View Full Version : Need help getting starting (Savage Worlds)

August 31st, 2015, 06:24
My friend and I are trying to start up a new campaign via Fantasy Grounds, I'm going to be the GM. However I'm having a lot of difficulty getting started using Fantasy Grounds, first of all the connection test keeps failing, I disabled my firewall to no avail, and I can't seem to access my router, is there anything else I can do? Two how do you get powers to work? No matter what I do, the only power type that appears is ritual magic, there should be several others. How can I control what the players see in terms of characters and such? Like, for instance if I want to hide something I wrote from the players until a certain point and then reveal it?

August 31st, 2015, 07:07
Ritual Magic? Are you using ETU or the Horror Companion DLC by any chance?
There used to be a way to have GM notes on a character sheet but not anymore. Right now the best way is to keep that info in a Story entry.
As for connection issues, Damned is much more qualified than I to answer your questions so I'll let him chime in on that topic.

August 31st, 2015, 07:17
Hi Nabirius,

Not a direct answer to your questions, but more of a general resource: have you looked at any of the excellent Tutorial Videos on the FG Wiki - the ones on the CoreRPG as well as any on Savage Worlds. The reason I ask is that some of your questions are are answer in there. Damn's are good, and so are Xorn's, and people seem to like mine as well (mine are also available from the links in my sig, below).

I don't know if you know but most of the RPGs we play here with FG use Rulesets (collections of automatons, etc) built on top of the CoreRPG Ruleset - by learning how to use the CoreRPG Ruleset you'll learn 80% of what you need to know to play any RPG with FG. From there, looking at other Ruleset's videos may not help directly, but they will give you tips and techniques that may well work with your Ruleset of choice (why I mentioned damn's and Xorn's).

As far as connecting is concerned: I will assume that you have a Full or Ultimate License, and if its a Full one I assume your friend also has a Full license (or an Ultimate one). Have you tried this: start your copy of FG and then start a 2nd instance and connect to the first as a Player (use the Join Game button). Use "localhost" as the IP Address/Alias on the 2nd to connect to the first.

Post what happens here and we'll see about getting you sorted out (damned is particularly good at getting [people sorted out)


August 31st, 2015, 16:18
I have viewed some of the tutorial videos, its how I figured out how to export things in the library, and a few other basics. I'll have one of my other friends get the game program, and I'll see what happens. And yes, I have ETU, I wanted to give my players a good selection of options, as the setting may involve ritual magic.

August 31st, 2015, 16:30
Upon enabling the ETU extension all Arcane Backgrounds besides Ritual Magic are removed because it's the only AB available in this setting. If you feel you want to use other ABs, I'll change that and ask Smiteworks to push the update.

This doesnt prevent you from using any powers though. You can still create any arcane skills like Spellcasting or Faith and roll that instead. You just won't be able to link the icon in your Powers tab on the sheet's Main tab.

August 31st, 2015, 18:28
Upon enabling the ETU extension all Arcane Backgrounds besides Ritual Magic are removed because it's the only AB available in this setting. If you feel you want to use other ABs, I'll change that and ask Smiteworks to push the update.

This doesnt prevent you from using any powers though. You can still create any arcane skills like Spellcasting or Faith and roll that instead. You just won't be able to link the icon in your Powers tab on the sheet's Main tab.

Why not create simple extension that allows all other Arcane Backgrounds and provide that along ETU?

August 31st, 2015, 19:13
Ikael, I know you posted an extension a while back for custom Arcane Backgrounds, but that was for 3.4. I can't seem to get it working in 4, and really want to put a few into my Deadlands: Noir game. Any chance of another "example" extension that would work within Deadlands: Noir? I know you're very busy with the big update, so no biggie if not. Thanks for everything you do, btw!

September 9th, 2015, 20:17
Okay, having watched some videos and gotten a bit better with the tools, I need to know how I make extensions. Or if I can find 'fan made rule books' to import for Savage worlds. Currently I bought the Fantasy and the Superpower companion from the store, and neither of them work.

September 9th, 2015, 20:57
I created a power set called "Taoist" for my Charlie Chan-type character in Deadlands Noir. How I did it was to find the Deadlands Noir extension (in the Data folder), copy it to an arbitrary folder on my desktop, rename the file type to .zip, unzip it, and go through the xml files one at time (there aren't that many, and there aren't many lines of code in any of them) until I found the definitions for the power types. Then it was just a matter of copy/pasting a few lines containing a power that was already there, and renaming the new power "Taoist." It was also easy to figure out how to create a custom icon for my new power, just by reading the brief xml files that are there and locating the image folder that contains the icons for already defined powers. After that, just zip it back up, rename the file type to .ext, and slap it back in the extensions folder with a new name. In my case, I named it "Deadlands Noir Custom."

I know that sounds like a lot, but I think once you unzip the extension you want to add a power to and then "edit" the xml files in notepad, you'll immediately see how simple it actually is... no tutorial required, imo.

As for which of those extensions you need to edit, I'm pretty sure it would be ETU.

September 9th, 2015, 21:12
Sorry, my mistake. It's not in the xml files, it's in an LUA file. Same process, though. I own ETU. The file you need to edit is "launcher.lua" Ritual Magic is defined there. Here is the section you need to find (it's jut a little ways down in the file):

-- arcane backgrounds
ArcanePropertyManager.registerArcaneConfig("Ritual Magic", "indicator_ritual", "power_ritaual", {skill = "Ritualism", powerpoints = "none", untraineddescription = "Ritualism skill not mastered"})

Just copy this line...

ArcanePropertyManager.registerArcaneConfig("Ritual Magic", "indicator_ritual", "power_ritaual", {skill = "Ritualism", powerpoints = "none", untraineddescription = "Ritualism skill not mastered"})

...then paste the copy right below that line and change every instance of "Ritual Magic," "Ritualism," etc to whatever you want, EXCEPT the "indicator_ritual" part. Change that, and you'll need to create a new icon for your power in Photoshop or whatever and stick it in the graphics/icons folder.

Hope this helps.

September 10th, 2015, 00:58
You are welcome (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?25234-Jeff-s-Excruciatingly-Simple-Extension-Tutorial)

September 15th, 2015, 00:43
Currently I bought the Fantasy and the Superpower companion from the store, and neither of them work.
Can you expand on what isn't working for these two products?