View Full Version : Pirates wanted! (PF Skull and Shackles)

September 8th, 2015, 01:04
Currently looking for 1 more player for the Game. Currently have 4 players, group dynamic is really good and everyone is rping off each other great. Could use a sort of tanky char, but any classes are welcome. Game is on Saturdays at 3:30pst, we normally run for 3 hours but we're going to try for 6 in the future. We also use the fg-con teamspeak for voice chat. Thematic music is included!

----Original Post

Yearning for the creak of a ship on the open sea? The heady scent of sea salt in your lungs? Craving the taste of adventure and treasure? Besmara rewards those who show ambition and seek adventure. NOT for the faint of heart, a pirate's life is perilous and fraught with danger. Rely on your wits and cunning to survive and, possibly; if you play your cards right; Thrive. Besmara calls you to Port Peril, the pirate capital of the Isles of the Shackles, the tavern named the Made Maid you will find the life of adventure you seek.

[[[Running the Pathfinder Adventure Path: Skull and Shackles. Have 3 people already, looking for more; 1 ideally or 2 at most.]]]

[[[DM Manifesto: I run all of my games with the priority of everyone having fun, if I notice people are not having fun or getting bored, I am not afraid to change things up or handwave an elongated battle or similar. It is not possible to please everyone all the time but I try and make it as enjoyable as I can for everyone.
I am always seeking to improve my DMing, so criticism is welcomed, but not during the game. I will be available for a post game session and I promise to not passive aggressively punish you or your character for suggesting improvements or flaws to/in my DMing style.
I enjoy RP, as do all of the other players I have gathered so far, so the game will probably have a fair amount of this. I also enjoy my combat but I try to keep it smooth and not get bogged down in the quagmire that is the Pathfinder rules system. I consider myself quite knowledgeable in the combat and general rules of the system but if a rule is unclear I will make a speedy temporary decision and the rule can be clarified post session.]]]

{Edit: Time Zone is PST, or GMT-7; Starting time will be 3pm PST, day still TBD.}
{Edit 2: Game is currently full, but slots may open, will advise further. 15 point buy is what I was thinking and any official content is game. 3pp is case by case basis determined by me.}

September 8th, 2015, 02:09
I am definitely interested in joining this. However I was curious what time zone you are currently looking at? Also what times would you be playing? What is everyone playing?

September 8th, 2015, 02:10
I'm interested, what day/time would we be playing?

September 8th, 2015, 02:57
Time zone updated. Potential time and days in flux, what would work for you? Currently we have a human druid, and the others haven't decided yet, possibly ratkin swashbuckler for one.

September 8th, 2015, 03:06
Any day other than Saturday or Sunday preferably, although it would work if it was early Saturday or late Sunday.

September 8th, 2015, 03:55
I'd be interested depending on the day. Time is fine as I'm PST as well. For a pirate I'm thinking fighter or rogue... maybe crossbowman archetype. I like playing sorcerers so that may be an option.

September 8th, 2015, 05:51
It's looking like the time, regardless of the day, will have to be 3pm pst. This is due to one of the players working most days until then. I would like to get a weekly day nailed down, but we could maybe have a character creation session first and see how everyone feels. Do you guys have contact info?

September 9th, 2015, 02:39
I sent a PM with my contact info but I wanted to ask some questions here so everyone can see them:
1) What point-buy are we using?
2) Any restrictions on books, races or classes? What about 3pp stuff?

October 1st, 2015, 06:31
Bump for new PC needed.

October 2nd, 2015, 06:42
Hello I would be interested in your game, I've never used Fantasy Grounds before and I would only have a Demo of it. I really want to try it out and see if its better then roll20. I am also very interested in sailing the high seas and killing some Chelaxian marine scum! I am not the best RPer but I really do want to improve. I know I've mainly listed my flaws so here are a few things you can gain by having me on your crew: I am very good at remembering the rules and I have a philosophy that there is always another answer. What I mean by that is that I LOVE trying to figure out another way of doing something. Everything is a puzzle waiting to be solved.