View Full Version : Dynamic Lighting / Multiple Map Layers

August 27th, 2015, 07:31
I checked the forums and all of the posts on these features were at least a year old.

Is there any chance at all of these 2 features being added into Fantasy Grounds, as they are two things that would turn this software into the ultimate VTT package, in my eyes and the eyes of a lot of people — these are two of the most commonly mentioned things lacking in FG, especially when compared to other VTT's like Roll20.

I realize that the developers are extremely busy, especially with stuff like the DMG for 5e — I was Just looking for any kind of a hint about whether or not these things are even being considered. :)

August 27th, 2015, 07:54
There is a multiple layer extension found here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20320-FG-3-0-CoreRPG-Extensions

Along with a bunch of other cool stuff. Mayhaps that could be an option to what you want to do with layers. Hell I would be happy with an actual eraser at this point instead of the line mechanic :)

August 27th, 2015, 07:56
As I understand it things like Dynamic Lighting are being held off until the Unity update, which we are being told is progressing.

Having done a lot of Community Dev work fro FG I know its a PITA under the current engine (one of the reasons for the Unity move) and as I'm heavily bringing myself up to speed on development in Unity I'm pretty confident that's it'll be a hell of a lot easier then - of course, I'm not a SW Dev so take the above with a grain of salt


August 27th, 2015, 07:58
Hell I would be happy with an actual eraser at this point instead of the line mechanic :)

What do you mean Morg? :confused:

August 27th, 2015, 08:04
What do you mean Morg? :confused:

Currently..the draw tool/unmasking is functional..but anything short of a square can be tricky..the shift key mechanic to unmask curves..is ahem lets say interesting? :/

August 27th, 2015, 08:25
Currently..the draw tool/unmasking is functional..but anything short of a square can be tricky..the shift key mechanic to unmask curves..is ahem lets say interesting? :/

Ah, yes, I understand - even being able to Unmask with the basic Pointer Shapes would be nice (Square, Circle, Cone) :)

Nice Avatar, BTW :p

August 27th, 2015, 10:12
The current game engine is single threaded. It can do things like dynamic lighting but everything else would pause while it recalculates and redraws for each player for each move, for each change in torch position etc.

The Unity engine will support these things but they are not likely to be included in the Unity version initially. Initially Unity will probably be very similar to what we have today - but with more potential, more scalability.

dulux_oz my understanding is that ruleset and extension programming will still be lua/xml based and will continue to be quite similar to the current environment.

August 27th, 2015, 10:37
my understanding is that ruleset and extension programming will still be lua/xml based and will continue to be quite similar to the current environment.

That's cool - but it doesn't hurt to be ready if its possible to do "more" :)

August 27th, 2015, 11:53
That's cool - but it doesn't hurt to be ready if its possible to do "more" :)

Oh and you could always use these new skills for other things too!

August 27th, 2015, 12:57
Oh and you could always use these new skills for other things too!


Although the more I look into it the more its not so much new skills as reinterpreting old.

August 27th, 2015, 13:14
You will see that many Game Engines including Unity use LUA quite heavily for their programming.

August 27th, 2015, 13:39
You will see that many Game Engines including Unity use LUA quite heavily for their programming.

Yeah, that's not what I'm talking about :)

I'm talking about fundamental theory and concepts that I picked up decades ago the first time thru uni and which I haven't used in a few years - its good to get back and re-live some of that stuff - dealing with infrastructure projects, routers, and OSI Layers 2-4 is fun but its nice to have a change now and then.

August 27th, 2015, 17:53
So it is more of a waiting on a better engine that can handle such features without dragging the program to a grinding halt kind of thing.

Totally makes sense to me.

I'll have to check out that layers extension too. :)