older way that FG does graphics.

All the steps that we've covered so far usually resolve the issue, as it is usually a driver issue. Either the latest and greatest is not always the best as they are usually targeting the latest AAA title (and rolling back to older version will address), or the combination of settings doesn't like the FG graphics implementation (and turning down the settings will address). It might just be an issue with that particular graphics card, but no way to be sure since I don't have one.


December 9th, 2015, 08:26
This is so puzzling!

Full Bleed
December 9th, 2015, 19:10
I play world of warcraft and have played a few minutes of grand theft auto V on this same PC. As well as Project Cars. It runs everything else superbly. WIth whatever the default settings are. Again, nothing is adjusted off of the defaults. Until these Nvidia control panel recommendations.
My issue (laggy dice animation) turned out to be an "incomplete" driver install, which I can only attribute to how my Win10 update handled the driver update. So while a new driver install solved my issues, it's worth noting that like Eighteez, I could run everything else on my computer just fine... only FG had an issue. I am using an AMD card though.

If I were you Eighteez, I would:

1) Download and install CCleaner: https://download.cnet.com/ccleaner/
2) In CCleaner: Tools>Uninstall all graphics related programs via CCleaner.
3) Reboot.
4) In CCleaner: Registry>Scan for Issues>Fix Selected Issues
5) Reboot.
6) Go to the Nvidia website and get the latest video driver and install it.
7) Reboot and try out FG again.

I really would not mess with individual graphics card settings on newer cards/drivers... today's systems shouldn't have a problem with FG and the issue would be more universal for more users if changing a default was required.

Full Bleed
December 9th, 2015, 19:13
I'm at a bit of a loss on this one.

One of the things that is unique to FG graphics wise is that we are still running DX9 libraries
In that case... I would also suggest Eighteez try installing this:


December 9th, 2015, 19:55
I'm so invested in this topic that I almost want to go buy a GTX 550 Ti just to see if I can reproduce the issue.

Full Bleed
December 10th, 2015, 03:40
I'm so invested in this topic that I almost want to go buy a GTX 550 Ti just to see if I can reproduce the issue.
It's not likely the card... he purchased an EVGA GeForce GTX 960 and is having the same problem.

If my suggestions above don't solve the problem I'd start looking beyond the graphics card.

December 10th, 2015, 13:07
My issue (laggy dice animation) turned out to be an "incomplete" driver install, which I can only attribute to how my Win10 update handled the driver update. So while a new driver install solved my issues, it's worth noting that like Eighteez, I could run everything else on my computer just fine... only FG had an issue. I am using an AMD card though.

If I were you Eighteez, I would:

1) Download and install CCleaner: https://download.cnet.com/ccleaner/
2) In CCleaner: Tools>Uninstall all graphics related programs via CCleaner.
3) Reboot.
4) In CCleaner: Registry>Scan for Issues>Fix Selected Issues
5) Reboot.
6) Go to the Nvidia website and get the latest video driver and install it.
7) Reboot and try out FG again.

I really would not mess with individual graphics card settings on newer cards/drivers... today's systems shouldn't have a problem with FG and the issue would be more universal for more users if changing a default was required.

1. I'm a long time c-cleaner fan.
2. Done (I uninstalled anyting made by nvidia)
3. Done
4. Done
5. Done
6. Done
7. Here we go!

December 10th, 2015, 14:07
no change.

first dice throw on a freshly opened FG is un-smooth and it only gets worse the more FG stuff I open.

Meaning its a bit slower after opening a map too. Then open a character sheet and now its even slower. Clicking and dragging windows around is slow. Click drag let go (1..2..3...) there it moved. (if this makes sense)

I would say that none of these things is doing any good whatsoever. (not throwing a fit, just letting you guys know that we're not seeing any improvement. Or degredation (unless I go shut a bunch of default settings off)

If its the graphics card, none of these graphic related things is affecting it.

