View Full Version : LFPlayers 5e

September 1st, 2015, 02:10
FG License: Full License
Game System: D&D 5e

Time Zone: Eastern US
Day of week and time: Sudays
Planned start date: 9/06/2015
Planned Frequency: Weekly.
Term: Long term

Text or Voice: Text and Voice
Voice software used: Teamspeak 3

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50 split depends on what quest players choose
Number of Players: looking for 4-6 players

So the idea i'm having behind this is full player control, The players will start off in a guildhall and have choices between which quest they will take on, each will have a different ranking for overall difficulty and usually a nice little reward. But choosing the quest is the easy part, because i very much like roleplay the characters will have to decide how to get to there destination, which towns to stop in, and which dwarf to buy some ale. So i'm looking to have a RP focused game with combat as a side effect. Allies and enemies made with every quest rivalries between your fellow guild members and generally i want this game to feel alive. Where the players shape the world around them with every action.

https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1602 calendar

September 1st, 2015, 02:56
Interested, but clearly will depend on when this ends up being.

September 1st, 2015, 04:33
Also interested. Would there be a projected story or is it only supposed to be based around the guild?

September 1st, 2015, 04:42
The story will be kind of character chosen without the players knowing it. depending on what jobs you all take from the guild quest board will show what you all are interested in (player wise) so the story starts off with just the guild and as you take on particular quest a story will begin to build itself making the game a bit more natural and keeping everything to player choice

September 1st, 2015, 05:23
The story will be kind of character chosen without the players knowing it. depending on what jobs you all take from the guild quest board will show what you all are interested in (player wise) so the story starts off with just the guild and as you take on particular quest a story will begin to build itself making the game a bit more natural and keeping everything to player choice

HOW can Yous possibly not LOVE the chance to gain a foothold with a guild and a chance to shape (pick and choose) what You're trying to accomplish in (sorta) black and white right there on the "guildie work wanted" boards? (personally) I'm hoping for midday(pacific) Sundays, because that won`t interfere with work OR any of the other games I`m already into.. I fired up a bard already, but We COULD do like a dueling banjos or something if You(yes, YOU)want to throw another bard into the mix!
hope We find some more people to grind some baddies into the ground while We search high and low for treasures `to write home about`. come one, come all. let`s get this thing rolling!

September 1st, 2015, 05:28
The story will be kind of character chosen without the players knowing it. depending on what jobs you all take from the guild quest board will show what you all are interested in (player wise) so the story starts off with just the guild and as you take on particular quest a story will begin to build itself making the game a bit more natural and keeping everything to player choice

I definitely like that concept of the story. Definitely interested, and I've already got some ideas brewing for a character. It'll take me a bit to pick a class and get the character personality entwined since I'm used to 4e, but this sounds like the kind of game I was looking for.

September 1st, 2015, 05:34
HOW can Yous possibly not LOVE the chance to gain a foothold with a guild and a chance to shape (pick and choose) what You're trying to accomplish in (sorta) black and white right there on the "guildie work wanted" boards? (personally) I'm hoping for midday(pacific) Sundays, because that won`t interfere with work OR any of the other games I`m already into.. I fired up a bard already, but We COULD do like a dueling banjos or something if You(yes, YOU)want to throw another bard into the mix!
hope We find some more people to grind some baddies into the ground while We search high and low for treasures `to write home about`. come one, come all. let`s get this thing rolling!

I like your attitude, and as for the time if everyone would be up for it 8pm est would be fine with me (thats 5pm pacific if im not mistaken) and of course on sundays

September 1st, 2015, 08:17
All the good stuff always is out of my timezone bleh :p.

November 13th, 2015, 00:26
did you already finish the campaign? or is it still up? sorry I had left fg for a time-had a bit of a nasty clash with a crappy dungeon master that made me want to quit fg for a while, but lack of roleplay brought me back here. Hope you all have fun

November 15th, 2015, 00:09
err, I assume this thread just got bumped by someone trying to revive the thread, if your still looking for players though...

November 15th, 2015, 00:23
I would like to apologize for any inconvenience that this thread might have caused anyone, but if anyone would care to notice before MihaelZ64 was kind enough to dig through old threads this thread had died and was resting peacefully for around 2 months. I currently have 0 campaigns running, but when I feel the need to start a new one I will post the details in a new thread and post a new game in the calender. Which may be in a few weeks but until then please let me enjoy my hiatus from dnd. Thank you all for your interest in dungeons and dragons 5e but as any fellow dm's will agree we need breaks for rolling faces, and feeding player bodies to our 6 headed goblins we keep in the basement.

Trileobe, face rolling players since 2000