View Full Version : Question about DM and the Ultimate Edition

September 15th, 2015, 19:46
If I buy the ultimate edition can I make someone else the the DM? Reason being is im willing to fork over the money for the game but I've never played and would need someone else to DM.

Thank you looking forward to playing soon


September 15th, 2015, 19:47
I'd probably just buy it as a gift on Steam for whoever you're going to have DM.

September 15th, 2015, 19:50
The licence is for a specific user, so you can't own the ultimate licence and give it out to other people to GM. You could buy it for one GM and give it directly to them so that they owned it (best to use the gift functionality on Steam to do this). But you wouldn't own the licence, they would.

You could perhaps buy a specific GM the ultimate subscription ($10/month) and cancel the subscription when that person stops GMing. The issue with this is that any DLC/Add ons are also linked to the specific user (the GM) and so you'd have issues with losing access to library modules, adventures, etc. when changing the GM around.

If you have one specific GM in mind it's best to work with them to get them a licence and the relevant add-ons. Otherwise, you're best either getting a full licence for yourself (to allow you to join anyone's game) or look for a GM who already has the ultimate licence.

September 15th, 2015, 19:55
Thank you for the answers I appreciate it!