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View Full Version : what about GURPS?

February 2nd, 2005, 11:07
I just downloaded the demo and I have to say this program rocks! I wanted to ask what do you think about a GURPS ruleset customization. Do you think it would be very difficult to create a ruleset for this game? Certainly nothing comparable with your huge d20 work. Just a usable little set to handle HP, modifiers, etc.
I'm seriously thinking about buying your program, but I'd like to use it with GURPS possibly without spend all my time creating a ruleset.
What are your thoughts about it?
Thank you very much!

February 2nd, 2005, 11:50
The main thing you need to have a working ruleset is the character sheet, and NPC sheets.

It's not to hard to create, but you might have some trouble, if you aren't familiar with XML and don't have access to a decent graphics program to make the character sheet.

From what I recall of GURPS there is no special dice mechanics that would make it tricky to use.

February 2nd, 2005, 12:07
I considered doing a GURPS Ruleset once I get done with the AD&D 1E one I'm working on now - but I doubt I will. I know that SJG would be very sticky regarding distribution of a ruleset based on the GURPS rules (even if you did 3rd Edition and not 4th).

If you plan on doing a ruleset for yourself (non-distribution) - you will still need to spend time deciphering the XML and figuring out what you want to go where.

I personally use Dreamweaver and Paintshop Pro to do my stuff. :D

Keep in mind though that you will need the FULL Version of FG in order to test/use any ruleset outside the d20 one that is built in. :)

February 2nd, 2005, 12:38
Actually I don't think Steve Jackson could do anything to stop you so long as all you did was a character sheet, and npc sheets. You don't need to provide the rules as part of the ruleset, and the character sheet would be your own design. I think the only way you could get stopped is on a trademark violation if you used the term GURPS.

Lizard Lips
February 2nd, 2005, 12:54
I've been putting together a ruleset for Mutants and Masterminds. Its based off of d20, but there are significant differences. I think Ive had to go in and touch every line of code for the character sheets. I think I'm up to about 20 hours that I've put into my conversion.

It would be possible to convert to GURPS, but it does take time and effort. But so does doing anything worthwhile. The devs and the people on the boards here are very helpful, and you'd be creating something that many other people would use and enjoy. I'd encourage you to give it a shot.

February 2nd, 2005, 12:55
that's a bit sad, but somewhat prefigured-out. For what concern with gurps rules, I know that licence policies are quite stringent. As well as are non-OGL pieces from WOTC, for example. Anyway. Thanks for your very quick and very good answers!

February 2nd, 2005, 13:13
a little question: also players need the GM version to use a ruleset I have created?

February 2nd, 2005, 14:17
No, just a lite verson should be fine for them.


February 2nd, 2005, 17:21
I've been putting together a ruleset for Mutants and Masterminds.

Mr Lips, if you would not mind I would love to get a copy of the rulesets you are working on? I am running D&D but have been considering M&M too.


Lizard Lips
February 3rd, 2005, 03:04
I'm planning on making my mutants and masterminds conversion available to the community. It will be posted in the Armory. Hope to be done in the next few weeks.

February 3rd, 2005, 08:04
another little question: is it possible to have hexes? without them, well no tactical combat in gurps...

February 3rd, 2005, 08:37
FG doesn't support hex grids as a dragged overlay (at the moment) at least I've not found one.

But you can use any image as a map so as long as you put your hex grid on the map in the first place you'll be alright.

The Dundjinni (https://www.dundjinni.com/) mapping program that a number of folks are using for maps has hex grid support.

What sort of GURPS setting were you thinking of?

February 3rd, 2005, 09:56
I never played gurps by now, even though i've been digging into manuals for a while. Maybe I have the possibility to play it with a friend currently away form my country (Italy-NYC... quite a big time trouble, but we'll face it :-)).
The setting is to be evaluated. Being introductory sessions, I think we'll stik with basic things, so maybe sci-fi will be delayed in favor of some low-standard mana fantasy. Maybe we could try the new roma arcana setting from gurps fantasy.

February 3rd, 2005, 10:24
Ok for premade hex-map... I don't know why I didnt think of it, anyway, for further improvement, if it could possible to think about it, it would be really appreciated. :-)

February 7th, 2005, 15:53
Currently, I'm downloading it! and I'm willing to take a look to the ruleset... Maybe I'll bug you a lot in the next days :-)

February 15th, 2005, 18:52
Well, not a work of art but i began doing it... I'm making it simple, to me the important thing is sharing the sheets, if they are not intelligent, well also real sheets are not intelligent... anyway, tweaking my work by me or everione wil be appreciated, I'll post something as soon as it is consistent.

