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View Full Version : [Savage Worlds] East Texas University- Degrees of Horror (Second Game)

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November 17th, 2015, 15:08
This Game is Canceled.

November 17th, 2015, 23:57
Like I've said earlier, I'm eager to roleplay those young adults / teenagers. They will seem naturally much more credible with their motivations than anything we could imagine from a medieval fantasy game :).

November 18th, 2015, 15:48
Like I've said earlier, I'm eager to roleplay those young adults / teenagers. They will seem naturally much more credible with their motivations than anything we could imagine from a medieval fantasy game :).

Yep. Just have to get a few more people and we can get going. I am hoping to hear from those other two people who were interested in playing

November 19th, 2015, 17:25
Hey Ubuntu,

If you know any people who would like to join please let them know about the game

November 20th, 2015, 14:59
Just a bump up to see if I can get more interest

November 22nd, 2015, 08:30
Hey Ubuntu,

If you know any people who would like to join please let them know about the game

Yeah, it's mostly Pathfinders around me. I don't want to go there, tough

November 23rd, 2015, 00:09
I'd be interested, but its a 1am start for me :(

November 23rd, 2015, 16:54
Is there a weekend day that might work better for you?

November 23rd, 2015, 17:09
I could do either Saturday or Sunday day

November 24th, 2015, 14:43
Ubuntu: Do either of those days work for you?

November 25th, 2015, 09:41
Yes, like I've said in PM, Saturdays or Sundays are clear for me.

November 25th, 2015, 14:28
Ok sounds good. Skellen if that works could you please sign up on the calendar? I renamed the Tuesday game entry second game

November 27th, 2015, 23:11
Just a bump up to see if there is any more information. We are now looking to play the game on the weekend instead of tuesday

November 30th, 2015, 15:01
We have two people signed up. We just need one or two more to get started

November 30th, 2015, 15:14
Actually, I may have another player for us - am I right in thinking that saturday evening my time - saturday day is good for you two?

November 30th, 2015, 16:44
Actually, I may have another player for us - am I right in thinking that saturday evening my time - saturday day is good for you two?

That would work for me, I will let Ubuntu answer for himself. Another player could get us going, 4 would fill the game

November 30th, 2015, 18:21
Something within Saturday 1000EST to 2000EST

December 1st, 2015, 15:19
What time zone are you in Unbutu?

December 1st, 2015, 16:29
I guess he is EST? If so, an early afternoon EST would be best for me.

December 1st, 2015, 16:29
Oh and I failed to get the other player - he said he cant commit until the new year :(

December 1st, 2015, 18:25
I would like to join if u still have room left.

December 1st, 2015, 19:24
I guess he is EST? If so, an early afternoon EST would be best for me.

I am EST so that's the time zone I am working from

December 1st, 2015, 19:25
Oh and I failed to get the other player - he said he cant commit until the new year :(

That's ok. It happens. Looks like we have another person interested so the game should be able to happen soon

December 1st, 2015, 19:25
I would like to join if u still have room left.

Sure, we have two more spots. Sign up on the calendar and you are in

December 1st, 2015, 20:08
That's ok. It happens. Looks like we have another person interested so the game should be able to happen soon

Yay! Can I log in sometime to check out the players guide etc?

December 1st, 2015, 21:47
We now have 3 of the 4 players we need. When we get one more we can start.

December 1st, 2015, 21:48
Yay! Can I log in sometime to check out the players guide etc?

I could do that, just trying to figure out how to do that with the time difference

December 1st, 2015, 23:48
Btw, as I am both new to FG and Savage worlds I have a question, do I need to buy the book on fantasy ground or how does it work?

December 2nd, 2015, 03:31
Btw, as I am both new to FG and Savage worlds I have a question, do I need to buy the book on fantasy ground or how does it work?

The modulus are available through Fantasy Grounds (I purchased them) so you will be able to make a character that way. Do you have an idea of the kind of character you want to create?

December 2nd, 2015, 03:44
Btw, as I am both new to FG and Savage worlds I have a question, do I need to buy the book on fantasy ground or how does it work?
I'll give you a crash course on savage worlds on Saturday if the deadlands game hits minimum players.
I am not sure about ETU characters either. It just sounds cheesy fun :) I'll probably be an English international student of some sort if possible

December 2nd, 2015, 13:43
The biggest difference for ETU character is that all arcane backgrounds are prohibited (No ''Wizards''). And all edges (feats) that require arcane backgrounds are also out.

From my first read of the book I gather that:

For material encounters:
-Melee characters seem to be encouraged. Firearms are banned on campus, and require a permit outside of it. We are adventurers, but also need to keep our cover as students.

There might be slight openings. For example, a character who's part of the Bow Club and friendly with the campus security might be fine. There's always concealed carry for handguns. There's still pocket knives. Improvised weapons !

-Material problems are not the only problems; Some edges are specific to ETU that involve speaking with spirits, mediating their demands, keeping good relations with them.

-And as always in an investigation game, thinking is great. There's no Wizard for the smart guy, so he's just gonna be smart.

December 2nd, 2015, 15:04
Ubuntu is right. Basically the way you should look at it is that it's the East Texas University setting, with horror and all of the rules of laws that we live with (we as being you, me, ubutu, etc) are in effect in the game as well. So the setting with our laws.

I am not sure if that helps

December 2nd, 2015, 16:35
Ok, sounds good. Do we begin knowing that supernatural stuff exists or will that come out during play?

December 2nd, 2015, 18:41
Ok, sounds good. Do we begin knowing that supernatural stuff exists or will that come out during play?

Not really. The characters know as much as we know now about the supernatural stuff and don't know if it's real or not. When they get to ETU they find out just how real it is

December 3rd, 2015, 04:40
If you guys know of anyone else who might be interested in playing please let them know about the game.

