View Full Version : SW char sheet portrait/token change question..

October 4th, 2015, 16:10
Hopefully I'm asking this in the right place.....if not please feel free to move it where it needs to be...

Is there a way to completely clear out the chosen portrait and token assigned to a character sheet?

I have a player who wants to change his portrait to one he feels better represents his character. We've dragged and dropped the new one onto the character sheet and it changes it but when we go to add it to the map during gameplay it brings up the old one every time, instead of the new one. I have combed through the wiki for info and attempted to search the forum with no luck....

Any help would be appreciated... Thank you...


October 4th, 2015, 18:30
Is there a way to completely clear out the chosen portrait and token assigned to a character sheet?
Not the portrait - just select a new one. But to clear the token right-click on the token in the character sheet and select "clear token".

I have a player who wants to change his portrait to one he feels better represents his character. We've dragged and dropped the new one onto the character sheet and it changes it but when we go to add it to the map during gameplay it brings up the old one every time, instead of the new one.
The GM can drag/drop the portrait from the desktop onto the token image on the combat tracker to replace/rewrite the token assignment on the combat tracker. Then drag/drop the token from the combat tracker to the map.

October 5th, 2015, 02:46
Not the portrait - just select a new one. But to clear the token right-click on the token in the character sheet and select "clear token".

The GM can drag/drop the portrait from the desktop onto the token image on the combat tracker to replace/rewrite the token assignment on the combat tracker. Then drag/drop the token from the combat tracker to the map.

Not sure if I'm missing something on the Deadlands: Reloaded char sheets, but I don't see a token assignment slot on the sheet, just the portrait one....


October 5th, 2015, 03:01
It's because the character has an Arcane Background. Hold down ALT on your keyboard to reveal the token.

October 5th, 2015, 03:12
Thank you Mask! I appreciate that! and my players will too!


October 5th, 2015, 03:33
It's because the character has an Arcane Background. Hold down ALT on your keyboard to reveal the token.

Oddly there are a couple of my chars that have nothing happen when I push down <alt>, while on the others it shows the token slot under the portrait slot.... I even tried re-importing them with no luck....any thoughts?


Edit: and the characters that this is happening on are ones that do not have an Arcane Background if that makes a difference.

October 6th, 2015, 01:20
Oddly there are a couple of my chars that have nothing happen when I push down <alt>, while on the others it shows the token slot under the portrait slot.... I even tried re-importing them with no luck....any thoughts?


Edit: and the characters that this is happening on are ones that do not have an Arcane Background if that makes a difference.

Well, if it doesnt have the arcane background then you dont need to press alt key, its already displayed by the portrait side

October 6th, 2015, 07:27
Well, if it doesnt have the arcane background then you dont need to press alt key, its already displayed by the portrait side

Not to sound cheeky, but.....
Are we talking about the same char sheet? Deadlands: Reloaded? On the one I have there's only the Character Summary button, the xp window and the wild card star....

The attached pic is of one of the chars I'm talking about, no arcane background.... Unless I am completely not seeing it (Which is possible as I am still learning how to use the software....)



October 7th, 2015, 02:32
Oh, ok. It's the Deadlands: Reloaded and yea, it does seem like a bug. The standard sheet displays the mini by the portrait side so you only need to press Alt when you have some Arcane Background. As a temporary fix you can always give the player some Arcane skill on the Power tab and change it then you remove the Arcane Background.

October 10th, 2015, 06:05
Great idea! Thanks!