February 17th, 2005, 17:19
I have something working. By now it's just the character sheet. I plan to do the NPC minisheet, the PC minisheet (once I realize what statistics I'll put there) and maybe a spell sheet and an additional notes sheet to write down adv and disadv peculiarities.
The weapon section has to be modified somehow, especially for notes: I'm thinking about removing the notes column and add a link to a note sheet (like the minisheet). Suggestions are welcome!
Another problem I have is with decimals, wich are important for the move factor and useful for the inventory.
By now costs are to be introduced by hand, and I think I'll stick with it, because there are many who prefere to use their own costs. It is also to note that using mapvalue would work quite good but it is quite boring to add lines and lines of mappings when it will be used only during character creation. Anyway if someone is willing to do that, well just do it and let me know.
If anyone were interested taking a look just write me and I'll send you the current version.
My address is
subbuglio at libero dot it

March 15th, 2005, 23:12
I've been putting together a ruleset for Mutants and Masterminds. Its based off of d20, but there are significant differences. I think Ive had to go in and touch every line of code for the character sheets. I think I'm up to about 20 hours that I've put into my conversion.

It would be possible to convert to GURPS, but it does take time and effort. But so does doing anything worthwhile. The devs and the people on the boards here are very helpful, and you'd be creating something that many other people would use and enjoy. I'd encourage you to give it a shot.

Oh I know I would use it!!

July 25th, 2005, 18:31
I added a grimoire and some spice here and there, as always, anyone interested please mail me

subbuglio at libero dot it

July 26th, 2005, 09:24
well, since my old post the sheet changed a lot, and the ruleset is quite usable, it's not bug free, I can bet on it, because it needs some playtest.
It offers:
character sheet (grimoire, location DR and other stuff present)
NPC sheets
modified combat matrix (not perfect, but I need to refine it by playing using it)

To me, it seems to be in a good stage, and I'll try to play using it as soon as possible.
Anyway anyone willing to take a glance would be appreciated. For legal matters, I need you to ask me by email, I don't like to get GURPS MIBs in my house ghghg, mmm well maybe I liked it... FNORD

April 21st, 2006, 14:10
just to tell you I'm back
I changed something in the ruleset, but it's not yet ready. I had contact with someone who proposed making some changes, it was some time ago and I lost emails..sorry... well I'm here, anyway!

April 22nd, 2006, 03:51
Hi subbuglio,

Was it me you mean? I got sidetracked with d20 and Stuart's brilliant Qabbal campaign, but if you want to get back to work on the sheet I'm more than willing to help. Your sheet was already beautifully laid out, and useable. We should try to get a few sessions going to test it out, and then show it to SJG (which is a bit involved).

I'm hopeful that if the 'ruleset' only includes the PC & NPC character sheets and other useful forms, and doesn't contain any rules info (or automation when 1.06 arrives), then SJG will give us the OK.


April 22nd, 2006, 08:32
Good news I found you!
I made a little change to the NPC Sheet, making a little more room for traits, and adding languages. I also tried to fill it with an NPC form Caravan to Ein Erris, well it is filled... totally, I mean :-D.. Definitely, as time permits, more customization is needed, and new graphics also, anyway the slight modification I made seem to make the NPC sheet work better.
The module contains info about Basic Lift, do you think I should tray to make room for it? It shouldn't be so difficult, but space is something precious in that sheet!
I can't spend much time on the ****, but slight modifications now and then are coming.
Stay tuned :-D

December 13th, 2006, 15:24
I'd like to see a copy of that too, Lizard Lips!

January 7th, 2007, 11:19
I see this thread about GURPS, and see that it is over a year old in the last post, and nearing TWO years. What progress has been done here? Is it possible to GURPS in FG?

January 8th, 2007, 20:25
Found a link to previous mentioned rulesets here


Rob Conley

January 10th, 2007, 04:42
Yes, but that guy is still referring to the OP of this thread. So I was wondering if perhaps he might have something new or added. Funny, where'd that guy get the links, if it's not on this thread?

February 26th, 2007, 21:54
(...) Is it possible to GURPS in FG?

I dont know...
If you use tactical combat rules, how do you manage facing with round portrait style tokens?
This is a great -and the only real- problem I have with GURPS/Fantasy Grounds.
And this isn't going to be solved with the release of Fantasy Grounds II.

February 27th, 2007, 01:19
You would use top down style tokens, similar to those made by FUM. These style of tokens have a definate facing. They have some free samples it you would like to see what they look like.

April 27th, 2007, 18:41
You would use top down style tokens, similar to those made by FUM. These style of tokens have a definate facing. They have some free samples it you would like to see what they look like.

