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September 25th, 2015, 22:06

Whilst I wait for Fatal Experiments and Canis Mysterium to get to Doug, I've started on another big book before I start Horror on the Orient Express.

That's the first adventure done, 4 more to go.....


Have fun

September 26th, 2015, 00:47
yeah yeah!

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/fgcon7-banner7.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 7 – Fright Night! October 16-18th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

September 27th, 2015, 12:58
yeah yeah!

Is that a good yeah yeah! Or like we have in England a 'yeah yeah!' meaning 'bet you've not done it/that's boring'.

Well I made good progress on the second scenario 'The Crystal of Chaos' last night, will proceed again tonight. Once I'm working on Horror, my art friends will be doing more Shadowrun tokens but then..... some Cthulhu ones!

September 28th, 2015, 01:51
Looks great! I can't wait for more :-)


Whilst I wait for Fatal Experiments and Canis Mysterium to get to Doug, I've started on another big book before I start Horror on the Orient Express.

That's the first adventure done, 4 more to go.....


Have fun

September 28th, 2015, 10:42
Looks great! I can't wait for more :-)

Well Ian, I'd love for you to be able to test everything to test as you're great with what you've been doing as well!

Started on the 5th of the Adventures last night, should get that finished in a few days (it's a biggy), then leaves 2 adventures left..... having massive amounts of fun though and getting faster and faster.

September 28th, 2015, 11:14
Well Ian, I'd love for you to be able to test everything to test as you're great with what you've been doing as well!

Started on the 5th of the Adventures last night, should get that finished in a few days (it's a biggy), then leaves 2 adventures left..... having massive amounts of fun though and getting faster and faster.

More than happy to help out. Just PM me if you need me to do something

September 28th, 2015, 11:21
More than happy to help out. Just PM me if you need me to do something

That's super kind of you (and Trenloe) as both of you have helped me. My next FG challenge will be to create a ruleset, as I'm a long time fan of Traveller and I noticed no-one appears to be doing anything, need to find some juicy documents or somesuch as I find at times that FG's instructions can be a bit out of date.

I'll be using your v7 ruleset to test Horror on the Orient Express btw :)

September 28th, 2015, 11:25
That's super kind of you (and Trenloe) as both of you have helped me. My next FG challenge will be to create a ruleset, as I'm a long time fan of Traveller and I noticed no-one appears to be doing anything, need to find some juicy documents or somesuch as I find at times that FG's instructions can be a bit out of date.

I'll be using your v7 ruleset to test Horror on the Orient Express btw :)

That's cool! I'm a huge Traveller fan. Creating a ruleset is considerably more difficult than creating a module, though, so I reckon it'll be a while before we play :-)

I'm happy you'll be using the 7th ed. extension. Please make sure you let me know all of the problems you find and suggestions for making it better.

September 28th, 2015, 11:39
That's cool! I'm a huge Traveller fan. Creating a ruleset is considerably more difficult than creating a module, though, so I reckon it'll be a while before we play :-)

I'm happy you'll be using the 7th ed. extension. Please make sure you let me know all of the problems you find and suggestions for making it better.

Wow, so even though we live 12k miles away we seem to enjoy the same games :) As for Rulesets, that's fine. My day to day job is a coder of stuff using anything from C++ to HTML5 and so on, I just need to find out where to start.

Now thinking about 7e ruleset, yes defo, like I did with SR, anything I find I'll let you know about. I simply test myself, open up a second instance of FG onto my laptop and play...

September 28th, 2015, 12:45
Traveller is something IanMWard and Mask_of_winter and i have discussed doing... but its still way down the list (as in probably years! down the list).

September 28th, 2015, 12:53
Traveller is something IanMWard and Mask_of_winter and i have discussed doing... but its still way down the list (as in probably years! down the list).

Ah I know that kind of issue. Some stuff we have in the pipeline for my 'own' company has been on the table for years, finally getting around to some of it (now that sales are doing ok).

Regarding Traveller well I don't mind waiting for you chaps, or perhaps I get on with it and you chaps test it and help me finish it etc, so we all benefit. For me Traveller 2300 (2300AD) and Mega Traveller are something I'd do soon after. However I've since discovered that Mongoose have a ruleset out and now GDW have theirs, so would need to know which one to work on.

September 28th, 2015, 14:06
Im just quietly saying - if you feel a hankering to do a ruleset. Do it. Or at least start it and determine if its something you want to see thru to the end. Dont wait for the unicorns to eventually get around to doing it because we may or may not get to it! Ian is polishing off CoC7e and ShadowRun 4. The three of us are working on Dungeon World and after that we have 3 likely contenders that are all ahead of Traveller.

September 28th, 2015, 14:15
Im just quietly saying - if you feel a hankering to do a ruleset. Do it. Or at least start it and determine if its something you want to see thru to the end. Dont wait for the unicorns to eventually get around to doing it because we may or may not get to it! Ian is polishing off CoC7e and ShadowRun 4. The three of us are working on Dungeon World and after that we have 3 likely contenders that are all ahead of Traveller.

Hi Damned,

I will start on it very soon, just decide which version of Traveller are needed (the Mongoose version OR the new GDW version?). Because I'd like to create 2300AD and then a new ruleset, Victoriana 3rd from Cubicle Seven.

So if you and Ian/Mask went to test Traveller that would be great.


