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View Full Version : Half Orc Savage Attacks and Brutal Critical

September 18th, 2015, 02:58
Hello FG experts!

I had posted a previous question and got amazing responses super fast, so I wanted to try again. I searched, but I am either very bad at it, or it doesn't exist, but I wanted to try to change how many dice are rolled on a critical. Both the Half Orc's Savage Attacks and the Barbarian's Brutal Critical both change how many dice are rolled for a critical.

Is there an effect that can do this? What I'm doing now is I just made a second action that does an extra die of damage of the weapon's type, and I just roll that on top of my regular crit damage to account for it, but I would love to have it all automated :)

Thanks for any tips :)

September 18th, 2015, 05:11
If the half orc is a character, go to the Actions Tab on his character sheet. On the 'Weapons' bar, click on the hourglass. When the little window pops up, you'll have the option to add to the number of Crit dice rolled. Just add 1. that should cover you.

September 18th, 2015, 05:22
click on the hourglass. When the little window pops up, you'll have the option to add to the number of Crit dice rolled.

Nevermind, I found it. It's not in the attached screenshot. Not sure how to delete that.

September 18th, 2015, 13:49
Wow, I feel foolish for not having ever tried that particular button. Thanks for pointing it out, it's exactly what I was looking for :)

September 18th, 2015, 14:03
For Savage Attacks there isn't a way to automate re-roll an entire roll and apply whichever result is obtained (presumably always the higher). What I would suggest for this is have the player untarget his target and then roll two damage rolls into the chat window. He can then click and hold on the result he wants and drag it onto the target.

For Brutal Strikes it is as Morik says. One thing to note however is that this will apply an extra damage dice to all critical damage rolls and not just those coming from melee attacks. Another way of doing it would be to set up an effect i.e. DMG: 1d8 critical. The 1d8 would be replaced with whatever damage your barb did with whatever weapon he has. Set the Expend? part to 'on next roll'. If you drag this effect onto the player after the attack roll but before damage is rolled (i.e. a critical hit has been made, with a melee attack) then it will apply correct damage and only when the correct attack type has been made.

September 18th, 2015, 16:15
I'm constantly amazed at what FG can do, and how much the community knows and is happy to share :)

September 18th, 2015, 16:19
I'm constantly amazed at what FG can do, and how much the community knows and is happy to share :)

That's what we're here for :)

September 18th, 2015, 16:35
I think you can choose to have the extra crit rolls on Melee or Ranged. I'll have to look pretty soon, when I get back. Also, will the Advantage button work for any roll, or just d20 rolls? I've never tried on anything but d20s. Might be a way to automate Savage Attacks if I remember how it works. I may be way off base here. Would serve me right to try doing this from memory :)

September 18th, 2015, 17:59
I think you can choose to have the extra crit rolls on Melee or Ranged. I'll have to look pretty soon, when I get back. Also, will the Advantage button work for any roll, or just d20 rolls? I've never tried on anything but d20s. Might be a way to automate Savage Attacks if I remember how it works. I may be way off base here. Would serve me right to try doing this from memory :)

You are quite correct Morik, you can choose between ranged and melee for the additional dice on a critical, and that serves me right for doing it from memory :)

The ADV button only works for rolls to which advantage can apply; so pretty much anything except damage rolls.

December 11th, 2016, 16:45
For Savage Attacks there isn't a way to automate re-roll an entire roll and apply whichever result is obtained (presumably always the higher). What I would suggest for this is have the player untarget his target and then roll two damage rolls into the chat window. He can then click and hold on the result he wants and drag it onto the target.

Sorry for the thread necro, but as this thread is the top google search result right now for "Savage Attacks" I feel I should clarify.

Savage Attacks =/= Savage Attacker, which is what Zacchaeus is referencing above.

Savage Attacks works just like brutal critical, so just add an extra crit die to the weapons group meta data for melee crits.


Just for brevity's sake, here's the text for the feature:

When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.

December 11th, 2016, 19:03
If the half orc is a character, go to the Actions Tab on his character sheet. On the 'Weapons' bar, click on the hourglass. When the little window pops up, you'll have the option to add to the number of Crit dice rolled. Just add 1. that should cover you.

I had never even thought to look at that option.

This makes it so much easier for the half-orc Savage Attack power.


September 26th, 2020, 19:55
is there any way to apply this as a feature to an NPC? I'm running for a high level party and want to pit them up against a fighter like they've never seen before, and I want his crits to hurt more than usual. Is there an NPC trait that adds an extra dice to the crit? Or do I have to make the effect that you guys listed above as a player ability, and then apply it to my fighter NPC before combat?

September 26th, 2020, 21:05
is there any way to apply this as a feature to an NPC? I'm running for a high level party and want to pit them up against a fighter like they've never seen before, and I want his crits to hurt more than usual. Is there an NPC trait that adds an extra dice to the crit? Or do I have to make the effect that you guys listed above as a player ability, and then apply it to my fighter NPC before combat?

See here for what traits you can give NPCs https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/721028/5E+NPCs+and+Encounters#NPC-Traits

For the extra dice you can create an ability and word it 'The fighter deals an extra 1d6 damage on a critical hit'. This will create an effect of DMG:1d6 on the NPC which you can apply just before rolling the damage dice.

September 26th, 2020, 21:42
Thank you, this helps.

Poe the Homunculus
February 20th, 2022, 18:48
See here for what traits you can give NPCs https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/721028/5E+NPCs+and+Encounters#NPC-Traits

The link is broken...

February 20th, 2022, 19:56
The link is broken...

On my phone atm. Go to the wiki link from the forum help menu, search for NPC Traits and it should come up.

Poe the Homunculus
February 21st, 2022, 19:46
I'm getting this screen: 51607
What I am really wondering is how to get Savage Attack on an NPC, like a half-orc.

February 21st, 2022, 20:59
So a short while after implementing the wiki their was a re-architecture, which means a lot of those old links in posts no longer work. If you go to Help > FG Unity Wiki you will get the new/correct set of pages. From there a search usually turns up the new location of the page. In this case, I don't see one called "NPC Traits" but I do see '5E NPC and Encounters' which has a section called NPC Traits. Try this :)

Though I don't see anything about adding Savage Attacks, or a way to do it. But I could be missing something.