December 3rd, 2015, 14:26
My plan is to as soon as we get enough players we will start, but I will need to be given at least a full work to make sure I am totally prepped.

December 3rd, 2015, 14:31
Awesome, I am sure we will find another soon :)
Looking forward to this one

December 3rd, 2015, 20:06
Awesome, I am sure we will find another soon :)
Looking forward to this one

Yep, there were a couple people who were interested in playing but Tuesday didn't work for them. Now that we have changed the day I recontacted them to see if they want to play. If not, I have one other place I can try to recruit from

December 4th, 2015, 01:05
Since I haven't heard from the two guys I sent a PM to I am going to recruit from somewhere else so we can get this game started

December 4th, 2015, 01:18
Cool OK. I will keep an eye open too

December 4th, 2015, 14:10
Cool OK. I will keep an eye open too

Great. The sooner we can get people, the sooner we can get started. I want to get started before people lose interest

December 5th, 2015, 18:41
If there is a open spot,I would like to join

December 5th, 2015, 18:54
Its Daedalus' game so its up to him but I'd love for you to join, you were a great player in the Deadlands one-shot earlier

December 5th, 2015, 23:36
If there is a open spot,I would like to join

Your in and improved. I have one more person who is interested so I made an additional spot. I will see if I can get him in the game. Either way, we will be ready to start next Saturday. What time zone are you in R.I.K?

Reverend Greg
December 6th, 2015, 02:51

December 6th, 2015, 02:55
Welcome aboard :)
We have a good group now

December 6th, 2015, 03:00
Welcome aboard :)
We have a good group now

It actually turns out that Saturday doesn't work as well for him as my Thursday game so he will be in my Thursday game instead.

However, we do have 4 players so we can start next week. Does 12pm to 4pm est on Saturdays work for everyone?

December 6th, 2015, 03:07
Fair enough :)
Sat 12pm till 4pm est is good for me

December 6th, 2015, 04:12
Fair enough :)
Sat 12pm till 4pm est is good for me

Ok it's posted on the calendar (the time) so please go to the calendar and mark that you can make it

December 6th, 2015, 08:11
Your in and improved. I have one more person who is interested so I made an additional spot. I will see if I can get him in the game. Either way, we will be ready to start next Saturday. What time zone are you in R.I.K?

Cool looking forward to play :)
I'm in the CET time zone. and I'm ready Saturday 12pm to 4pm est.

Do we use pregen characters?

December 7th, 2015, 14:49
Cool looking forward to play :)
I'm in the CET time zone. and I'm ready Saturday 12pm to 4pm est.

Do we use pregen characters?

I mean I can provide pre-gens if people like, however usually for long term games people usually create their own characters. If people want to use a pre-gen I can provide some for those who want to, and the rest can create their own characters.

Also, my Wednesday D&D game is on Hiatus for like a month so if people would like we could get together in the evening and I could put up the server and we could have a character creation session. Let me know if you want to do that.

December 7th, 2015, 18:59
I'd like to create my own ideally. If I am up late on wednesday I will let you know :)

December 7th, 2015, 19:49
I'd like to create my own ideally. If I am up late on wednesday I will let you know :)

Ok. No problem. Otherwise people can create their characters and I can put the server up early and people can log in and input their characters before the game

December 7th, 2015, 20:16
Cool. I can probably sort out most of it, its just etu specific edges etc. I may need to check

December 7th, 2015, 20:55
Sounds great .. I would like to make my own person.
Just type what time you open the server on wednesday, and il be ready.
It also gives you time to look at our persons in advance : )

December 8th, 2015, 20:33
Sounds great .. I would like to make my own person.
Just type what time you open the server on wednesday, and il be ready.
It also gives you time to look at our persons in advance : )

I am planning to have the server up at 8pm EST for character creation on Wednesday, December 9th. On the FG Teamspeak server I will be in the room Savage Worlds Group Conference Room. Come here first and I will give you the server information. I can stick around until 12:00am to help with character creation and answer any questions

December 8th, 2015, 21:10
Okay. i'll try to make it in time.. but will be around 11-12 am for me. think i can manage to make the person on my own.
looking through the player's guide right now : )

December 9th, 2015, 16:50
Im on ts.fg-con.com.. but all alone...

December 9th, 2015, 18:33
Im on ts.fg-con.com.. but all alone...

Rik, it's not even 8pm EST yet. At any rate, I am going to have to cancel the session for tonight. I can have the server up an hour early on Saturday so we can do character creation. Sorry, something came up and I cannot do it tonight.

On Saturday if we go over into game time we can play for a little bit longer.

so, no session tonight (due to personal life getting in the way. Sorry) but the server will be up and I will be in that room an hour early on Saturday.

December 9th, 2015, 19:45
No problem, have made my person. So it is quickly copy -past on Saturday :)

December 9th, 2015, 20:58
No problem, have made my person. So it is quickly copy -past on Saturday :)

Ok, sounds good.

If people have questions or anything up and until Saturday please feel free to post them here and I will answer them the best I can.

December 9th, 2015, 23:01
No worries, it shouldn't take long to make my character.
The Saturday session will be around 4 hours in duration?

December 10th, 2015, 14:25
No worries, it shouldn't take long to make my character.
The Saturday session will be around 4 hours in duration?

Right. If people want it to/it goes over due to heavy role playing, etc that is fine as well. But I am shooting for 4 hours

December 10th, 2015, 21:54
Just a follow up... Is anyone having problems with character creation and need assistance or do you guys mostly have character creation done?

December 10th, 2015, 22:25
I am ok with character creation thanks

December 11th, 2015, 00:11
I am ok with character creation thanks

Ok that's cool. Would like to get started as soon as possible to get everyone introduced to the setting.

So if anyone needs help just let me know

December 11th, 2015, 16:46
Just a reminder to everyone that we are playing tomorrow. If you are going to be late or cannot make it please let me know.

