View Full Version : Trouble with Par5e

October 16th, 2015, 15:47
Actually, its probably more like "chair to keyboard interface" error.

Anyway, I'm trying my hand at parsing the 5e MM. I've just started with 2 NPCs so far, but cannot get them to display in FG. There are warnings in the build output, but I'm not sure what they're referring to.

I get the module to show up, but there's nothing under the 3 NPC links (see attached screenshots). I'm also including what I have in my npcs.txt so far. Any help is really appreciated.



Medium humanoid (aarakocra), neutral good
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Speed 20ft., fly 50 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Skills Perception +50
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Auran
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Dive Attack. If the aarakocra is flying and dives at least 30 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a melee weapon attack, the attack deals an extra 3 (1d6) damage to the target.
Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) slashing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Large aberration, lawful evil
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 135 (18d10 + 36)
Speed 10ft., swim 40ft.
STR 21 (+5) DEX 9 (-1) CON 15 (+2) INT 18 (+4) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 18 (+4)
Saving Throws Con +6, lnt +8, Wis +6
Skills History +12, Perce ption +10
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages Deep Speech, telepat hy 120ft.
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Amphibious. The aboleth can breathe air and water.
Mucous Cloud. While underwater, the aboleth is surrounded by transformative mucus. A creature that touches the aboleth or that hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is diseased for 1d4 hours. The diseased creature can breathe only underwater.
Probing Telepathy. If a creature communicates telepathically with the aboleth, the aboleth learns the creature's greatest desires if the aboleth can see the creature.
Multiattack. The aboleth makes three tentacle attacks.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. The disease has no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft. one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Enslave (3JDay). The aboleth targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed by the aboleth until the aboleth dies or until it is on a different plane of existence from the target. The charmed target is under the aboleth's control and can't take reactions, and the aboleth and the target can communicate telepathically with each other over any distance. Whenever the charmed target takes damage, the target can repeat the saving throw. On a success, the effect ends. No more than once every 24 hours, the target can also repeat the saving throw when it is at least 1 mile away from the aboleth.
The aboleth can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at th e end of another creature's turn . The aboleth regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Detect. The aboleth makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Tail Swipe. The aboleth makes one tail attack.
Psychic Drain (Costs 2 Actions). One creature charmed by the aboleth takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage, and the aboleth regains hit points equal to the damage the creature takes.

October 16th, 2015, 19:52
In aarakocra the perception should be +5 not 50
And see below re the STR, DEX lines

In aboleth the STR, DEX etc needs to be on a separate line from the values. ie.
21 (+5) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)

Also you have a space in the middle of perception
And you have spelled telepathy incorrectly.
In Enslave you have 3JDay instead of 3/day
In legendary actions place a word with a dot at the end of it before the text starts otherwise it won't par5e correctly i.e
Detail. The aboleth can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The aboleth regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Detect. The aboleth makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Tail Swipe. The aboleth makes one tail attack.

Oh, and the warnings are telling you that the NPC's aren't parsing - at all.

October 17th, 2015, 03:41
Thanks, Zacchaeus! Is there a log somewhere that would tell me what is wrong or is it just a matter of scanning through the text?

October 17th, 2015, 09:57
It's a matter of scanning through the text. It expects things to be in a very precise format just like it says in the manual. And it can get very frustrating tracking down what the problem is.