September 28th, 2015, 14:24
I will start on it very soon, just decide which version of Traveller are needed (the Mongoose version OR the new GDW version?). Because I'd like to create 2300AD and then a new ruleset, Victoriana 3rd from Cubicle Seven.
If you want it to be a full release with backing from the publisher then I'd suggest you speak to Doug about what agreements are in place. There was an agreement in place with Mongoose, but I don't know if that covers the new (in beta) Traveller version. Without an agreement with the publisher you'll be limited to releasing as a community rule set with base mechanics only (unless additional data is covered by an OGL/SRD). Community rule sets are fine, just be aware of any copyright material and don't include it.

September 28th, 2015, 14:33
If you are up to the task of doing both it would definitely be worth getting publisher buy in. The challenge with that is that SW dont usually get approval until you have a demonstrably finished ruleset which means you could end up doing most of the work and not getting the ability to release with library... on the other hand Mongoose Traveller has an SRD - https://www.travellersrd.com/content/official/mongoose_traveller_srd/open_game_license.html

September 28th, 2015, 14:33
If you want it to be a full release with backing from the publisher then I'd suggest you speak to Doug about what agreements are in place. There was an agreement in place with Mongoose, but I don't know if that covers the new (in beta) Traveller version. Without an agreement with the publisher you'll be limited to releasing as a community rule set with base mechanics only (unless additional data is covered by an OGL/SRD). Community rule sets are fine, just be aware of any copyright material and don't include it.

Morning Chap,

I did speak to Doug about Traveller a few weeks ago. So what I'll do it send him another email about it and find out which version I can do. I have Traveller/2300AD etc PDF's from Mongoose.

Regarding testing I'll ask Doug about that as well. For the CoC modules I've done he'll give you and Ian a version to look at before releasing them into the wild as such.

So at the moment I'm thinking ahead, trying to make a plan, and before I do like this I'm trying to find out if anyone else is already doing it as the forum thread that I found (and you linked) is out of date, and I'd hate to work on something finally to find out that someone else is doing it, done it etc.

Right time for a brew over here. Love this community - some great folks :)

September 28th, 2015, 14:36
If you are up to the task of doing both it would definitely be worth getting publisher buy in. The challenge with that is that SW dont usually get approval until you have a demonstrably finished ruleset which means you could end up doing most of the work and not getting the ability to release with library... on the other hand Mongoose Traveller has an SRD - https://www.travellersrd.com/content/official/mongoose_traveller_srd/open_game_license.html

Cool stuff. I'll throw Doug an email and find out where FG is with Mongoose etc. I'll take a look at the SRD later this evening.

Thanks again chaps!

September 28th, 2015, 14:44
Mongoose are currently working on a new version of the Traveller rules - currently in Beta test here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/156017/Traveller-Core-Rulebook-Beta-Playtest?affiliate_id=7242 There isn't any SRD/OGL material for this version (so fat, at least - Mongoose brought out the pervious Traveller SRD quite far down the line).

Obviously I wouldn't recommend spending too much time producing a ruleset for a moving target (system in beta testing), but Mongoose will probably be more amenable to a ruleset (and related products?) for their new/future version of the game.

September 28th, 2015, 14:51
I've just thrown Doug an email asking about state of play. I'll see what he says and then when that time comes worry about versions etc.

Before I even start Traveller I'd like to get a lot more CoC out of the way. House of R'Lyeh should be complete in about 2-3 weeks, depending on the maps that I need to create. I'm still not certain about maps in CoC modules, hence why every module I get I'll see if Doug can let some of you lose on looking into it.

But seriously though, in development is Horror on the Orient Express (planning pretty much done) and Beyond the Mountains of Madness (planning in planning).

Plenty to keep me occupied, but love FG so very much and would love to have a magic wand to make everything converted already!

September 28th, 2015, 16:21
Doug has replied, Traveller is still in contract from Mongoose, so I've asked him to confirm the Beta is covered. Getting excited.

Back to CoC, when I get to certain points in Horror we'll have to run a game....

September 28th, 2015, 16:22
when I get to certain points in Horror we'll have to run a game....
That would be cool.

September 28th, 2015, 16:28
That would be cool.

Yep sure would. And one hell of a gig, with you in the US, me in Blighty and Damned/Ian in Oz.... almost sounds like a traditional joke!

September 29th, 2015, 00:20
Back to CoC, when I get to certain points in Horror we'll have to run a game....
I would love to, the problem might be scheduling, what with me being on the other side of the world...

September 29th, 2015, 10:21
I would love to, the problem might be scheduling, what with me being on the other side of the world...

Yep, but fear not. I used to work with an Australian office and so I'm sure my early morning could be your early evening etc. Let's worry about it when I've got something to test :)

October 3rd, 2015, 00:07
Right then, midnight here.

Just completed first draft of 'Nameless City, Nameless Terrors' from the book, so that's 3/5 completed (well just got to add a few stats and an encounter in).

Here's a picture of the beast...


So what's left?

'The Return of the Hound' and 'The Jermyn Horror', should be able to get both done within the next week or so (they're quite big, around 60 pages each).

Then I re-check each story, run them through with myself on another PC and some friends.. then over to Doug.

Just awaiting from feedback on Fatal Experiments & Canis Mysterium - I hope they're done ok, so only a few minor changes, so that means onto Horror post this (after a little Shadowrun mission I need to convert).

Have fun

October 14th, 2015, 23:24
Progress has continued on House of R'Lyeh.

Due to feedback I've received on Fatal Experiments recently I've gone back and made all those changes to those adventures in this book.

Glad to say that I'm back now finishing up the final adventure and with a good wind, should be done this time next week.

I'm going to take a little break from CoC then, going to work on the Traveller (Mongoose Ruleset) and then come back to CoC. It'll be Beyond the Mountains of Madness next as post that, 7E stuff will be worked on.

Here's a little screeny of the work tonight.


And with that, I bid you all goodnight!