Thank You

- Daedalus

December 11th, 2015, 16:50

I have a game beforehand but I will be there in plenty of time. I will post up an xml for a starting template for my character, so we can just tweet it beforehand

December 11th, 2015, 16:54

I have a game beforehand but I will be there in plenty of time. I will post up an xml for a starting template for my character, so we can just tweet it beforehand

Ok not a problem. See you then

December 12th, 2015, 00:46
Here's Jack. We can tweak him tomorrow to suit.

December 12th, 2015, 06:46
And here is Anton Hansen : )


December 12th, 2015, 16:12
Did you call off the character creation session today ?

December 12th, 2015, 16:14
Think it should start soon :)

December 12th, 2015, 17:13
Did you call off the character creation session today ?

Nope, just got really busy this morning and I am running late. Sorry

December 14th, 2015, 16:27
Lots of fun guys. We will start where we left off on Saturday.

December 14th, 2015, 16:38
I am really looking forward to it, I had so much fun in the last session.

Hopefully we will find out more about the mysterious case of spontaneous human combustion.

December 15th, 2015, 14:36
I am really looking forward to it, I had so much fun in the last session.

Hopefully we will find out more about the mysterious case of spontaneous human combustion.

Oh yes, you will find about more about that and so much more. Your characters have only scratched the surface

December 16th, 2015, 14:42
Just a reminder: We will be playing this Saturday

December 16th, 2015, 14:53
Yay! Save the cheerleader, save the world

December 16th, 2015, 21:00
Yay! Save the cheerleader, save the world

I wasn't aware there was a cheerleader in the game. But there could be ;)

December 17th, 2015, 13:17
While there are more cheerleaders on campus than princesses in a castle, Skellan might be building up the same hopes about saving them :)

December 17th, 2015, 14:19
While there are more cheerleaders on campus than princesses in a castle, Skellan might be building up the same hopes about saving them :)

The thing to remember about this game is not everything the players deal with is supernatural so, it could happen. Not saying it will, but it could happen...

December 17th, 2015, 14:27
Hopefully Shieken, who couldn't make it last week will be able to make it to this weeks game

December 18th, 2015, 02:48
I have decided to open recruiting back up so we can get one more player for a total of 5. If you are interested please feel free to sign up.

December 18th, 2015, 15:01
Just a reminder: We will be playing tomorrow (12/18/2015). If you are going to be late or you cannot make it please let me know

December 18th, 2015, 15:04
I'll be there. I will practice swinging chairs about in anticipation

December 19th, 2015, 05:53
I'll be there. I will practice swinging chairs about in anticipation

Great to hear. Hopefully our missing player will be able to make it

December 19th, 2015, 17:00
We are playing now. I am in the Savage Worlds Group Conference Room

December 21st, 2015, 16:23
Sadly, a person needed to drop due to real life so I am recruiting for 2 spots for my Saturday afternoon game. If you are interested please let me know and also sign up on the calendar.

Thank You

December 22nd, 2015, 02:59
Turns out I will be available for the next two saturdays, if its possible for the others.

If we are recruiting more, I may have someone who could join in the new year...

December 23rd, 2015, 02:51
Turns out I will be available for the next two saturdays, if its possible for the others.

If we are recruiting more, I may have someone who could join in the new year...

Ok. I have put up the calendar entry for Saturday. If people can make it they will say so. I will be ready to play if all three people can make it

December 23rd, 2015, 10:23
I would like to join if possible, choose any weekend and i will be able to play (EST)
P.S i am a new player if that means anything.

December 23rd, 2015, 14:50
That's fine. Do you know anything about Savage Worlds? If not that is fine, it's easy to teach people how to play it.

If you are interested please sign up on the Calendar: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=1696

December 23rd, 2015, 14:52
Don't know much about anything but if i am able to learn quickly that would be perfect

December 23rd, 2015, 14:53
Also, do i need to buy anything except the normal license?

December 23rd, 2015, 14:56
Don't know much about anything but if i am able to learn quickly that would be perfect

Yes, it's very easy to learn. If you want to learn the system the .PDF of the Savage Worlds System is only $9.99 https://www.rpgnow.com/product/92743/Savage-Worlds-Deluxe?src=hottest_filtered The ETU setting is easy enough to fill you in on.

December 23rd, 2015, 14:57
Also, do i need to buy anything except the normal license?

If you have the normal license that's great and that's all you need. Since I have the ultimate license you could use the free demo to play and not even have to buy a license.

December 23rd, 2015, 14:58
I have bought the standard license already.. so i just sign up on the calendar?

December 23rd, 2015, 16:14
I have bought the standard license already.. so i just sign up on the calendar?

Yep, just sign up on the calendar, which I see you have already done. I approved you. Perhaps we can find a time to get together, I can go over the rules and setting and create a character?

December 23rd, 2015, 16:16
Yep, just sign up on the calendar, which I see you have already done. I approved you. Perhaps we can find a time to get together, I can go over the rules and setting and create a character?

I am free tonight think, we might be able to have a chat on teamspeak, just tell me when to go on and i will

December 23rd, 2015, 18:52
I am free tonight think, we might be able to have a chat on teamspeak, just tell me when to go on and i will

I will be on at 7:30pm because my Thursday group MAY be playing tonight. But I can be on the FG teamspeak server and we can discuss some things

December 23rd, 2015, 18:54
I will be on at 7:30pm because my Thursday group MAY be playing tonight. But I can be on the FG teamspeak server and we can discuss some things

Right now im listening to an adventure, but i will just jump off and talk to you whenever you are ready

P.S just Poke me on Teamspeak whenever

December 23rd, 2015, 19:54
Right now im listening to an adventure, but i will just jump off and talk to you whenever you are ready

P.S just Poke me on Teamspeak whenever

Ok will do. BTW what adventure are you listening to?

