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View Full Version : I am having an issue with attack bonus for Sorcerer direct attack spells

November 25th, 2015, 01:12
I assume I must be doing something wrong since I couldn't find any other post about this.

The direct range attack spells such as Scorching Ray and Chromatic Orb aren't being affected by the Charisma bonus of the sorc.

I did go in and modify the character sheet raw XML to correct this. But this will get tiring quickly.

I even built a new character, gave the character 1 level of sorc, 18 charisma and I dropped chromatic orb (from the Sorcerer list) onto the action tab and it doesn't give the charisma bonus to the attack roll.

Does someone have any insight? (someone can roll higher than me or assist so I can get an advantaged roll :D )

November 25th, 2015, 02:45
I think... if you click on the actions tab go down to the spell and click on the little magnifyer beside you. You can change it to... (attack) Type - ranged Base - Ability Stat - Cha ( or whatever it would be stat was for that particular hero)

that should give you the bonus your looking for/

Moon Wizard
November 25th, 2015, 03:06
Click on the magnifying glass in the Spells header right above Chromatic Orb and make sure that the Stat field is Charisma.


November 25th, 2015, 05:04
I tried that more than a few times the other day but it wasn't working. it is working now. Thanks for having me check again and pointing me in the right direction.

Another similar question, I need to read about acid splash, it saws group defense on the save but shouldn't be charisma+prof+8?

thanks for the quick responses.

November 25th, 2015, 11:51
As long as you have set up the correct stat field in the heading as Moon Wizard pointed out above then the saving throw will be correct. 'Group DC' means the spell group which the spell belongs to. So in this case, since it is a Cantrip and if you have set the Cantrips Power Group to Charisma then the save will be correct. The 8+Ability + Stat is there mainly for situations where the spell isn't one that the Class normally would be casting; for example where a feat might allow a spell to be selected from a different class's list and the saving throws etc would be based on a different ability.

More information of Spells and the Action tab here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Character_Sheet#Spells).

November 25th, 2015, 23:31
Thanks. That is what I hadn't realized. That you can change the settings for category of spells (1st and cantrips) It looks good now! thanks for all the help.