View Full Version : Update Tokens in all Encounters in Campaign

October 9th, 2015, 20:03
Hi all

I am very new to FG and i bought Hoard of the Dragon Queen. While going through the encounters i notice allot of tokens like the Cultist have no real token image and some kobolds as well. I have found a suitable image and would like to update the tokens in each encounter....is this a manual process or is there a way to force an update of all tokens?

The first thing i have done is updated the Cultist token in the Monster manual.....now what about those encounters????

My guess is it is a manual process,...therefore it ain't gonna as there would be tons of changes... lol lol

Thank you

October 9th, 2015, 21:05
Indeed, you will need to open each encounter and drag a new token to the image just to the right of the number in the encounter. There isn't a way to globally replace all of the tokens. You can do this just before you place the encounter if you want; or when you are prepping for the next session.

October 10th, 2015, 01:42
Hello, I use tokentool; which you can download here TokenTool (https://www.rptools.net/downloadsw/) ,to easily make the tokens. Then I create a folder for the specific AP, Module, or whatever and put the tokens I create in there. So when your going through your encounters you can easily navigate to the right bag find the Token and slap it on. Far as I know there is no way to do a mass token update.

October 10th, 2015, 10:47
If the NPC is in the Personalities list (called "NPCs" in the menu) , and linked from there to the encounters, wouldn't the new token show up everywhere? I think the official modules have all links nicely in place like that.

October 10th, 2015, 10:54
If the NPC is in the Personalities list (called "NPCs" in the menu) , and linked from there to the encounters, wouldn't the new token show up everywhere? I think the official modules have all links nicely in place like that.

No, they don't. If you update the NPC with a token before you build your encounters then the NPC will have that token in whatever encounters it appears. However once the encounter is built the only way to change the token in that particular encounter is to drag the new token into the encounter.

October 10th, 2015, 17:54
Zaccchaeus is correct. The token tied to the base NPC record does not update into the encounters once the NPC has been added to the encounter. It auto-populates when the NPC is first added, but then that link is set in the encounter - you can over-ride it in the encounter with another token. This allows flexibility of building encounters with different tokens for the same creature - rather than having every Kobold (for example) have the same token when added to the CT and map.

October 10th, 2015, 18:21
Thanks for the info everyone.