Full Bleed
December 10th, 2015, 22:21
If its the graphics card, none of these graphic related things is affecting it.
Did you try installing a fresh dx9 install that I linked above?

If that doesn't work I'd start looking past the video card for the problem.

Some other things I would try:

1) Update all of your motherboard drivers. What motherboard do you have?

2) Uninstall all of your security software. Malware/Antivirus/Internet Security/etc. Trying to eliminate and unhealthy obsession that one of your security programs might, unknowingly, have with FG. You can reinstall them after you test.

3) I'd uninstall FG and install it on a different hard drive (hoping that you have 2 in your computer). Trying to eliminate potential HD issues.

4) Remove half of your system memory. See if problem persists. Then swap the memory halves and check again. Trying to eliminate potential issues with a memory stick.

5) Lastly, if you have an extra HD, unplug your main drive and do a fresh OS install on the new drive. Update video/motherboard drivers and install FG (so it's the only extra thing in the system). If you don't have a problem on a completely fresh install, then at least we know it's a fixable problem with, likely, some sort of program or driver conflict and you can stop looking at potential hardware issues.

December 10th, 2015, 23:26
I did not do that. I forgot about it.

Doing it now.

Then I'll look into those other things.

December 10th, 2015, 23:32
I have this motherboard. https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/P8B75V/HelpDesk_Download/

I downloaded everything except the VGA drivers and am installing now.

December 11th, 2015, 00:33
What resolution do you normally run for your screen? Do you use the UI scaling at all in the FG Settings?

December 11th, 2015, 06:10
What settings do you have for the BIOS graphics - see "Graphics configuration" on page 76 (3-18) in the user guide: https://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1155/P8B75-V/E8474_P8B75-V.pdf

How much system memory do you have?

December 11th, 2015, 10:20
Sounds like a DX issue to me, but I'm not a techie anymore.

December 11th, 2015, 14:01
What resolution do you normally run for your screen? Do you use the UI scaling at all in the FG Settings?

1920x1080 (recommended) is the setting in windows.

UI Scaling. Not sure what you mean. I open the program and then manually grab the corners and make it span across both of my HP 23bw monitors. Not fullscreen. but almost. Windowed.

What settings do you have for the BIOS graphics - see "Graphics configuration" on page 76 (3-18) in the user guide: https://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1155/P8B75-V/E8474_P8B75-V.pdf

How much system memory do you have?


I have that setting on PCIE

December 11th, 2015, 14:28
Was this the directX download you used before?

Additionally, you should have one or more dxdiag.exe files on your system from installing DirectX. You can try running that to have it check for any errors or conflicts.

December 11th, 2015, 14:38
Additionally, you should have one or more dxdiag.exe files on your system from installing DirectX. You can try running that to have it check for any errors or conflicts.

ran dxdiag - no problems found. Here is the results. www.jersrealm.com/temp/DxDiag.txt

The dx thing that was suggested before was this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 should I install the direct x download you are suggesting also?

December 11th, 2015, 14:40
Yes please. The one I linked is specifically DirectX 9.0C, which are the libraries that FG uses.

Edit: I also recommend doing a full system restart after installation.

December 11th, 2015, 14:47
Yes please. The one I linked is specifically DirectX 9.0C, which are the libraries that FG uses.

Edit: I also recommend doing a full system restart after installation.


December 11th, 2015, 15:01
Can you run it in compatibility mode?

By that token, I wonder if running FG in compatibility mode would behave differently too.

I see a link online on another forum where someone linked and older installer here that might work better:

I'm running Windows 10 Pro and an Nvidia GTX 970 and don't have the issue. This is definitely a weird one.

December 11th, 2015, 15:08
Can you run it in compatibility mode?

By that token, I wonder if running FG in compatibility mode would behave differently too.

I see a link online on another forum where someone linked and older installer here that might work better:

I'm running Windows 10 Pro and an Nvidia GTX 970 and don't have the issue. This is definitely a weird one.