December 23rd, 2015, 19:56
Ok will do. BTW what adventure are you listening to?

Listening to Skallan's "Rise of the goblin guild" ATM

December 24th, 2015, 00:49
Listening to Skallan's "Rise of the goblin guild" ATM

I am in Team Speak in the Savage Worlds Group Conference Room but I don't see you on the server. Are you here?

December 24th, 2015, 00:52
He's gone now, probably bit late here

December 24th, 2015, 00:53
He's gone now, probably bit late here

Oh. He knew what time I would be on and he wanted to meeting. Oh well, will catch him another time. He may become another player in the Saturday game to get us up to at least 4 players

December 24th, 2015, 00:55
It might have been a timezone thing. Never mind I am sure your paths will cross

December 24th, 2015, 10:08
Oh. He knew what time I would be on and he wanted to meeting. Oh well, will catch him another time. He may become another player in the Saturday game to get us up to at least 4 players

Yes sorry about that, i had to go early last night, did not expect that.. Very sorry hope we have time to talk some other day

December 26th, 2015, 06:34
Yes sorry about that, i had to go early last night, did not expect that.. Very sorry hope we have time to talk some other day

It's ok. Due to a player not being able to make it we won't play tomorrow, however I can be around at 12:00pm est (5pm your time I believe) and we can discuss the game. Let me know what you think.

December 26th, 2015, 09:28
It's ok. Due to a player not being able to make it we won't play tomorrow, however I can be around at 12:00pm est (5pm your time I believe) and we can discuss the game. Let me know what you think.

12pm as in mid-day your time? or midnight your time? it confuses me sometimes because i dont calculate with am and pm

P.S if it's mid-day your time im up for chatting :)

December 26th, 2015, 18:44
12pm as in mid-day your time? or midnight your time? it confuses me sometimes because i dont calculate with am and pm

P.S if it's mid-day your time im up for chatting :)

Sorry about the late reply. Didn't sleep well last night so I got up late and am behind on everything. I would like to plan a time where we can meet and actually discuss the game

December 26th, 2015, 18:48
Sorry about the late reply. Didn't sleep well last night so I got up late and am behind on everything. I would like to plan a time where we can meet and actually discuss the game

If you are on in about 1 hour i think i could have a talk, visiting someone right now but i think i might be home by then

December 27th, 2015, 02:24
If you are on in about 1 hour i think i could have a talk, visiting someone right now but i think i might be home by then

Perhaps on Sunday you will have time since tonight is a bit busy for me

December 27th, 2015, 10:06
Perhaps on Sunday you will have time since tonight is a bit busy for me

So Sunday the 27th? i have time in the evening my time (GMT+1) so if you come on so it fits we can speak.

December 27th, 2015, 11:29
I would like to join too... how do i do that?

December 28th, 2015, 15:21
Hi. It looks like the last spot was taken. I am hoping to hear from that person regarding being part of the game. What you can do is sign up on the calendar as an alternate and if someone drops out of this fifth person doesn't work out you will be in the game.

The Calendar entry can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1696 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1696)

December 28th, 2015, 16:28
Perhaps on Sunday you will have time since tonight is a bit busy for me

If you can find the time to discuss during this week, just send me the time in GMT and i will TRY and be able to discuss the game with you

December 28th, 2015, 17:48
If you can find the time to discuss during this week, just send me the time in GMT and i will TRY and be able to discuss the game with you

We could do it on Thursday at some time because Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I am working at wouldn't be able to do anything until 7pm est (which is 12am your time). I have Thursday and Friday off for the holiday so I would have more free time earlier in the day.

Let me know what you want to do.

December 28th, 2015, 17:51
We could do it on Thursday at some time because Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I am working at wouldn't be able to do anything until 7pm est (which is 12am your time). I have Thursday and Friday off for the holiday so I would have more free time earlier in the day.

Let me know what you want to do.

I see you are online now, do you have the time?

December 29th, 2015, 14:41
I see you are online now, do you have the time?

Many times when I post I am doing so from work. The best thing to do would be to schedule a time to meet and then meet.

December 30th, 2015, 14:23
Ducky, I will be more available the next couple of days. Do you want to plan to get together and talk about creating a character?

December 30th, 2015, 17:03
Hey, TheGraveDigger

The 5th person who signed up dropped for some reason (I never heard from them) so please sign up on the calendar and the spot is yours.

You can find the calendar here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=1551

I will be happy to answer any questions you have after that.

Thank You

- Daedalus

December 31st, 2015, 05:05
Just a reminder: We will be playing this Saturday

December 31st, 2015, 10:05
Cant wait, love this game

January 1st, 2016, 01:18
could we start the session on the 9th an hour later (at 18.00 gmt) please? I'd love to play Doswelk's Deadlands one shot for FG Daze

January 1st, 2016, 01:19
or would you object to me turning up an hour late. Unless I get killed horribly beforehand

January 1st, 2016, 16:26
Ducky, I will be more available the next couple of days. Do you want to plan to get together and talk about creating a character?

Yes please, just do a time so it fits for me (GMT)

January 2nd, 2016, 03:20
or would you object to me turning up an hour late. Unless I get killed horribly beforehand

You can turn up late because I think 18.00 GMT is 3pm my time which be too late to get started for me

January 2nd, 2016, 03:22
Yes please, just do a time so it fits for me (GMT)

Well we are playing tomorrow. the game is 12:00pm my time, which for you I believe you are 5:00 pm your time. If you can show up an hour early tomorrow we can get a character created

January 2nd, 2016, 09:27
Well we are playing tomorrow. the game is 12:00pm my time, which for you I believe you are 5:00 pm your time. If you can show up an hour early tomorrow we can get a character created

I can Yes, so thats 4pm My time? (im eating dinner at 6 soo i might have to leave for a moment there)

January 2nd, 2016, 15:46
I can Yes, so thats 4pm My time? (im eating dinner at 6 soo i might have to leave for a moment there)

Yes, but let's make it 4:15 your Time (11:15 my time)


January 2nd, 2016, 15:47
Yes, but let's make it 4:15 your Time (11:15 my time)


Im on now, waiting for you :)

January 2nd, 2016, 16:27
Im on now, waiting for you :)

Ok I am here

January 2nd, 2016, 16:30
Just to let everyone know, Ubutu has dropped out. So we will be recruiting for at least one or two more people

January 2nd, 2016, 16:43
Not sure what kind of experience level you're looking for, but this sounds like a pretty good time and you've obviously kept this game going for a long while. So I'm definitely interested if you've still got a spot open.

