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November 1st, 2015, 15:40
Off we go again.... :)

Rippers Resurrected Logo: 11568

Player's Guide logo: 11569

GM's Guide Logo: 11570

Classic Rippers logo: 11571

November 1st, 2015, 20:11
are you setting this up as a Decal extension?

November 2nd, 2015, 15:57
Very nice!!!


November 3rd, 2015, 14:36
are you setting this up as a Decal extension?
They have been set up as decals yes.

I have finished the graphics (not updated here) and I am now converting the Player's Guide...

November 9th, 2015, 00:02
Looking good :)

November 14th, 2015, 09:18
Can't wait for the finished version, everything looks awesome :)

December 6th, 2015, 09:56
Any status updates available? ;)

December 25th, 2015, 10:39
Very cool. Thanks for sharing.

December 30th, 2015, 00:25
Excellent, I downloaded all the PDF's yesterday and am excited it's coming to FG...

December 31st, 2015, 20:44
I am fighting the lua/xml code to convert interface zero cyberware to Rippers but losing, missing Ikael here big time!


I'll get there the player's guide is almost done.

December 31st, 2015, 20:47
I am fighting the lua/xml code to convert interface zero cyberware to Rippers but losing, missing Ikael here big time!


I'll get there the player's guide is almost done.

You shall get there, took me almost 2 days to get tables to behave (using Par5e with CoreRPG - and then 'search and replace in N++) for my Traveller conversion.

So continue on fine sir, fight the good fight, defeat that Lua/XML beast!

January 1st, 2016, 11:03
I am fighting the lua/xml code to convert interface zero cyberware to Rippers but losing, missing Ikael here big time!


I'll get there the player's guide is almost done.

You always could have asked me :)

February 18th, 2016, 14:07
Any news on this at all? Got a group based in the UK who would love to give this a spin.

Is this official conversion btw (going via Store) or a personal conversion?

February 19th, 2016, 09:35
This will be a store product (mine always are unless there are licensing issues)

Player's guide is done.

GM guide underway.

I hired Ikael to do all the nice coding (and it is nice what he is doing!)

I'll make a video soon.

March 20th, 2016, 08:59
It is "done"

I need to check it again, need to tweak a few things with Ikael (some data I need to add in the right format).

In the mean time I have started Frightful Expeditions to keep things moving.

I'll post a video on the rule set changes when we are done.

March 20th, 2016, 13:27
How exciting!

March 20th, 2016, 13:31
Nice Doswelk and Ikael!

March 20th, 2016, 13:35
Nice work chaps :)

March 21st, 2016, 13:30
Nice logos and theme.

March 24th, 2016, 00:39
Right I just need to fix a couple of graphic glitches and then I'll ship to quality control.

March 24th, 2016, 10:25
Right I just need to fix a couple of graphic glitches and then I'll ship to quality control.

This is excellent work. I could rustle up a group to test this if you're looking for some testers (or FG are). Either way I shall be picking this up when it's available!


March 25th, 2016, 11:57
Video uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK0kokINHMU

March 25th, 2016, 13:39
Cool stuff, I'll share this to my world...