View Full Version : pack horses and other encumbrance carrying animals

October 1st, 2015, 05:52
Where on the character sheet for 5E do you put your pack horses or other animals? When dragging and dropping into the equipment page, nothing happens. Where do we put it and how can we move equipment that resides on pack horses, or other animals?

October 1st, 2015, 06:13
You could just add an item to the PC's inventory called Saddlebags and set that as the location for the items in there. Make sure you uncheck the Encumbrance on the horse and it's items though.


If you need to track all of it's weight and inventory just make a new PC sheet for it.

October 1st, 2015, 06:22
I've created NPC's to handle the inventory
Or alternatively you can simply create a mule item in your inventory and then put everything into it by adding the location as "mule for example"

October 1st, 2015, 14:19
Another way to achieve what you want is allocate items on the party inventory sheet to a mule, wagon or whatever and want to call it.

October 1st, 2015, 15:31
On a similar vein, my party uses a bag of holding for most of the party treasure (I haven't been evil enough to try and steal it yet, but the Observant fighter/ranger carries it so...) and for the most part they just use the party inventory window (unallocated) to represent whats in the bag. If we wanted to be more granular than that though, I'd make a PC named Bag of Holding and use that for the inventory of the bag (the person with the bag can own the character)

October 2nd, 2015, 02:16
Where do you put animals and wagon tried inventory.

October 2nd, 2015, 02:42
Exactly where everyone has already said. Either as a subset of the player's inventory or as a PC sheet or the Party Sheet Inventory. Or just a Note. Or a Story Entry. Or change your player name to a comma separated string with the list of equipment. Or name an NPC after what you have. Or create a Google Doc for it then make a goo.gl link and name your module after the URL code. Basically anywhere you want. :)

Also, welcome to the forums bmoore :)

Baron Von Mandrick
October 4th, 2015, 00:36
Looking at this makes me realize that my brain might be fading away quicker than I thought. I'd had the same question before, but figured I'd just make a separate note and write down the items carried on the pack mule. Of course the simple step of unchecking encumbrance for those items is much easier. I can't believe I didn't think of that. I love these forums.