View Full Version : Status Token Pack

January 30th, 2005, 10:15
I was messing around and discovered that it would be nice to have some tokens to represent different effects that the Characters on the battlemat were currently experiencing (ie Flatfooted, hidden, etc). Here is a link to the page where u can get status_tokens.zip (https://www.angelfire.com/falcon/discontinuii/FG/index.html). FYI, they are scaled at 13x13 pixels to fit nicely in the corner under one of Elric's awesome tokens. It takes a bit of finesse to get them under the character model, you have to plop the token nearby and then drag it and tuck it under a corner of the model.

There is also an image at 2x Zoom so you can see what they look like. They're kinda blurry in the JPG, but they look quite sharp in FG itself.

I'm looking forward to your comments.


(And yes, I know that Angelfire SuXXoRs, so only comments about the tokens, please :D )

edit: New pic, no zoom.

January 30th, 2005, 12:16
I like then, I'm not sure I'll use them until after the 1.04 patch is out as at the moment my token box is cluttered enough, but certainly they appear useful.

January 30th, 2005, 12:27
Yup thx for that, very useful to get an overview in battle, especially also for the DM controlling mutiple affected creatures.

January 30th, 2005, 18:19
...at the moment my token box is cluttered enough...

I can certainly agree with that. Im looking forward to the fix for this as well.. I find it useful to have the "Your Turn" arrow (the little green one ) as well as one of the Status "!" or the Not Sign(O + /) to mark characters that have acted already.

Anyways, I've been brainstorming for some more ideas, and I'll make tokens as I encounter situations where I need something I don't have. More to come ... sometime

Anyways, thanks for the comments both of you.

January 31st, 2005, 05:59
Thanks for these! :D

I was thinking about doing something similiar - but now I can continue with other pursuits - like getting my ruleset finished! :D

February 1st, 2005, 01:45
Well.. got around to making some more. Also uploaded better pic's of the token packs. Handy link here (https://www.angelfire.com/falcon/discontinuii/FG/index.html).

Lemme know how they suit you.


February 1st, 2005, 01:50
Sweet! :D

Can I mirror these over on my site?

February 1st, 2005, 02:20
By all means, you can mirror. That goes for anyone else who would like to use/host them. They're jsut little 13x13 pixel bmps, so no intense bandwidth required.

BTW: Do you know how HARD it is to do a convincing Ferret at that resolution?? Im still not satisfyed with it, or the "lizzard" I did with green instead of brown.

Also, I couldnt decide which "invisible" token to use, so I posted a few different ones to choose from.

Happy Gaming!

edit: not jpegs

February 4th, 2005, 01:43
Ever throw 5 or 6 or so Goblins at your party? Then have all get wounded but none killed? And since you're using the same goblin model for all the goblins, how do you keep them straight? Here's how: (in FG anyway) use status token pack #3! Its a handy collection of the numbers 1-10 in Roman Numerals, in 4 different colors, just in case you use 10 goblins and 10 kobolds and 10 dire rats and 10 Pit Fiends at the same time. Well.. i guess you wouldnt need all 4 colors in that situation, just the Pit Fiend ones, but you get the picture. This link (https://www.angelfire.com/falcon/discontinuii/FG/index.html) is the same as the one a few posts ago, so you dont have to scroll back up.

As always, enjoy!


PS - Yes, if you want to mirror or host this you may. To quote ANBU-Keep (a fansub group) "Not for Sale, Rent or E-bay."

February 4th, 2005, 09:48
[quote="heliopolix"]use status token pack #3! Its a handy collection of the numbers 1-10 in Roman Numerals, in 4 different colors, just in case you use 10 goblins and 10 kobolds and 10 dire rats and 10 Pit Fiends at the same time. Well.. i guess you wouldnt need all 4 colors in that situation, just the Pit Fiend ones, but you get the picture. This link (https://www.angelfire.com/falcon/discontinuii/FG/index.html) is the same as the one a few posts ago, so you dont have to scroll back up.quote]

Thank U, very usefull. But now we really need the 1.04 patch to sort the tokenbox. Mine is so crowded I cant find anything in there anymore

February 4th, 2005, 11:48
Thanks for the comment, Ilwar. I don't doubt it. I normally screen my tokens before a game to find out which ones I might use that game, and only inlcude those (not just status; monsters, characters, ambience, etc.). I am also anitcipating the release of the v1.04, but even after it arrives, even I don't expect to use all of these tokens. I have actualy made more tokens than I think that people will use at once, just so they have theoption to use the ones they like best. And if they use them all, great. If not, hopefully there is something here that they can make use of. As I said earlier, I only really use the "your turn", "held", "dead", and a status"!" from the first pack. The others are all artwork I expect to use more once I can organize my token box and have it stay organized thru FG restart.

Thats all for now


March 11th, 2005, 05:44
In response to richvalle, I went ahead and uploaded a bunch of generic "size" tokens in a couple different colors. They are designed to work with Dundjinni (www.dundjinni.com) maps, using the standard exporting scale of 50 pixels = a 5 foot square. The size tokens do not quite fill all the squares that the size category occupies that way there is a border around them to place tokens, etc. The border is 10 pixels deep for Medium, and 20 pixels for the other sizes.

I have done the sizes Medium (use same token for Small) through Collossal, but the tokens for Tiny and smaller were just too blurry to be worth including. I reccomend you use the standard FG tokens for those.

Host, distribute, and use to your heart's content.


Link here (https://www.angelfire.com/falcon/discontinuii/FG/index.html).

Yes, Angelfire sucks, so if the banner loads over the Image for status pack 4, just reload or save the image to preview whats in the pack.

Edit: replyed to wrong person, listed wrong Requestee (sp?). Enjoy, rv and the rest of you.

March 11th, 2005, 06:09
Thank you very much!!