Thanks again Griogre.

Yes, that is an option.

But besides that, seeing FG II new "hand pointer" (in a token bag) perhaps, being bigger, can be more helpful (I hope) showing the facing of each portrait-style token. It is big enough and isn't constantly overlapped by other tokens! Still I need to try.


I need help for fine tuning FG II for handle GURPS. I guess the old GURPS character sheet and such isn't working now. Can anyone offer help?

Wishing to test GURPS/FG II!

April 27th, 2007, 18:43
Dito, I'd really love to see a GURPS ruleset for FG II... But I don't have a problem with facing: Simply think, that the character's face is at the top side of the token... As you can rotate them, everything's ok :-)

April 27th, 2007, 19:22
Dito, I'd really love to see a GURPS ruleset for FG II... But I don't have a problem with facing: Simply think, that the character's face is at the top side of the token... As you can rotate them, everything's ok :-)

Good to know you have no problem with that.

If you didn't saw it before, there is a long (and perhaps a bit controversial ;) ) thread about facing in Fantasy Grounds. With some screenshots: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4611&highlight=facing


April 27th, 2007, 22:25
By the way as an alternative to top down facing you could just put a facing Triangel or something similar on the token Frame of a portrait style token. This would allow you not bother with arrows because you could just rotate the token so the frame on the arrow was pointing in the right way. But top of the token works too. :p

May 1st, 2007, 23:11
By the way as an alternative to top down facing you could just put a facing Triangel or something similar on the token Frame of a portrait style token. This would allow you not bother with arrows because you could just rotate the token so the frame on the arrow was pointing in the right way. But top of the token works too. :p

Hi again,

Griogre, excuse me for the nuisance. Thanks for the idea but my understanding of english sometimes isn't enough... So I think perhaps I'm missing something of your post.

My interpretation is you are talking about creating two tokens, one of them being an external token's frame with the triangle for facing, with a second token on the top-inside it (the portrait style token), so rotating the frame doesn't affect the internal token.

Summarizing: a two-piece token, with a rotable external part with a triangle or facing indicator and a non-rotable internal part with the portrait. (But FG handles tokens without possibility to group them, I wonder if this is smoothly doable in a game.)

Is this what you are saying?

Thanks in advance

May 2nd, 2007, 02:52
No just one token with a mark on it's frame. Like the frame below where the yellow triangle is used to show the tokens facing.. The frame would be used to make all the tokens so each token would have the same frame and the same mark. Similar to what Irian suggested but a little nicer and it avoids the arguments about what is "up".


May 2nd, 2007, 21:23
I see. Then, this is -I think- what ge are getting:

Griogre's token frame sugesstion:


I guess some people is using this procedure (more or less Irian, for instance). Thoughts?

As curiosity, I want to show also the same idea but with an earlier map mine, full of mad and confused tokens :hurt: , modified regarding the original present in https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=30116&postcount=13:


And last, -please ignore the little yellow triangles here- my earlier idea in this thread (LOL): "You are the Chaotic Evil one here!" :D



May 4th, 2007, 05:58
My players protest, so I think this will be my decision for GURPS/FGII: top-down tokens.


FUM/Devinnight's tokens.
I will need to craft some of them myself, also. :hurt: :ninja:

July 14th, 2007, 00:23
I don't suppose anyone has made progress making an FG2 version of a GURPS ruleset, have they?

Wishing to not have to build from the ground up....

July 14th, 2007, 04:00
No immediate help for you but I do eventually plan to do a ruleset mod for GURPS if no one else does it. I'm currently working on Star Wars Saga Edition but GURPS is probably next on my list. Just learning though, so it's likely that someone else will get to it before me. Whomever does it should look into getting SJG to 'authorize' it so that it can be distributed via E23 (hopefully as a free download but I'd pay $5-$10 for it).

July 15th, 2007, 04:03
I don't suppose anyone has made progress making an FG2 version of a GURPS ruleset, have they?

Seemingly not, but I hope to be wrong...

July 14th, 2009, 01:16
I don't suppose anyone has made progress making an FG2 version of a GURPS ruleset, have they?

Wishing to not have to build from the ground up....
For those not knowing it, there is a GURPS ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II by the community member Spyke.

It can be found here: https://www.spyke.me/

July 14th, 2009, 07:12
Try looking at the wiki when you are looking for rulesets.


It'll help you find new rulesets.

July 14th, 2009, 14:25
It works good, that's what my group has been using (on the rare occasions that we meet).
No automation (can't due to licensing), but that hasn't hurt us.