View Full Version : Map Layers?

November 21st, 2015, 21:22
Thanks for taking the time to view,

I haven't been using FG that long and moved over from roll20.net

I wanted to add a few extra objects onto the map. i.e. a ship in the docks.

I realise I could just add them to tokens and put on the map.

However I noticed that when I move the token, there is no way to put one image permanently behind the other images. i.e. crew on the ship

Therefore its difficult to select the tokens I want. i.e. the ship is selected when I only want to select the crew.

Is there a work around? A way to properly add layered images to a map (i.e. roofs to houses) or a workaround to select tokens sitting on other tokens. i.e (a dragon rider moving off a dragon) (a thief on a roof) (a pirate on a moving ship)

And if not? Then why not? I would assume this would be expected from a TTG emulator.

I have a feeling that my query is just null. In FG you are given tokens and a map, and just make do. Nothing else? Am I right?

Cheers I have my game tomorrow. I do like aspects of Fantasy Grounds, where as I can see aspects need improving or I just need to learn the ways of using the software.


November 21st, 2015, 21:42
I believe this (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20231-Enhanced-Images-%28layers%29-for-FG-3-0-CoreRPG-%28and-rulesets-based-on-CoreRPG%29) might be the answer you seek.

November 22nd, 2015, 07:52
A good choice, switching to FG was.


November 22nd, 2015, 10:24
I used to host 4ed encounters at our comic shop. So I sold all the encounters on ebay to put back into a game I have been playing since 9 years old. I think its a game that has been my friend and saviour on many occasions, and I know some people need to get paid for that as a job :-)

To answer your reply on whether that was a useful extension. Well yeah, its EXACTLY what I needed. So just in time for my game too. *bows*