View Full Version : The Black Tower 5E One Shot. Saturday! 2:30PM EST

September 2nd, 2015, 02:30
FG License: Full
Game System:D&D 5E
Time Zone: EST
Day of week and time: Saturday September 5th 2:30PM

Planned Frequency: One Shot!
Term: 3h30.

Text or Voice: Voice for Roleplaying..in character talk character actions etc...
Voice software used: Teamspeak
Roleplay & Combat mix: Combat should also be roleplay. Not into the hit 3 points of damage The End scenario.
Number of Players in game & needed:I have 3 players from previous campaign looking for 2 more.
Character starting level & equipment: Level 3 Pregens

Almost two hundred years have passed since the attempted coup of Harran the Mad, a decorated army general who had served two generations of kings. As an award for exemplary service during an orc incursion, Harran Calaron had been awarded with a parcel of land of his choosing. To everyone's shock, Harran had selected a swampy lowland some distance from the capitol, land that had previously been considered undesirable due to its boggy terrain and preponderance of hideous beasts. Harran told everyone he had a plan to drain the swamp, boasting that doing so will reward him with the most arable land in the entire kingdom.

Looking for mature players looking for a roleplaying experience. Using this as a ground for potential campaign and to meet new players other people in the community.
New players welcome. Rule lawyers may wish to not apply.

If interested send me a PM or email @ [email protected]

Simple Calendar applications without contact will be ignored.
