View Full Version : Using a Module in a Campaign While Still Developing It

August 30th, 2015, 17:28
So, what I really want to know are the methods or best practices when you are developing a module/adventure and are using it in a campaign at the same time. (i.e. my Undermountain campaign).

So, I have one FG campaign (FG campaign Dev) where I do all my development. Before starting my player campaign (FG campaign #2) I exported to a module then opened the module in my player (#2) campaign. Works great, but now I need to add more of the development content into the player campaign (#2).

Do I export the Dev campaign to another module and open this in the #2 campaign? This would result in lots of duplicate info.

Or, do I export (or just cut and paste from the Dev campaign db.xml) and then go into the xml and cut in paste into the earlier module or...?

Editing the xml doesn't scare me, but just want to check and see what others do and what others have learned is best etc.


August 30th, 2015, 18:04
It depends on how much editing you did in the module making campaign. If you were adding to it, or making minor adjustments, then you can re-export the module and load that up in the new campaign. If the names/IDs don't clash (which they won't unless you removed stuff from your module making campaign) then it should work OK.

August 30th, 2015, 18:40
What about notes or edits I made in the campaign version of the module? i.e. after the group has gone through a story entry (room) I often make notes. Such as supplies they have left behind or damage done to doors etc.

August 30th, 2015, 18:45
What about notes or edits I made in the campaign version of the module? i.e. after the group has gone through a story entry (room) I often make notes. Such as supplies they have left behind or damage done to doors etc.
As long as you don't reset the module changes (right-click on the module or the individual item in the campaign list) then the change info within the campaign should still be there.