January 2nd, 2016, 16:44
Not sure what kind of experience level you're looking for, but this sounds like a pretty good time and you've obviously kept this game going for a long while. So I'm definitely interested if you've still got a spot open.

We play 12pm est to 4pm est. What time zone are you in? Are you familiar with Savage Worlds or ETU?

January 2nd, 2016, 16:46
We play 12pm est to 4pm est. What time zone are you in? Are you familiar with Savage Worlds or ETU?

I'm familiar in the most basic sense, I've got no playing experience with it. And is that 12 - 4 today?

January 2nd, 2016, 16:54
I'm familiar in the most basic sense, I've got no playing experience with it. And is that 12 - 4 today?

Yes. We are playing 12pm to 4 pm today

January 4th, 2016, 15:28
I know I am behind but I have my notes from Saturday's game and I will post the log as soon as possible. I find the log helps as a reminder of what happened last game so we aren't doing like we did at the beginning of this week "It's been two weeks since we played, does anyone remember what happened?"

It also looks like a new person signed up for the game so we may have a 4th for next weeks game. I will let you know

January 4th, 2016, 18:15
I know I am behind but I have my notes from Saturday's game and I will post the log as soon as possible. I find the log helps as a reminder of what happened last game so we aren't doing like we did at the beginning of this week "It's been two weeks since we played, does anyone remember what happened?"

It also looks like a new person signed up for the game so we may have a 4th for next weeks game. I will let you know

Seems like a really good idea :)

January 4th, 2016, 18:34
Seems like a really good idea :)

I have been doing it, I just got a little lazy and didn't do it after the game. I am going to try to start doing it right away so we have a record of what we have done.

January 5th, 2016, 14:47
We are getting another player for Saturday so I will be working him in. We still have one more spot so if anyone else is interested please let me know.

January 6th, 2016, 14:40
Byanlesss will be joining us on Saturdays as the 4th player. We still have an opening for one more.

Could everyone remind me what your character concept is so Bryanless can decide what type of character to make? I am at work and cannot get to FG right now

January 6th, 2016, 15:22
Jack is a medical student who is psychically sensitive. He is a decent guy who will put himself at risk for his friends. He is a bit of a womaniser and wants to help the burning dead girl he met in a closet. Aiming to become a doctor, he takes the Hippocratic oath seriously. And he's not much for killing skunks.

January 7th, 2016, 14:30
Ok thank you. Haven't heard from the others so hopefully they will chime in soon

January 7th, 2016, 21:50
Hey Skellan, Bryanless. I notice you are in a one shot on Saturday that ends an hour after our game starts. Did you realize that?

January 7th, 2016, 22:53
Yeah, I asked whether I could turn up late for this session. It was a while ago though

January 8th, 2016, 00:08
Yeah, I asked whether I could turn up late for this session. It was a while ago though

That's right. Ok I will see you when you get here

January 8th, 2016, 00:43
Thanks. You never know, I might be dead by then

January 8th, 2016, 14:30
Thanks. You never know, I might be dead by then

Yep. I might wait and start the game later so everyone gets their full play time in. What does everything think about that?

January 8th, 2016, 14:34
Come and join us, it will be lots of fun

January 8th, 2016, 20:26
Unfortunately i have to go to a birthday dinner tomorrow evening (when the game is on) i will be home about one hour before the game ends tomorrow.. it was quite unexpected and for that i wish that i will be gladly welcomed the saturday afterwards

January 8th, 2016, 20:58
Unfortunately i have to go to a birthday dinner tomorrow evening (when the game is on) i will be home about one hour before the game ends tomorrow.. it was quite unexpected and for that i wish that i will be gladly welcomed the saturday afterwards

Well if that's going to be the case then I am going to go ahead and cancel the game tomorrow. We will play on the 16th, that way we can get Bryanless (if he is going to play) a character created and get things ready. I will see everyone on the 16th

January 8th, 2016, 21:02
Come and join us, it will be lots of fun

Since I am canceling the game this week I decided to join the game. Just waiting for him to approve me

January 8th, 2016, 21:30
Well if that's going to be the case then I am going to go ahead and cancel the game tomorrow. We will play on the 16th, that way we can get Bryanless (if he is going to play) a character created and get things ready. I will see everyone on the 16th

Okay, i will be excited for next week then :)

January 9th, 2016, 15:45
Okay, i will be excited for next week then :)

Yep, well with a player being late and you not really being able to make it, it makes sense just to wait until next week.

January 11th, 2016, 15:09
Still need to hear from Bryanless regarding a character. Also, we still have a spot open so if you are interested in playing please let me know.

January 11th, 2016, 16:05
Daedalus i'd be glad to be a part of the game especially if the person I was subbing for has come back.

January 11th, 2016, 19:18
Daedalus i'd be glad to be a part of the game especially if the person I was subbing for has come back.

Sure. If you want to create a character for the game that would be great. I believe the player who was on vacation comes back this week (though after this weeks game) so you could jump in this coming Saturday if you have a character ready by then. Feel free to go to the calendar and sign up for Savage Worlds-ETU (Second Game).


