View Full Version : Player and/or dm looking (I am willing to do either)

October 10th, 2015, 20:51
Listed below is what I am looking for if I am Dm. But I'm willing to he a player as well. So I'm kinda down for either. Have vast experience as a 4e player and GM. I'm still learning 5e. But I'm willing to learn and please bear with me as I learn.

FG License: GM has ultimate.
Game System:*either 4e or 5e

Time zone : Central Time USA
Day of week and time:*will discuss
Planned Frequency:*i.e. Weekly,
Term:*i.e. Long term keep playing for a while,

Text or Voice:*i.e. Will use both. .
Voice software used:*we will use something .

Roleplay & Combat mix:*I would say 60/40 combat based but adaptable

Number of Players in game & needed:*have 1 so far. Looking for about 3-4 more

Character starting level & equipment:*level 1. If you can justify a specific item for a level one I am willing to consider it
Character restrictions:*no restrictions

Details of your scenario:*I make each scenario custom based on what people I have and their character classes. But it will be an ongoing story that will last "hopefully" a long long time

October 11th, 2015, 09:02
Welcome Mphillips51501! sometimes it will take a little while to find yourself a group - you are doing the right thing applying directly in games that match what you are looking for. You might consider trying a one shot session (of 5e or other) at FG Con 7 where you will meet other players and GMs which will also help you find more games.

October 12th, 2015, 07:10
Hello I was wondering if you are still looking for players? I am new and my on experience is once when i was 10 i played with my uncle and i listen to a podcast about D&D I am willing to play any class though i`d prefer a fighter, i have skype and I can get team speak, on the role play matter when I`m not playing rugby or working i write short stories based in high fantasy and I do consider my self proficient in role playing its just the rules that I do not know. I am in the Central Time zone I am also ready for a long term campaign and my character is completely flexible all that I ask is that he can play bagpipe at some point in our adventure :D thank you for taking the time to read through this and I hope you still have a spot for me!

October 12th, 2015, 08:51
... all that I ask is that he can play bagpipe at some point in our adventure :D

That has to be the singularly best player request i've ever heard of. Almost makes me wish I GMed the D&D game you're looking for rather than the Warhammer game I do GM just so that I could witness your character have their 'bagpipe moment'. Brilliant and best of luck with your search.

October 12th, 2015, 18:23
In all honesty right now I am looking for what ever I can get roleplaying wise. I`v heard about Warhammer and I read some of the books when I was younger if you are willing to teach me how to play I would be more then willing to learn. Like I said I have skype and I can get team speak if need be, I have fantasy grounds though i don`t have the warhammer dlc? I can get it if you need me to. I just want to get back to the root of rpg`s I`m tried of messing around with game like skyrim and the like where I can`t enjoy the company of other players and I have to follow what the game wishes me to do. So I`f you have an open spot for a newbie like my self please let me know!


October 18th, 2015, 23:12
I'm in a similar boat to Jack, I've played a handful of one shots, never with a regular group. I've been listening to podcasts and reading the books for years though, and I'd love to get involved in a 4e or 5e game (or 3.5e). I'm Eastern time, and Sundays (especially afternoon/evening) are best for me, which I believe is only an hour off of you guys in Central. Open to play any character. I have TeamSpeak and Skype or could download whatever system you'd like to use.
