View Full Version : I ran my first Fantasy Grounds game today...players loved it!

August 31st, 2015, 00:25
So, today I ran the first game I have ever run using the Fantasy Grounds program. I have the Ultimate license, and have my wife connecting from a laptop, and three friends from the West Coast connecting for a party of 4. I was apprehensive at first due to not having any real experience running FG...I've played in two FGDaze games, but other than a quick run through of the GURPS toolset in the FG2.x days, I'm pretty new at this.

I had set up the connection well beforehand, and made sure everyone could connect. Other than having issues getting pointers to work, and the targeting wouldn't take for some players, it went well. I know there is a ton of things it can do that I've not experienced yet, but my players absolutely loved it. In fact, they said "This is the program we've been looking for since the 1990s!" They are ecstatic over being able to run games, and said it felt just about as close as you can get to being a tabletop game.

Thanks for putting out a great product! It's been real hard to get an actual tabletop group together in the past year, due to real life commitments, etc. This software has taken care of that issue, and I see many, many hours in my future running games via FG!


August 31st, 2015, 00:28
Well done GunbunnyFuFu! Awesome news.

Almost guaranteed that the targeting issues were because either the player or the NPC didnt get added to Combat Tracker first and then dragged from Combat Tracker to the battle map. It gets easier very quickly. Its great that you got such a good response.

August 31st, 2015, 00:45
Yeah, if you don't drag the NPC to the Combat Track first and then to the map, they are not linked up together (the software sees them as separate objects).

Gratz on getting through the first game... glad that FG worked out so good for you. :)

August 31st, 2015, 00:45
That's great. and sets me a bit more at ease as I'm running my first game on Tuesday with people from across the country. I've done a couple encounters before, but not taken on a module yet. Glad all of you share my opinion of FG. I think they have the right idea with what they're doing to ,ake online gaming a more pleasant experience for all of us

August 31st, 2015, 00:49
Congrats man!
It gets easier to more you use it.
Have fun!

August 31st, 2015, 05:39
BoomerET wishes more people could be as positive as GunBunnyFuFu.

Thanks GBFF,


August 31st, 2015, 08:32
I'm sure it'll get easier the more I use it. My players love it, and are talking about purchasing the full/ultimate versions to run their own games. Although we were over 2,000 miles apart, it really felt like we were at the same table. We were playing LMoP, and the players captured a goblin. Of course the Goblin didn't want to let on that he knew Common, so he only answered questions directed to him Goblin. By using the Language extension, one of the party members interrogated the gobbo, and the other translated the conversation for the other two players/characters (who didn't have it, and couldn't understand it). It was very, very amusing and the source of many, many laughs.

I'll work on the targeting issues (thanks for the tips...I do believe that was the issue). I had originally set up each character's hot buttons for them, but when they logged in and claimed the character the hot button settings didn't transfer...that was likely my biggest gripe of the evening (and that was a minute one).

Looking forward to running again! Again, thanks for the tips, tricks, and being such an awesome community.


August 31st, 2015, 10:42
Hot Keys wont transfer - they are stored locally in a hotkeys file and not stored in the database - but you can email the files to the players to manually copy in.

August 31st, 2015, 12:43
Would that be the hotkeys_host file, or some other file? And does that file contain all the keymappings for the campaign?

August 31st, 2015, 12:49
It will be in the %appdata%\Fantasy Grounds II\cache\<campaignname>\usersettings folder... you will need to experiment to see which exact file or files you need.

You will need to log out and back in each time you select a new character that you are building the hotkeys for.

August 31st, 2015, 15:17
Thanks for sharing your experience. The language extension is a great source of roleplaying fun, for sure.

September 2nd, 2015, 17:38
Sorry to jump in this thread just ran my first game last night. What is this language extension you speak of?

September 2nd, 2015, 17:44
What is this language extension you speak of?
Extensions available here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20320-FG-3-0-CoreRPG-Extensions