View Full Version : Looking for GM with Ultimate

August 25th, 2015, 22:55
Wanted: Altruistic GM for one off or quick walk through of platform with any edition of D&D

Or Questions...

Can the ultimate edition license pay per month be used to test the game out before everyone commits to buying it?(Cancel after one month)
Will it still additionally require the buying of game licenses?
Does every player need to buy the license of just the GM?
Same for Adventurers?
And for other products like tokens and such that seem to be around?
Can player's purchases be used by the GM?

I can't seem to get the DEMO campaigns to work..so unsure if this is a long term gaming solution for myself and my friends, but exploring the option. Thank You.

August 25th, 2015, 23:03

Quick answers:
Yes, it will require purchasing of additional products or rulesets (you get 3.5E, Pathfinder, 4E, 5E, Numenera with the base system). Library modules/material and adventures cost more.
If the GM gets the Ultimate licence then the players don't need any licence.
The GM needs to buy the adventures or manually enter the data needed to play the adventure.
The GM needs to buy additional products (such as tokens).
No. If the GM wants to use a purchasable product, they have to purchase it.

In addition, it's really just the GM who has to purchase (or manually enter) material. They then share this material (ruleset, adventure, library, tokens, etc.) with the players.

August 25th, 2015, 23:31
with 5e to make it clear - all the character sheets and dice mechanics, all the support for spells and modifiers and proficiencies and advantage and all that cool stuff comes with the app. but the source books - the content you would find in the Players Handbook and the Monster Manual are purchased separately. At a later date the Dungeon Masters Guide will also be released.

An ultimate Sub and a $3 Basic Rules or a $20 Lost Mine of Phandelver is an excellent way to test this with your group.

August 26th, 2015, 00:45
To further clarify, there is also free software out there to make your own Tokens (I do that all of the time), and you can create and import your own maps and other images into the game as well.

August 26th, 2015, 00:51

Doing LMoP on Tuesday, at 7PM EDT. have some missing players, and need to complete the party before we can run, get in touch and we'll work things out if the time works for you