I can run it in compatibility mode. So far I am not.

Going to restart. I did install that last directX. I'll try again and video it this time.

December 11th, 2015, 16:11

December 11th, 2015, 17:05
Does it do the same thing if FG isn't spread across both monitors? I wonder if it's a monitor sync issue?

December 11th, 2015, 18:22
yes, same on one monitor. Maximized or windowed.

December 14th, 2015, 14:54
ran another game last night.

Same issues.

I should say though, that the delay isn't happening to any of my players and their dice animations are much better than mine. Their animations on my screen.

December 14th, 2015, 14:58
I wonder if it might be something strange with the mouse or the mouse driver. If it was entirely graphics card or driver related, you would expect that it would affect dice rolled by players as well.

December 14th, 2015, 15:06
got a recommended way to troubleshoot that?

December 14th, 2015, 17:56
got a recommended way to troubleshoot that?

double-click a rollable field in the character sheet.
Type /die 1d20 in chat and press enter.

December 14th, 2015, 18:19
double-click a rollable field in the character sheet.
Type /die 1d20 in chat and press enter.

ok. I did that.

It rolled a d20 each time. Same as before. Slow and clunky.

December 14th, 2015, 18:21
Hmmm... well that probably rules out the mouse since it wasn't involved in the action.

December 14th, 2015, 19:10
Does it get progressively slower like the video?

January 12th, 2016, 05:39
Does this thread help - i.e. the mentioned GSync issue?


January 14th, 2016, 01:39
Thought I would chime in here. I have almost the same issue. I run a system with 4 monitors and notice the lag as well. It is still usable, but gets annoying at times. I have no other issues with any other software.

The main difference with my issue is that when I have FG running only on one monitor, I experience zero lag. It gets progressively worse as I expand to different monitors. I have tried most of the fixes proposed in various threads and have yet to find a solution. If I stumble upon something, I'll post it up.

Good Luck!

January 14th, 2016, 02:02
Thought I would chime in here. I have almost the same issue. I run a system with 4 monitors and notice the lag as well. It is still usable, but gets annoying at times. I have no other issues with any other software.
Hey Fred! :)

What graphics card setup do you have? Do you have any GSync options in your card's setup as mentioned in the link in post #79 above?

P.S. I'm very jealous you have 4 monitors - both actually having the 4 monitors and the space to use them!

January 14th, 2016, 03:19
Hey Trenloe!
Following are the particulars of my machine. I use it in my recording studio, so the 4 monitors are necessary. Nice for FG as well. I find it funny that Sonar can be running and stuff displayed on all 4 monitors and there are no problems, but with FG over two monitors there is a lot of lag! Been scratching my head over this one for a while. It works tho so.....

System Information
Time of this report: 1/13/2016, 21:59:49
Machine name: SONAR-PC
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.151230-0600)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
System Model: Precision WorkStation T7500
BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A16
Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz (16 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
Memory: 24576MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 20478MB RAM
Page File: 4118MB used, 36834MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes
Display Tab 1: No problems found.
Display Tab 2: No problems found.
Display Tab 3: No problems found.
Display Tab 4: No problems found.
Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
Sound Tab 2: No problems found.
Sound Tab 3: No problems found.
Sound Tab 4: No problems found.
Sound Tab 5: No problems found.
Sound Tab 6: No problems found.
Sound Tab 7: No problems found.
Input Tab: No problems found.

DirectX Debug Levels
Direct3D: 0/4 (retail)
DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)
DirectInput: 0/5 (retail)
DirectMusic: 0/5 (retail)
DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)
DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)

Display Devices
Card name: ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT
Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Chip type: ATI display adapter (0x94C1)
DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_94C1&SUBSYS_11101462&REV_00
Display Memory: 3059 MB
Dedicated Memory: 248 MB
Shared Memory: 2811 MB
Current Mode: 1600 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
Monitor Model: HP S2031
Monitor Id: HWP2903
Native Mode: 1600 x 900(p) (60.000Hz)
Output Type: DVI

January 14th, 2016, 03:29
Second card is an ATI Radeon HD 4550. Have not looked in to the GSync option but plan on doing so....

