View Full Version : Pathfinder Open Campaign Looking For Player(s)

August 19th, 2015, 10:29
As of now the openings have been filled.

Hello I'm running an open campaign and am currently looking for one (or two) more player(s).

Here are the factors that I'm looking for in a player and if you fit all of them go ahead and shoot a response down below.

• Reliable - Not looking for someone who is gonna come to one game then disappear. Stuff comes up and I understand that entirely but if it does you're the type of person that will let me know so I can plan accordingly. Or if you start playing and aren't feeling it you'll let me know and not just disappear altogether.
• Creative - I'm not asking for you to build cities or create a giant background for your character but some basic things like goals and maybe some quirks that you'd like to add to your character is enough. You don't need to act out your character (Voice or w/e) if you don't want to if you wanna by all means get into it as much as you want.
• Chill - Me being a fairly new GM with fairly new players we aren't that knowledgeable of the system so a lot of the time I'll wing it, try to just go with the flow, but if I'm screwing up something don't be afraid to speak up and say so and I'll remedy whatever I screwed up.
• Time - We play Mondays 6:00PM to 8:00PM PST (2 hours) We sometimes may do an extra half hour or something but generally we stick to that time frame.
• Things You'll Need - Fantasy Grounds downloaded (we have an Ultimate Licence so you just need to have FG downloaded), Teamspeak downloaded, and a Mic

If you can do all that then congratulations you can be a player in this group.

Now for some background information about the campaign so you can see if it's something you'd even be interested it joining.

As I said before it's an open campaign and what that means is we just keep playing until we either max out the character's levels, retire the characters, or get bored of the campaign and want to move on to a new one. The game mainly takes place in a city which is something you should really think about when creating you're character. The city is also comprised of many factions that you as a player can be associated with if you'd like when creating a character you won't be a big player in them but you will have your own contacts, friends, and enemies depending on the faction you choose and it's something to keep in mind. Otherwise you can create a character that fits into the city maybe you're a blacksmith a fruit seller w/e. If you're interested we can go over you're character together to make sure they really fit into the world and meshes well with the story.

Current Party at Level 4 going to Level 5 (we started at level 3)
- Halfling Summoner
- Tiefling Magus
- Dwarf Inquisitor

Anyways if you have any further questions or concerns that I may have missed you can go ahead and ask me here and I'll be sure to answer them.

August 19th, 2015, 13:40
2 hours seems very short I usually play 4-5 and that's not long enough to do very much just too short for me but gl

August 19th, 2015, 16:41
2 hours seems very short I usually play 4-5 and that's not long enough to do very much just too short for me but gl

It's really do to the players being two hours ahead of me.

Personally I think the perfect amount of time is 3 hours, not to short and not to long, but thanks for taking a look.

August 20th, 2015, 13:41
I'd love to play, are you planning on this coming Monday?

August 20th, 2015, 14:39
I'd love to play, are you planning on this coming Monday?

If all goes to plan we will be playing Monday.

If you'd like you can sit in to see if it's something you'd be interested in, or we could talk sometime during the week to get a feel and a character in order before then if you wanna try and play that day.

August 20th, 2015, 16:43
Interested. New to FG, but not to Pathfinder. Also have a +1. Unfortunately we can't start next Monday though as I just arranged a boardgame night yesterday with family that day.

August 20th, 2015, 17:42
Sounds good, I was thinking about a human fighter.

August 20th, 2015, 17:58
Interested. New to FG, but not to Pathfinder. Also have a +1. Unfortunately we can't start next Monday though as I just arranged a boardgame night yesterday with family that day.

That's fine. Like I told Adam you're welcome to said up a day sometime this week (or next week in your case) to talk more about the game (the city, the factions, or anything really) and see if you're interested. Otherwise you could just sit in during that following Monday 8/31 (Unless for some reason it's canceled and if it is I'll let you know) to see if you and your friend feel like you see yourselves fitting into our group of weirdos then afterwards we can discuss if it's something you wanna stick around in.

August 20th, 2015, 18:54
Sounds good, I was thinking about a human fighter.

Sounds fine to me. You may want to think of a minor background you want the character to have nothing out there but something you can attach to the character that I may draw on from time to time and connects you to the city.

For example what I did for the current party was allow them to pick from a handful of factions that reside in the city that they could associate themselves with otherwise you could pick a more generic background the I'll try to embellish a little bit. (For example say you work for a blacksmith you'll probably get a discount from that character but get charged more by other blacksmiths that directly compete against him.)

Here's a list of current factions if any of them interest you.

The City is called Coast City and relies much on the nearby ocean hence the themed names.

• Coast Guards - They take care of the city and keep her people safe. It's been witnessed that not all the guards are quite on the level though.

