View Full Version : Technical - Multiple queries

October 19th, 2015, 07:17
Having a hard time with Rogue in Pathfinder - certain actions and effects need be applied and I can't seem to be able to figure out how to do it.

Please someone help/advise, or is this even in Fantasy Grounds?
(in no particular order of importance)

1. Sneak Attack damage ?d6 is added to damage when sneak attack is allowed, number of dice changes as the rogue levels up
-best I could come up with is to create two entries for each weapon under "action" tab, one with sneak attack dmg and one without. Is there a better way?

2. Bleeding Attack* (Ex) - Rogue Talent. (and other on-hit effects in general) This makes backstabs apply bleed to target equal to the amount of sneak attack dice. Bleed damage bypasses any damage resistance of the target, applied at the end of target's turn, and can be stopped if target receives any healing, or rolls a successful DC15 heal check. Damage stacks when additional backstabs are performed. (i.e. backstab this round with 2d6 = receive 2 bleed dmg per turn. backstab again next round with 2x 2d6 = add another 4 damage per round to the existing 2)
-2 problems here:
a. I can't seem to figure out where I need to put the bleed effect under weapon damage, so I have to use the DMGO: 2 (for 2d6 backstab) under actions/spells and apply it that way.
b. (DMGO: 2) doesn't stack, so I can't apply +2, +2, +2 etc every time additional backstabs are accomplished.

October 19th, 2015, 15:59
You can either use an extra weapon entry or use effects. See this thread for some info: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20988-How-to-code-extra-damage

#2 - doing it as an effect under actions is the best way to do it. Make a "Spell Class" called abilities and put this, and other ability effects, there.

2b - bleeding damage for bleeding attack doesn't stack. See here: https://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/classes/rogue.html#rogue-talents-bleeding-attack Looks like you have an old/incorrect reference.