View Full Version : Help with Adding Adventure Cards

September 12th, 2015, 00:37
Hi guys,

I'm eager to add the new passel of Adventure Cards that came with my hard copy of Stone and a Hard Place, but I've maxed out my "understanding stuff by poking around" ability. The cards I added exist in the deck, show up in the AC section of the character sheet when dealt to a player, and can be dragged to the chat box, so I've technically got the bare-bones functionality I need. However, I can't get the large version of the card to pop up on double-click from the character sheet (it's just a blank transparent image), nor can I figure out how to make the new entries show up in the Adventure Deck section of the library. I've implemented the new cards in the three steps below.

Created 149x208 and 54x75 images of each card and placed them in AdventureDeck/graphics/cards
Added both versions to the list in graphics_cards.xml and double-checked spelling
Added appropriate entries in adventuredeckconfig.lua

Are there any obvious steps I missed? Thanks so much for the help!

September 12th, 2015, 01:23
Have you looked at the documentation that comes with the adventure deck? "Adventure Deck Documentation.pdf" in the <FG app data>\docs directory. Page 9 onwards covers extending the deck.

September 12th, 2015, 04:25
Not yet. Thanks, Trenloe!

October 3rd, 2015, 21:43
I don't own the adventure deck (yet) but I am guessing the documentation covers removing cards and changing card artwork? Its not clear from the store page

October 3rd, 2015, 22:33
I don't own the adventure deck (yet) but I am guessing the documentation covers removing cards and changing card artwork?
Absolutely. It's well written and covers all of this (and more). You'll need to roll up your sleeves and edit/create an extension, but this is covered in the documentation.

October 3rd, 2015, 22:48
Cool, thanks Trenloe. I have been enjoying playing around with other people's extensions. I changed a sanity extension to make it work for Achtung Cthulhu and I have made a swanky theme but unfortunately can't share it due to copyright stuff. I'll give the decks a whirl thanks :)

October 4th, 2015, 19:36
Adding custom cards is well worth the effort, below was the custom deck I created for 50 Fathoms, the thread where I linked to the original cards is here... (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?17013-My-Custom-Adventure-Deck-for-50-Fathoms)

October 4th, 2015, 22:48
That's really cool.Yeah, I think its worth having the cards match the theme. Your 50 fathoms theme looks great too.
I will have to make a custom deck.