View Full Version : Dearlands Campaign clean up

November 5th, 2015, 13:22
This doesn't have anything to do with patch bugs or stuff like that.

My FG Deadlands campaign is getting to take a while to load, and for the Player to connect to.

Making the assumption that the long period from when I get the user connected message, and when they actually get into the game is due to long downloads, I've taken a look at the file sizes in the campaign directory.

One of the largest files is the db.xml file (about 1.5 MB). Is this an unusually large size? Is there a way to clean it up?

Any other tips to speed up the loading time for my players would be appriciated (one player with a business level internet connection had it take 15 min to get through connection last night).

November 5th, 2015, 13:39
Depends on what you consider a long time.
When I was still using a dsl connection at 0.7mbps I would leave my server up 24hrs ahead of scheduled start time and urge my players to connect asap. If I waited for everybody to connect on game time we could expect delays up to 45mins. Deadlands is always more taxing.

What I'd like to see become the new standard for FG modules are for non-maps images to be in a separate module. I very rarely share book art with players. These image files really add up.

November 6th, 2015, 01:06
A db.xml file of 1.5MB isn't bad, I wouldn't worry about that.

If you haven't shared any new library/player modules with the players since the previous session then the players should have most of the data in their local player cache still and shouldn't download much - the proviso for this is that they're on the same computer as last time so they can take advantage of the cache.

If this was noticed last night - i.e. after the update to 3.1.3 then the players would have downloaded the updated ruleset and any other products that you've shared that were updated as well. This is a one off and should be cached for future use on the player side (see previous paragraph).

See how it is next time with players who connected recently - i.e. ones who have a player cache with the most recent v3.1.3 data.

November 6th, 2015, 01:06
Tokens can be a killer too if you have a lot of them

November 7th, 2015, 01:22
I think the /flushdb command goes someway to trimming down DB files by removing all ownership flags (as campaigns can acquire old / out of date ones as players join / leave).

But yeah, often the longer load times are on the rulesets / extensions and tokens you are loading. I only have 1Mbps upload, so with 6 people downloading from me, it can be quite slow at times (although it should cache between sessions in general, so not THAT slow)

November 7th, 2015, 02:00
As Trenloe suggested it might have had more to do with the first game after a major update maybe?