January 15th, 2016, 13:06
Well, did a little playing around with the graphics settings and mouse settings to try to alleviate the problem. Nothing really helped. My cards and monitors do not support Freesync/Gsync depending on if you are NVidia or AMD disposed, so those settings really didn't apply to me.

I believe that most of the problem probably rests with Fantasy Grounds itself, and I feel confident that with new releases and upgrades to the software that many of these "buggy" problems will go away. I only say this because as I mentioned before, I run Sonar across 4 screens (and the audio ALWAYS has priority in those instances) and the graphics/mouse movements are flawless despite the fact that these are not high end video cards.

In addition, I also play around with DAZ3D (a 3D rendering sorta thing that is nice to make tokens with) and , again, over multiple monitors there is no lag. I would assume that if these types of "resource heavy" apps work well enough, then the problem probably lies in some deep, dark, unexplored section of evil code written into some sub-folder directory thing hidden deep within the quantum bipolar registry of lost mouse clicks somewhere.

I'll simply live with a little lag and wait for the Fantasy Grounds overhaul. Our Superhero programmers won't let us down....

January 15th, 2016, 13:34
Fingers crossed.

Slow Fantasy Grounds is better than no Fantasy Grounds.

January 28th, 2016, 02:30
UPDATE - After a FULL reformat and no hardware changes the problem has disappeared!


Not sure what it was, but its gone.



January 28th, 2016, 13:06
Hey Eighteez,
Nice job! Did you format a hard drive? If so, give some particulars... I would like to try myself!

January 28th, 2016, 15:05
Well, in this case I can't say what for sure did it.

I put the windows 10 pro dvd back in my drive,
selected boot from cd,
told it custom install,
did full delete and reformat of the hard drive,
installed windows 10 pro.
Did all of the windows updates.

see attachment for the programs I installed and the order in which I installed them.

Still running great. Played with some folks for 3 hours last night.


Hey Eighteez,
Nice job! Did you format a hard drive? If so, give some particulars... I would like to try myself!

January 30th, 2016, 08:45
I was having this issue and I was getting really frustrated. After uninstalling and installing it about 10 times I finally just had the application and the data installed in the same directory and the problem solved itself. I'm not sure why the app is setup to be installed in Program Files (x86)\Fantasy Grounds and the data is setup to be installed in Program Files\Fantasy Grounds.

January 30th, 2016, 08:51
Heya Shades228 can you check those directories as thats not quite right.

The default install on newer installs will put the data in c:\ProgramData\Fantasy Grounds this is very different to c:\program files\fantasy grounds

January 30th, 2016, 09:25
Heya Shades228 can you check those directories as thats not quite right.

The default install on newer installs will put the data in c:\ProgramData\Fantasy Grounds this is very different to c:\program files\fantasy grounds

That would make more sense but I did not have a Fantasy Grounds directory in my App Data. Even if it was installed there it was having an issue. So again if someone is having some slowness issues try installing everything in one director.

January 30th, 2016, 15:53
We generally don't recommend installing everything to the same directory. C:\Program Files (x86) normally has restrictions that Windows will complain more about when you read and write into that location frequently. If you don't want it in your AppData folders, you can absolutely move the data directory to a different location.

January 31st, 2016, 02:09
We generally don't recommend installing everything to the same directory. C:\Program Files (x86) normally has restrictions that Windows will complain more about when you read and write into that location frequently. If you don't want it in your AppData folders, you can absolutely move the data directory to a different location.

I agree. I didn't specify but I did install everything into c:\Fantasy Grounds instead. I generally do not install anything into the Program Files unless I have no other option.