January 11th, 2016, 22:28
Ok I signed up on the calendar brother. Send me a private message when you get time.

January 12th, 2016, 14:30
Ok I signed up on the calendar brother. Send me a private message when you get time.

Ok Will send you a PM in a minute

January 12th, 2016, 14:32
Ok, so we had two people sign up so we have 6 players and I capped the game at 6 and turned off accepting players. If you are new and joining the game please contact me between now and Saturday via Private Message with your character concept. I can have the server up early on Saturday so you can input your character.

January 13th, 2016, 00:25
If you guys would like to have a character creation session (for the new users) please let me know. I can do it any evening except on Friday Night

January 13th, 2016, 14:38
I need to hear from Bryanless regarding a character. You haven't replied via PM or here. If you need to do a character creation session let me know please.

January 13th, 2016, 18:13
Just a reminder: We are playing this Saturday

January 13th, 2016, 19:54
I'll be there

January 13th, 2016, 20:11
Thursday evening would be nice for character or I can pick a pregen. Whatever is more comvinient:)

January 14th, 2016, 16:52
Thursday evening would be nice for character or I can pick a pregen. Whatever is more comvinient:)

Since my usual Thursday group had to play early this week I have time tonight to meet in Teamspeak, set up the server and help you create a character. Would that work for you?

January 14th, 2016, 16:59
Yeah this sounds good. Just let me know the time. I return home after 6 30. maybe talk around 8?

January 14th, 2016, 20:47
Yeah this sounds good. Just let me know the time. I return home after 6 30. maybe talk around 8?

I just sent you a PM here but yes, 8pm is probably the time that works best. Why don't we meet in the FG Teamspeak server around 8pm est.

January 14th, 2016, 22:55
FG Team speak? What is the FD? I am familiar with Team Speak just need the address for it.

January 15th, 2016, 00:54
FG Team speak? What is the FD? I am familiar with Team Speak just need the address for it.

Here is the teamspeak server information:


Description: 450 Player Teamspeak 3
Hostname: ts.fg-con.com
Server Password Dungeoneers

January 15th, 2016, 02:58
Hey, if there's room I'd love to join on the Thursday game. I created a character for an in-person game that never took off.

January 15th, 2016, 19:17
Hey, if there's room I'd love to join on the Thursday game. I created a character for an in-person game that never took off.

Right now the Saturday game is full. But if you want you can sign up on the calendar and if we have an opening come up you are free to join then.

January 15th, 2016, 19:17
Just a reminder: We will be playing tomorrow. If you are going to be late or cannot make it please let me know.

January 16th, 2016, 12:32
Just a reminder: We will be playing tomorrow. If you are going to be late or cannot make it please let me know.

I will be able to make it later, BUT i don't know how well i will be able to communicate with you guys, need to figure out how i will work it when we play. But will meet and play (but again have to eat JUST after we start)

Correction Note: I have to eat at the exact time we start so if it's okay i will join RIGHT after i eat

January 16th, 2016, 16:44
I will be able to make it later, BUT i don't know how well i will be able to communicate with you guys, need to figure out how i will work it when we play. But will meet and play (but again have to eat JUST after we start)

Correction Note: I have to eat at the exact time we start so if it's okay i will join RIGHT after i eat

Ok we will see you when you get here.

January 16th, 2016, 16:44
Just a reminder: We are playing today. Please let me know if you are going to be late or cannot make it

January 16th, 2016, 16:49
Ok we will see you when you get here.

Will do. I will be late about 30 minutes (so so)

January 16th, 2016, 17:00
Ok no problem

January 18th, 2016, 15:42
Hi guys,

Sorry about the technical problems. I believe I have them resolved so there shouldn't be a problem this coming week. We will handle experience when everyone arrives (less Anton who won't be able to make it)

January 18th, 2016, 19:59
no worries. Glad you have them fixed :)

January 18th, 2016, 20:39
no worries. Glad you have them fixed :)

Me too. So we will start the game at the warehouse where we left off on Saturday. Should be a lot of fun.

January 19th, 2016, 18:00
Just a reminder: We will be playing this week

January 19th, 2016, 21:51
Game on!

January 20th, 2016, 13:45
Lets do this!

January 20th, 2016, 15:00
Lets do this!

Yep. I thought I had one more person who was interested which would have brought it up to 5 players (which is where I want to be) but I haven't heard anything back from them yet.

January 21st, 2016, 08:39
Yep. I thought I had one more person who was interested which would have brought it up to 5 players (which is where I want to be) but I haven't heard anything back from them yet.

Let us hope we can get this person with us aswell, would be great to have more people for better roleplaying experience!

January 21st, 2016, 15:16
Let us hope we can get this person with us aswell, would be great to have more people for better roleplaying experience!

They are signed up and have a character ready to go. So all 5 spots are filled right now. If others sign up they will be on the waiting list in case someone drops out, but as of right now the game is full.

January 21st, 2016, 15:21
They are signed up and have a character ready to go. So all 5 spots are filled right now. If others sign up they will be on the waiting list in case someone drops out, but as of right now the game is full.

Thats great, im excited for Saturday!

January 21st, 2016, 15:49
Thats great, im excited for Saturday!

Yep. And the character is a female computer science character which should add a little diversity to the game.

January 21st, 2016, 16:17
Yep. And the character is a female computer science character which should add a little diversity to the game.

Are we actually going to have a female playing with us? or is it just a guy playing a girl? XD

January 21st, 2016, 18:16
Are we actually going to have a female playing with us? or is it just a guy playing a girl? XD

I believe the player is female. Not sure. Guess we will find out on Sataurday.

January 21st, 2016, 18:17
I believe the player is female. Not sure. Guess we will find out on Sataurday.

Oh. Will be interesting.

January 22nd, 2016, 00:26
Oh. Will be interesting.

