View Full Version : Library/Modules question about rulesets.

October 29th, 2015, 22:24
Greetings Gamers,

I have a question. Sorry if it is a noob question but here goes. I GM using GURPS ruleset all the time and I've created dozens of links in my game for things to share to the players each game. Such as Combat Guides, Character Details, World Details, Town Details, etc... The images I linked show a little of what I'm talking about. Which is basically Links inside of Links inside of Links inside of Links, etc... which I share with the players each game.

My question is.. is there way to create all of this in two books (modules?) that I can have in the Library tab on the side. One for players and one for the GM?

I'd like the players to be able to open up a book from the Library that contains all this information for them without me having to share everything. I would also like to make one for the GM's eyes only with additional charts and details.

Is something like this possible? Also what is required? Does it require some technical college course to pull off?

Thanks in advance to any who can help.
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October 29th, 2015, 22:48
Backup your campaign.
Do another backup.
Delete everything in Stories and images that you dont want to share with your players (did I mention you should back up first? do it because we are DELETING stuff)
type /export in chat and fll in some details and select stories and images and export a player module.

restore your campaign and do it the other way keeping all the GM stuff and giving it a different name.

You should now be able to load these two modules in any game (of the same ruleset) and you can share the players one with them.

October 29th, 2015, 23:37
Excellent... tried what you said... but when I try and export it what check boxes should I hit? I, H, S, C? I've tried many combinations of each... but can't get them to work. The players can see the Mod under their Mods tab. I dragged over the lighting bolt to force load for all players. But they can't open it. I can't open it on my end either.

Anytime I check the 'I' button it gives me this script error. See image. I've added in some words to the Index field above too as it suggests if indexes are used. Any suggestions?

October 30th, 2015, 00:20
Ahhh crap I didnt note what ruleset you are using. I wonder if GURPs properly supports export. I just sent you a PM.

October 30th, 2015, 01:11
I myself use the export to make libraries. I start with new campaign fill in the story entries I want in the library (including links etc)
you want to include on the export window
images and maps (if there are any linked to)
personalities (if any are linked to)
I and S should be checked for all included items.

Note: index group will create a side item on the library entry.
example: index group: Player Spells
will make a heading "Player spells" and place your module under that group.

December 24th, 2015, 06:44
is there a way to export tables like this?

December 24th, 2015, 10:44
/export in the chat window...

and... im not sure if its supported in the current GURPs.... didnt notice what thread this was in!

December 25th, 2015, 04:41
/export in the chat window...

and... im not sure if its supported in the current GURPs.... didnt notice what thread this was in!

nor did I, lol, I was thinking for the PFRPG ruleset!