View Full Version : Hiding map / image names

September 15th, 2015, 21:30
My players quickly discovered that when I share a map, the name appears in the Map list for them. So, things like "Necromancer's Cave" take some of the mystery out of what they are doing. Is there any way to hide those names?

I'm using one of the store bought modules so I don't think I can rename the maps because they aren't maps I added myself.

September 15th, 2015, 21:35
You are quite right, you can't rename maps from published modules. There isn't a way to hide the names of the maps that you share either I'm afraid, since the whole idea is that you are sharing it with them. The same problem exists if you 'preload' a map. It will appear in the players list even if you haven't got around to sharing it. It's the way it is.

September 15th, 2015, 21:45
I'm using one of the store bought modules so I don't think I can rename the maps because they aren't maps I added myself.
Yeah you can. In the campaign data lists (not the lists in the library), right-click on the name in the list and select "Edit". You'll be able to change the name. Note, this is just in a specific campaign, the name change doesn't get written to the base module (they're read only).

I change the name quite often. Here's me cunningly renaming an air elemental from LMoP:


Note the book icon after the name - this indicates that the image comes from a module. If there is also the quill icon, this means that the image has been modified within this campaign only. You can remove your edits for a single entry by right-clicking on the entry name and selecting "Revert Changes".

September 15th, 2015, 21:49
Awesome, thanks!!

September 15th, 2015, 22:37
See, right clicking again! I keep forgetting that, Jeez.

September 23rd, 2015, 20:25
Fear the big swirly cloud thing.

September 24th, 2015, 22:01
Awwwe. My guys are currently fearing Undead Mist Thing 10, 12, 13, 19, and 21. :)

September 25th, 2015, 00:47
Ahh, good ol' Undead Mist Thing 13, me and him go way back! Used to run around town with Clumpy Mud Body 2 and Swishy Man Water 12 after work. We wrecked Denny's every week. Had a side door named after us we got kicked out so often. Good times.