View Full Version : Handling vision / light

September 25th, 2015, 16:51
I've looked after such discussion by Search function, but with no success.

I'm looking for ideas of how to handle player vision without constantly checking distance & stuff. I've tried with transparent tokens, as you can see in an attachment below, but they cause trouble when overlaying with other tokens, I am sure you understand what I talk about. Does anyone have some brilliant, outstanding idea to keep vision and lighting checked? I am aware of a possibility of drawing circles, not bad at all, but they cause a little bit too density on a battlemap.



September 25th, 2015, 17:04
I just unmask the map as the players move in roughly the correct distance.

If you really need to know how far a light extends then I would just use the circles as you mentioned to give an indication of distance. You might also place a token on map at max distance as a place holder if needed.

September 25th, 2015, 17:08
Thanks, I deal with unmasking simply as you proposed, I don't need a dynamic unmasking or sth like that. I look after some solutions to easily track what hero can and cannot see in combat.

September 25th, 2015, 17:08
You could use the layer extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20231-Enhanced-Images-(layers)-for-FG-3-0-CoreRPG-(and-rulesets-based-on-CoreRPG))and put the "lighting" token/s on the middle layer - no token stacking issues. The gotcha here (other than the other gotchas with the layer extension - make sure you're familiar with those) is that players can't move the lighting token (as it's not on the top layer).

I've been toying with a couple of updates to the layer extension: ability to enable the layers on specific images and a fourth "effects" layer that the players would have access to - useful for persistent spell effect placement (obscuring mist, black tentacles, etc.) and for effects that move (light sources, flaming orb, etc.). Still in testing and trying to make it a bit more user friendly (i.e. more obvious which layer you're on). This would allow easier use of Wyldfurr's (free) persistent spell template tokens: https://www.wyldfurr.com/index.php/product/persistent-spell-effect-templates/

September 25th, 2015, 18:01
That works out good so far, pretty much what I needed. I've tested this extension some time ago but it seemed to be broken/incompatible then. Thank you.