View Full Version : Pathfinder's Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path forming

September 7th, 2015, 00:25
FG License: GM has Ultimate License, so all you need is the Demo
Game System: Pathfinder

Time Zone: Eastern USA
Day of week and time: Mondays starting at 6 PM. (NEW RESTART)
Planned start date: Monday, NOVEMBER 30TH
Planned Frequency: Weekly
Term: Long Term

Text or Voice: Voice Only
Voice software used: Teamspeak

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: 4-6
Character starting level & equipment: Starting Level 1, max gold to buy starter equipment.
Character restrictions: Core races and Classes

Details of the scenario: It all started out as a beautiful day at the Swallowtail Festival....

No min maxing 25 point buy with no stat over 16 or below 10 before racial adjustments. Max HP per Level, Max starting gold. No underminers, no evil alignments.

Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1611

September 7th, 2015, 01:38
Iv'e always wanted to try this. I'll join.

September 7th, 2015, 03:15
seems fun wish I could join in!

September 7th, 2015, 04:07
I would potentially be interested in this. Recently attempted an abortive RotRL campaign as a PC navigating through an initial 3 or so sessions before the DM bailed, but willing to give this another try.

September 7th, 2015, 04:14
Hey if you have room PM me! i am new to FG and PFrpg but they both have caught my attention. I would really like to have a shot at this.

September 7th, 2015, 08:29
I've already prepared some modules for this path, if there's a need I am willing to share.

September 7th, 2015, 21:04
I have several Arcane Trickster builds. . . Some more broken then others.
Goblin (power gamer warning) Even with your restrictions alchemist fire = 1d6 fire +1d4 feat +2d6 sneak attack +3 int mod/ splash damage 1 + 1d4 feat +3 int mod. . . + continuous effects. That's at level 5. However he would be a blast to play. Basically he'd never want to be seen by the party, or towns folk. Forced to leave messages, shopping lists and gold to get what he wants. +17 stealth at level 1 pretty much says he's good on the unseen part. Throwing things from behind full cover using a mirror (give me a minus to +5 dex mod range touch attack weapons, I wont cry.) If the party doesn't leave him his fair share like a common house elf, then he'd steal from them in the dead of night. . . At least what his fair share would be. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/e-g/glove-glowing would be an item he creates/buys. . . Allowing him to create a sign language with the party. They'd never run into a locked door, trap that wasn't disabled or had the trigger clearly marked. It's a mathammer character that breaks a lot, but I feel his rp value is equal to his power gamer value. . . If you choose not to accept this character I wont fuss.

Tiefling is pretty much the same minus burn burn burn, but with the prehensile tail. . . Making him an quick draw alchemist thrown weapon specialist. Little less interesting rp value for him. . . For now I know his tail has a mind of it's own. During combat they get along and work like a well oiled machine: after all if the body dies the tail dies. Out of combat, and if confused that's a different story. Don't be shocked if the tiefling gets mad at his tail, grapples it to the ground and starts punching it. . . All part of the show folks. Minus the burn burn burn, for rapid reload that works for an alchemist.

Rules as written for craft alchemy, I'd be dragging a 1,000 pound stone behind me or shooting a shot gun filled with gold bricks. . . I don't mind a bit of an extra cost for playing these very fun characters. . . However they still have to function. We can analyze and debate the rules of crafting till we agree on an acceptable working formula.

Third and final. . . Elven unchained rogue (if aloud) and magus. . . Sneak attack + weapon damage + touch attack spell. . . Works to circumvent problem encounters, but if left with no choice then He's a glass cannon melee dps. Raised in a group of gypsy's He was taught the ways of the rogue, but his elven ancestors call him to study the ways of the arcane. Finding his own balance between the two he's created his own style. Using his magic arts and slight of hand to entertain while meeting his 'quota'. Traveling with the 'family' offers the obvious set back for him, but also gains him a welcome and safe place to be. (good Gm hooks here, and the most straight forward choice.) short sword and sabre have the same stat block but I don't think saber qualifies as a light weapon. Both do slashing, both have the same damage/range/threat. . . It's purely aesthetics, but I'd like a sabre just because it looks cool, and I can describe weapon finesse better. Don't like it? fine I'll go short sword.

I don't have a problem with your rules. Not min maxing with a 25 point buy, and 10-16 limits are easy. . . The goblin gets +4 dex, 16 + 4 = 20. . . If you think I math hammer to much even with your restrictions I wont be offended. I'm a tbs rpg'er. Meaning a crappy character is crappy unless they benefit the group, and I handy cap myself respectfully. If you think the flaws I build into my characters aren't enough, I accept your judgement. IF you think it needs a little more nerfing then lets talk.

With all of that said. . . My character is going to be 1/2 caster 1/2 rogue. . . So count him as a rogue + if you choose to accept.

September 8th, 2015, 02:17
I'll join if there's still a slot open. I'd like to play a simple two-hander fighter.

September 8th, 2015, 08:30
I thank you all for your interest in the game, and look forward to meeting with you all to discuss rules of character creation. I am on Teamspeak almost all day, almost every day, so feel free to catch me on there.
The first session on the 14th will be the official Meet and Greet, and character finalization. Hope to hear from you all soon.

September 14th, 2015, 23:51
Are there any spots left in this game? I would love to join. I have never been able to play though rise of the runelords

September 15th, 2015, 06:03
There definitely is! Only two people showed for character creation and the meet and greet, then I had some technical issues. Get with me sometime and we'll discuss it.

September 15th, 2015, 07:18
Interesting. I might try to jump in on this then. I've always missed my chance to play RotRL due to getting into PF too late.

September 15th, 2015, 14:04
Any chance I could jump in on this?
Really looking forward to playing this campaign.

September 15th, 2015, 23:29
awsome, I am very interested. I sent you a message in teamspeak tonight, playing in a different campaign with Nicodemus. I will try to get with you to make character and go over ideas

September 17th, 2015, 01:10
Would love to speak with you via Teamspeak about joining your group. I just need your Teamspeak info unless you are using.

September 17th, 2015, 14:53
I am using FG's TeamSpeak.

September 20th, 2015, 03:23
Sounds like a cool game, would love to ask to join but my son's still awake at the scheduled time. Have fun!

October 4th, 2015, 09:26
You have a full group yet?

October 9th, 2015, 01:28
Ooh! Ooh! I wanna play! I would use 11271 maybe? Lvl 1 Gnomish Rogue! Or I could build another character. Something more suited to your game? All I need now is to finish reading guides and someone hopefully to teach/play Pathfinder with me on Fantasy Grounds. I have free version of Fantasy Grounds, btw, so I think if I am to connect to game the GM needs Ultimate Licence, right? I also have TeamSpeak installed for voice/chat - just looked for you at Fantasy Grounds server (ts.fg-con.com, right? password = Dungeoneers, right?) but I didn't see ya :(
If you need more people to play with ya and would be willing to work with a brand newbie like me, I want in game! LOL. What time/date is game? Could we maybe meet up on TeamSpeak or something a little before so you can make sure that I'm prepared (psychologically, lol, jk)?

November 20th, 2015, 15:58
I am doing a total restart of this game, so if you are interested, let me know.

November 21st, 2015, 06:12
Hello Rogue,

I am interested in participating in your game. I've both played-in and DM'ed D&D campaigns for over 20 years, and have some experience with Pathfinder. I'm very comfortable with FG (Full license). If accepted I'm thinking of bringing in a Zen Archer / Inquisitor, either a sylph or aasimar. If interested, let me know and perhaps we could get together on TS to chat sometime?