Yep. It will be

January 22nd, 2016, 01:04
I'm really female, thanks for asking. Love roleplaying and I'm excited to be joining another ETU game since my regular gaming group played this for about 6 months before we moved on to another game. Feel free to PM me.

January 22nd, 2016, 01:07
Welcome to our party !

January 22nd, 2016, 15:01
I'm really female, thanks for asking. Love roleplaying and I'm excited to be joining another ETU game since my regular gaming group played this for about 6 months before we moved on to another game. Feel free to PM me.

Yes Welcome, we are a friendly group and I don't think you will have any problems. The character she submitted for play is great and should really liven up the party.

January 23rd, 2016, 15:50
Sorry to do this (expecially to the new player) but I am going to have to cancel this week's game. In the place we are in with two of the players not being able to make it, it's just hard to continue.

We will try again next Saturday when everyone can make it



January 23rd, 2016, 16:10
Things happen in groups and if you were in the middle of a storyline it's almost impossible to continue without half the party. I was going to post later that I will not make it next week. I'll be at Chattacon next weekend but I can join you for following weekend. (2/6). Daedalus, I'll PM you my character sheet or we can set up a time to put it into your system.

January 23rd, 2016, 16:27
Sorry to do this (expecially to the new player) but I am going to have to cancel this week's game. In the place we are in with two of the players not being able to make it, it's just hard to continue.

We will try again next Saturday when everyone can make it



So we are not going to play today?

January 23rd, 2016, 16:33
nope :(

that's a shame, I love this game. Nevermind. Next week we will save the cheerleader

January 23rd, 2016, 16:35
Well, for everybody's information.. i won't be able to make it next week, or the week after that... i'm traveling to Florida for a week and i won't be able to play whilst there. Sorry.

January 25th, 2016, 15:32
What I am going to do is we won't play next Saturday and start again on 2/6 when most of the players can make it. Hopefully the vacations and the problems will be past and we can get on a regular course of playing.

January 25th, 2016, 15:49
What I am going to do is we won't play next Saturday and start again on 2/6 when most of the players can make it. Hopefully the vacations and the problems will be past and we can get on a regular course of playing.

I will be home 2/7.. sooooooooo

January 25th, 2016, 17:51
I will be home 2/7.. sooooooooo

What are you suggesting?

January 25th, 2016, 17:57
What are you suggesting?

Idk its okay by me if you play on the second... But i just wont be there. maybe if we wait until the week after so nobody misses anything? its up to you

January 25th, 2016, 20:06
Idk its okay by me if you play on the second... But i just wont be there. maybe if we wait until the week after so nobody misses anything? its up to you

The thing with that is we will go three weeks without gaming. It's up to everyone else. If they are ok with doing that then fine, otherwise I am not sure what to do.

January 25th, 2016, 20:20
The thing with that is we will go three weeks without gaming. It's up to everyone else. If they are ok with doing that then fine, otherwise I am not sure what to do.

I really am fine with whatever you guys do, i just wont be able to make it the next 2 saturdays but after that, i should be fine

January 25th, 2016, 22:23
I usually just pick a minimum player number for the session to go ahead and then work with that.
If we are going to cancel the session this week could you let me know as I will arrange something else to do :)

January 26th, 2016, 15:20
I usually just pick a minimum player number for the session to go ahead and then work with that.
If we are going to cancel the session this week could you let me know as I will arrange something else to do :)

Well what I was trying to figure out is whether to play on 2/6. We aren't going to play this upcoming Saturday because we won't have like half of our players and we are at a point where I need people to be there. I suggested we skip this week then play next week (2/6) because everyone but Ducky will be back.

I just need to hear from people to find out what they think

January 26th, 2016, 15:30
Got you. Well I am good whenever, just let me know

January 26th, 2016, 17:40
Got you. Well I am good whenever, just let me know

Well I have given my answer above. I just would like some input from the other players

January 26th, 2016, 19:19
Well I have given my answer above. I just would like some input from the other players

I'm ready to rumble : )

January 27th, 2016, 15:56
Ok, we will play Saturday, February 6th with everyone except Ducky and he will be back the following week.

January 28th, 2016, 00:53
Sorry for not participating in the discussion but things are crazy at work. Saturdays are still good with me!
Previous Saturday we had the snowstorm and my boss asked to work from home:( but thus or next Saturday is good with me.

January 28th, 2016, 16:16
Sorry for not participating in the discussion but things are crazy at work. Saturdays are still good with me!
Previous Saturday we had the snowstorm and my boss asked to work from home:( but thus or next Saturday is good with me.

Yes, I understand. We got 26-28 inches where I live. It was crazy. So we won't be playing this Saturday but we will play the Saturday after this one and hopefully get back on track

January 29th, 2016, 14:37
Please let me know if you are not going to be able to make it a week from Saturday. I already know of one person who can't but we have enough players to get going again.

January 31st, 2016, 19:46
Please let me know if you have any questions prior to the game.

February 1st, 2016, 16:10
I'll be there 2/6 and 2/13 but on 2/20 I have my next convention. That is all for cons though until July so after that my schedule is wide open on Saturdays.

February 1st, 2016, 17:14
I'll be there 2/6 and 2/13 but on 2/20 I have my next convention. That is all for cons though until July so after that my schedule is wide open on Saturdays.

Ok, I can try to on the 13th put your character in a place where you on the sidelines (say maybe schoolwork) so the game can continue and it doesn't get too messy. You go to a lot of cons.

February 2nd, 2016, 16:48
Just a reminder that we WILL be playing this week

February 2nd, 2016, 17:16
Jack will be there

February 3rd, 2016, 14:35
Jack will be there

It sucks going forward with one of the people not available (especially when we are in the middle of something), I just don't want to miss too many weeks playing because that can cause people to drop out of the game.

February 4th, 2016, 14:56
I'll be there 2/6 and 2/13 but on 2/20 I have my next convention. That is all for cons though until July so after that my schedule is wide open on Saturdays.

