View Full Version : LF DM D&D 5E (LMoP)

September 10th, 2015, 03:21
Hey guys,

3 buddies and I are looking for a DM for our games. We all have an individual FG license and PHB modules. We are all young professionals with wives and kids which basically means we don't have a lot of time on our hands so we need the DM to have flexible times.

Would like to have one 4-hour session per month. We are all located in the central time zone. Optional time slots are friday or saturday nights after 8pm Central. Saturday mornings starting at 8am central. Sunday afternoons around 1pm central. It's likely we won't be able to nail down a standing day/time due to real life obligations and football season.

Because we are on tight schedules would like the DM to run some non-combat encounter parts of the story via message board posts/email so that we can have enough time to get through encounters during FG sessions.

Currently I've been DMing our game and running a DMPC, but would prefer to just be a player. Up for continuing on from LMoP storyline after the module is finished or starting something new afterwards. Willing to purchase official modules for the DM to use or purchase PDFs for the DM to import into FG and run.

September 10th, 2015, 04:56
Make sure you all sign up for something at FGCon, I met a lot of good players and learned a bunch during the last FGDaze.
I'm a maybe as a DM for you. Weekends are usually busiest for me

September 10th, 2015, 05:42
We will be opening FGCon7 up for GM registration very shortly :)
In the meantime there are some one shots over at https://www.gamergeekend.com running next weekend.
I am running a DungeonWorld One Shot session next Saturday morning (US Time) if you would like to join.

September 10th, 2015, 20:34
Hey Guys---

Young professional here with two kids so scheduling wise seems like we'd be a good fit. Saturday nights 8pm central is perfect, and once or twice a month is most likely all I could do as well.

I'd happily DM for you guys--I've run LMoP in meatspace once before, but this would be my first foray into running something on FG. I've played around with the software on my own just to familiarize myself with it but there would likely be a little tire kicking going on as we start out.

I started DM'ing again this year after about a 20 year break. I tend to run games with a little bit of humor and a little bit of a little bit of seriousness. Medium level RP, and I don't really mind meta/table talk as long as it doesn't slow us down too much.

If you're still looking for someone let me know--feel free to PM me.
