View Full Version : Looking for a couple players for long term campaign (5th edition)

October 9th, 2015, 04:45
Hello everyone, I have a current small group, but would like to expand it. I am looking to add a few players into my current homebrew campaign, as of right now, the actual meat and potato's of the game has not yet started, the group and myself were very new to 5e and fantasy grounds, so I decided to run scourge of the sword coast first to nail down the rule set and learn the program. We have already had two games,so it's a little into the scourge module.

Send me a message with a little about yourself

Game Start: Oct 11

License: I have the ultimate, so anyone can join.

Time Zone: We will play every Sunday at 10am Pacific, game length average is 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Note that this is a weekly game, so please only respond if you can make it each Sunday.

Starting Level: New players will start at 1 (current group just hit 2,ao I may start new players at 2)

Info: The campaign will be good based, no evil alignments. New players are fine.

Home Rules: I will only allow the "normal" races, I will not allow dragonborn, tiefling, or Drow. As for the classes, only one of each class. Right now, the used classes are Fighter, Rogue, Druid and Ranger and Bard (As a note, I am not sure if the Bard and Ranger will stick with the game, so they might open up first game.) Although multiclassing into used roles is fine.

Game Type Combat/Roleplay is a 50/50 mix. I very much like players that roleplay in character.

Voice This will be talking, we use TeamSpeak.

Please apply to the calendar


October 9th, 2015, 05:22
are you allowing custom classes? I've never played 5e before but I'm interested in playing a death knight but I'm pretty sure its a third party class.

October 9th, 2015, 05:47
It is a third party class, sorry Vhok, that's a class I won't allow to start off with, as a multiclass later on I might take a look at it.

October 9th, 2015, 17:58
I will get back to players that are interested later, but our game for this Sunday is going on, so I hope those who are interested will be available.

Carog the Fat
October 10th, 2015, 05:53
well hope to hear from you soon i have fun illusionist i always wanted to play