Do you have your character created in Fantasy Grounds and just need to import it or do you need me to set up the server early on Saturday so that you can input your character's information?

February 5th, 2016, 02:58
i ll be there also;)

February 5th, 2016, 14:24
i ll be there also;)

Cool. I think Ducky is the only one who is not going to be able to make it. I know we will have a week without shrmm1980. After that we should have everyone except when emergencies creep up

February 5th, 2016, 14:58
I can be online early to input my character for you.

February 5th, 2016, 18:56
I can be online early to input my character for you.

Ok, not a problem. I will have the server up a 1/2 hour before the game.

February 6th, 2016, 16:37
Ok We are playing today. Please let me know if you are going to be late or cannot make it.

We are playing using Team Speak. The server information can be found in a thread in this forum. The room we play in is called Savage Worlds Group Conference Room

February 8th, 2016, 00:18
Hopefully you guys will be more active and alive next game. The game really dragged because you guys were there but weren't acting like you wanted to be there. If there are problems or things you don't like please let me know.

February 8th, 2016, 08:43
Hey Guys, im back from my schooltrip. It was alot of fun, and i look forward to playing next week! :)

February 8th, 2016, 14:40
Hey Guys, im back from my schooltrip. It was alot of fun, and i look forward to playing next week! :)

No Problem. We can get you caught up to where we are. I will make sure that before we play you have the same amount of XP as everyone else so everyone stays even. And get you introduced to the new player

February 8th, 2016, 14:52
No Problem. We can get you caught up to where we are. I will make sure that before we play you have the same amount of XP as everyone else so everyone stays even. And get you introduced to the new player

This is fine, i hope nothing bad happened with my character! xD

February 8th, 2016, 17:45
This is fine, i hope nothing bad happened with my character! xD

Beyond getting arrested (along with the others) not really. Luckily, charges were not pressed.

February 8th, 2016, 18:04
Hopefully you guys will be more active and alive next game. The game really dragged because you guys were there but weren't acting like you wanted to be there. If there are problems or things you don't like please let me know.

I wouldn't read too much into this. I can't have been that quiet, I got told off for interrupting :) Perhaps it would be easier to use hangouts? Not sure if this is an option fr you?

February 9th, 2016, 15:08
I wouldn't read too much into this. I can't have been that quiet, I got told off for interrupting :) Perhaps it would be easier to use hangouts? Not sure if this is an option fr you?

Well usually you guys like to role play and really get into character while this past Saturday it felt like people were there, but didn't want to be there. It's disheartening to me to put effort into the game and then not feel like the players are interested. I know it was a bit difficult in places, but still.

I don't want to keep putting effort into something if people aren't having fun. I am willing to try Google Hangouts if that might improve things and make things work better and works for everyone. I know what I am feeling was noticed by one of the players (I won't say who) so I wasn't imagining it.

February 9th, 2016, 15:13
Well usually you guys like to role play and really get into character while this past Saturday it felt like people were there, but didn't want to be there. It's disheartening to me to put effort into the game and then not feel like the players are interested. I know it was a bit difficult in places, but still.

I don't want to keep putting effort into something if people aren't having fun. I am willing to try Google Hangouts if that might improve things and make things work better and works for everyone. I know what I am feeling was noticed by one of the players (I won't say who) so I wasn't imagining it.

This is very sad indeed, i hope things will turn better when i return this saturday! :)

February 9th, 2016, 21:35
This is very sad indeed, i hope things will turn better when i return this saturday! :)

So Do I.

I think this best describes my feelings, especially after last Saturday's game:


February 10th, 2016, 14:26
We will be playing this Saturday. Just an early heads up

February 10th, 2016, 14:28
We will be playing this Saturday. Just an early heads up

I am really excited! :D "Just an early heads up!" xD

February 11th, 2016, 15:01
I am really excited! :D "Just an early heads up!" xD

Yeah, they were about to go into a situation. We can say that your character caught up and joined the group to get you right into the action

February 11th, 2016, 15:06
Yeah, they were about to go into a situation. We can say that your character caught up and joined the group to get you right into the action

Yeah, that seems like a good plan to get me back!.. Should i try to make up something about what i was doing?

February 11th, 2016, 15:54
Yeah, that seems like a good plan to get me back!.. Should i try to make up something about what i was doing?

You could. If I remember correctly isn't your character ROTC? If so you could just say you had ROTC drills that kept you busy.

February 11th, 2016, 15:56
You could. If I remember correctly isn't your character ROTC? If so you could just say you had ROTC drills that kept you busy.

My character is ROTC, good idea

February 11th, 2016, 22:56
are we trying hangouts?

February 11th, 2016, 23:43
Guys, I'm sorry to do this but I'm going to withdraw from the game. While I had fun online gaming is near the experience as meeting in person with others and playing. I appreciate the warm welcome and the fun we had last week but I'm going to stick with my once a week game group. Easier too since I'm working an average of 60 hrs /wk right now. Have a good time and good luck! Your group is very lucky to have Daedalus as a GM, he's good at what he does.

February 11th, 2016, 23:55
are we trying hangouts?

Does everyone have hangouts? If so we can try it this week.

February 11th, 2016, 23:55
Guys, I'm sorry to do this but I'm going to withdraw from the game. While I had fun online gaming is near the experience as meeting in person with others and playing. I appreciate the warm welcome and the fun we had last week but I'm going to stick with my once a week game group. Easier too since I'm working an average of 60 hrs /wk right now. Have a good time and good luck! Your group is very lucky to have Daedalus as a GM, he's good at what he does.

Understood. I only game online because there aren't a lot of gamers where I am and they only play D&D. If I wasn't gaming online I would probably sell of my books and leave the hobby totally. It's the only thing these days that keeps me playing.

Good luck to you.