February 1st, 2016, 21:15

February 1st, 2016, 21:16
Thought I would give a little update.... Yesterday I had my PC apart and added a few things and I got a quad-monitor mount for my desk. I had everything completely unhooked, and when I reconnected the monitors, I did so by connecting my main monitor and the one to the right to the same video card. The monitor above and the one to the left are from the second video card. As long as I keep FG spread across the main screen and the monitor that is paired with it, there is zero lag. If I drag it to a third, and thus different video card, I get the famous mouse lag. If I drag from the main to the left, I get mouse lag. Evidently, the dual video cards are what is slowing things down/causing lag. It's something I really hadn't thought of before. Perhaps others who are having a similar issue can check their connections. Any graphic/computer gurus who know what is going on, any ideas on how to get the other video card to play nice? As I said before, no big deal, it still runs fine... annoyance is all, but it does make a huge difference.

Hope someone finds this useful....


February 2nd, 2016, 07:21
Ok so the slowness returned. I noticed that the game was using 30% of my CPU and 3 gigs of ram. This clearly indicates an issue that is not graphics related. So I left the game and the situation immediately resolved itself on the menu screen with the application still running. So I joined the game again and watched the mem usage climb as well as the CPU usage spike. Now in the screen shot the CPU usage was down to a normal level but as you can see the memory usage is much higher than it needs to be. Then out of nowhere an error log statrting posting. So I figure this is the cause of the issue.


February 2nd, 2016, 07:21
Duplicate post

February 2nd, 2016, 07:38
Make sure in your settings you dont have Cross Platform Compatibility ticked or Enhanced update logging ticked.

Moon Wizard
February 2nd, 2016, 18:07
If you up to 3G of memory usage, you'll need to trim down the number of tokens in your tokens/host and tokens/shared folders, as well as closing some of the data/token modules. For data modules, just open the ones you are using at the time. For token modules, individual tokens used will still be available even after the token module is closed.


February 2nd, 2016, 20:01
I had this problem.
I checked my nVidia control panel and Fantasy Grounds was not set to use the graphics card as default.
Switched it to nvidia and voila.

February 2nd, 2016, 20:06
If you up to 3G of memory usage, you'll need to trim down the number of tokens in your tokens/host and tokens/shared folders, as well as closing some of the data/token modules. For data modules, just open the ones you are using at the time. For token modules, individual tokens used will still be available even after the token module is closed.


This is a fresh install and the only module that I'm aware of is the phb from the DM

Moon Wizard
February 2nd, 2016, 21:25
If you're running as a player, double-check your Library -> Module Activations to make sure they are what you expect (i.e. only PHB). Also, you can ask the DM how many tokens they have loaded up on their machine (number of files and total file size for the tokens folder).

My FG runs at 415M with only the PHB open.

You can try clearing your player cache from the Join Game section of the launch screen (see nuke button on right). This will clear all player data, and start with a fresh download when you connect to a game.


February 3rd, 2016, 03:04
If you're running as a player, double-check your Library -> Module Activations to make sure they are what you expect (i.e. only PHB). Also, you can ask the DM how many tokens they have loaded up on their machine (number of files and total file size for the tokens folder).

My FG runs at 415M with only the PHB open.

You can try clearing your player cache from the Join Game section of the launch screen (see nuke button on right). This will clear all player data, and start with a fresh download when you connect to a game.


I'll ask him but there are 5 other people not having the issue I am which leads me to believe is a compatibility issue with something in my system.

I just want to get this fixed because if I can I'll end up just getting the other things for it but I'm not going to drop a couple hundred on something that is not compatible with something in my system.
I'm not using a laptop so I don't need to assign a video card to the application.

Moon Wizard
February 3rd, 2016, 03:47
Can you try removing the player cache then? It sounds like something is loading that shouldn't be.

Also, have you tried connecting to any other GMs? Same issue?