• Dorado Family - Coast City is home to three powerful families the Dorado Family is by far the most brutal they employ killers, criminals and anything in-between to get the job done.

• Molluska Family - Coast City is home to three powerful families the Molluska Family thrives on the city's secrets they'll use these secrets to get ahead anyway they can.

• Trevally Family - Coast City is home to three powerful families the Trevally Family is the most business oriented of the three families holding more stock in a deal then anything else. They always keep their word and expect you to do the same.

• Iron Sharks - The city's guild of mercenaries that also run the city's major prison off the coast which they have labeled The Cage. They are known for being tough and having a no nonsense attitude allowing their services to the highest bidder. Strength is important above all else to them and they will constantly pushing each other to be the best they can be.

• Crimson Shell - The closest thing the city has able adventures. They usually are the people you hire to do great quests for outside the city not usually for money but for fame and trade.

• The Urchins - The shady underground of the city this secret band does what they can to get by, pickpocketing, fencing stolen goods, selling secrets, and staying hidden. Chances are you've seen their flock and didn't even know it.

• Barracuda Armada - A group of ships and their captains run by one person. The amount of ships at their disposal is unknown, but the goods they bring into the cities isn't. Many profit from the illegal and exotic goods their ships bring in. Sketchy though they may be they always honor their word. You break their trust you're as good as dead.

• Association of Literacy Guidance and Academic Education [ALGAE] - The city's scholars these folk are brightest minds of Coast City that study all fields of education. Architecture, Schools of Magic, Battle Tactics, you name it chances are there is someone in there with an interest and is further looking into the subject.

• Followers of Iso - Iso is the goddess of the seas. Coast City has the largest temple built in her honor and is the most predominant religious figure of the city. Many people of Coast City pray to often to Iso before leaving on any ship or watery vessel. Some also take on strange superstitions they believe will further their prayers to Iso. An example of this is taking a tiny vial of sand and ocean water and wearing it around their neck in hopes they will make it back to that same shore.

• The Unlucky Followers of Nero - A rather select group, little is known about them other than they have witnessed the sight of Nero and have come out changed. It is said even speaking his name could lead to unfortunate events. They are known by the mark they carry which is said to have been given to them by this mysterious figure.

August 21st, 2015, 22:48
Hi! I'm fairly new to Pathfinder but your group sounds like it would be a good fit for me to get my feet wet with FG. Those times work great for me and I'd love to join in on this Monday's session. I've already drawn up 4 potential character ideas that I'd like to run by you and see what you think about how they and their backstories could fit into the group and the setting, I'll PM you what I have.

Thanks in advance!

August 24th, 2015, 04:21
If the group is full, would anyone mind if joined as a silent observer? I an new to FG and wanting to watch another GM in action. I have game mastered for years, and am about to run a Carrion Crown starter for some players, but am not comfortable enough in FG that I think I can pull it off. I will not interrupt the session, and will jot notes, if I have any questions and submit after the session. Thanks, either way as I know that is a big request and understand if that is something you all would prefer I not view :)

August 24th, 2015, 17:28
If the group is full, would anyone mind if joined as a silent observer? I an new to FG and wanting to watch another GM in action. I have game mastered for years, and am about to run a Carrion Crown starter for some players, but am not comfortable enough in FG that I think I can pull it off. I will not interrupt the session, and will jot notes, if I have any questions and submit after the session. Thanks, either way as I know that is a big request and understand if that is something you all would prefer I not view :)

You're welcome to. Far from an expert of Fantasy Grounds though a lot of it was made easier for me because we had a lot of modules that added monsters and class stuff that we could just drag to the character sheets.

August 25th, 2015, 05:08
Just wanted to say thanks again to the group for letting me tag along tonight. It was very helpful, indeed, and well run game. I really appreciate it alot!

September 7th, 2015, 08:09
Greetings, I am Jamms Solopick, welcome to this evenings performance at the Pink Starfish. I see all you beautiful ladies in the audience this evening, let me tell about the extent to which this humble performer would go for the love of a woman just like you... in song.
/pulls out a lute
Many moons ago, I caught glimpse of a maiden so fair
She'd been trapped in a tower by a most hideous nightmare
Her only hope was in a magical vial,
I'd have to rush before the beast could defile
even a single lock of this maiden's sweet hair.

When I came upon the vial, I just so happened to greet
A group patrolling orcs that I would quickly defeat
I returned in a blink, made the beast drink
It died, and that night, I'd make a pillow of her teets.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen (/Jamm's winks at a woman in the crowd, whispering his room number to her from the stage)
Speaking of orcs, I saw an orc walk into the bar with a parrot on his shoulder and the bartender says "Wow, that's really neat. Where'd you get it?"
"In a cave." the parrot replies.

I will be back tomorrow for another show. Farewell and Adieu!