View Full Version : Sorting Tokens

February 8th, 2005, 18:01
I am looking for a better way to sort tokens, the present token box is going to get really full soon as I plan to add a ton of tokens. Any suggestions, I am trying to expand the size of the token box, but that doesn't change the mass of clumped tokens that will ultimately result. It would be good if they were all in a list and I could just drag their art onto the tabletop. Suggestions for this would be greatly appreciated.

February 8th, 2005, 18:40
The devs say this issue is being worked on and we are hoping for something with the next patch (1.04).


February 8th, 2005, 18:45
Right now there is regrettably little you can do. Improvements on token issues are being made and are pretty high in priority, just below known bugs.