February 3rd, 2016, 05:10
I'm not using a laptop so I don't need to assign a video card to the application.
Don't rule this out - plenty of desktops have an embedded video card on the motherboard and an additional (more powerful) graphics card.

Not that this will have an effect on your memory usage, only on you seeing jumpy/laggy dice rolls.

February 3rd, 2016, 05:42
Don't rule this out - plenty of desktops have an embedded video card on the motherboard and an additional (more powerful) graphics card.

Not that this will have an effect on your memory usage, only on you seeing jumpy/laggy dice rolls.

This option is controlled by the monitor the application is on not the control panel when you have multiple monitors. The option to choose high power GPU is removed on the control panel.

Can you try removing the player cache then? It sounds like something is loading that shouldn't be.

Also, have you tried connecting to any other GMs? Same issue?


I have removed the cache and will play around with it for awhile. I haven't connected to anyone else yet.

March 6th, 2018, 00:42
Hi, Sorry for reviving this old thread but it appeared the most appropriate. Yesterday I hosted my first face-to-face session using FG to handle maps for the players. On my laptop I used it for a lot more obviously. Checking character sheets, spells, NPCs, etc. All went fine until I started to open Story entries (I'm running Curse of Strahd). I do have the physical book but I wanted to use the module story entries to setup encounters and such. As soon as I opened an entry with lots of text (and I mean lots of text), the game on my laptop started to slow down to a crawl. Scrolling maps became extremely sluggish making it almost impossible to move tokens. Radial menu entries took a second or two to respond, etc.

The second instance of FG running on the same laptop to drive the external monitor for players did not have these issues. I could scroll their map very smoothly. But they only had maps and images opened. No real "text" window. I verified with procexp and task manager that it was not a memory issue. The DM session was using 650MB and the player one about 400MB. Still 3 GB or RAM left. No issue there. CPU was fine too. The laptop has a 4th gen i7.

When I prepared the session on my main PC I had not noticed this issue. Tried again this morning and indeed even if I run two instances of FG on my main computer, opening large text story entries does not cause any slow-down. Granted my PC is slightly faster being a non-mobile 4th gen i7, but the laptop is no slouch either. I also tried playing around with scaleui and using fonts extensions like "BigFonts.ext" or "14pt font all rulesets.ext" and they do help a bit, probably because there is less text that can be shown with the bigger fonts. It is also not related to the number of windows opened. Having just the chat box, combat tracker, one map and a large text window open is enough to cause the major slow-down. As soon as I close the text window everything is smooth again. Small text windows like table of contents do not cause a noticeable lag.

Since only my laptop is affected I assume this has something to do with graphics driver or such. The laptop is up to date with Win10 and all drivers just like my PC. So before I start fooling around with graphics settings on the laptop I wanted to know if others have experienced the same symptoms and found any solution. Thanks!

March 6th, 2018, 00:46
Hi nebbiolo there was an issue with the very early reference manual implementation - beta version - not one that was ever live - but anyway - when you experience the slowdown can you scroll right to the bottom of that text window and then backup to where you are up to - and let us know if that changes anything?

March 6th, 2018, 01:03
Just scrolling down to the bottom of the text window is very sluggish. When I scroll back up the map is still hard to scroll when the text window is opened. But it definitely appears to be related to the amount of visible text in the window. If I resize the same text window to just a very small one, say a fourth of the combat tracker, then my map is very smooth.

March 6th, 2018, 02:21
Since only my laptop is affected I assume this has something to do with graphics driver or such. The laptop is up to date with Win10 and all drivers just like my PC. So before I start fooling around with graphics settings on the laptop I wanted to know if others have experienced the same symptoms and found any solution. Thanks!
The usual thing is graphics settings - look at disabling anti-aliasing, anistropic filtering, etc..

Moon Wizard
March 6th, 2018, 04:37
Make sure that the cross-compatibility option in the FG Settings is off.